As an "old network security person" who has been fighting on the front line of network security for a long time, I am delighted that this law, which focuses on the security and development of the network field, has brought a stronger sense of security to the country, society, ent

In the blink of an eye, the " Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China " (hereinafter referred to as the " Cybersecurity Law ") has been implemented for its fifth anniversary. As an "old network security person" who has been fighting on the front line of network security for a long time, I am delighted that this law, which focuses on the security and development of the network field, has brought a stronger sense of security to the country, society, enterprises and individuals. , I am even more proud and excited to be able to personally participate in it and witness every change in the field of network security.

The "Cybersecurity Law" is the cornerstone of maintaining national network security. We often say that the promulgation of the "Cybersecurity Law" is a milestone event in the history of my country's cybersecurity governance. One of the important reasons is that since the implementation of this law, cybersecurity governance work no longer works independently. All cybersecurity forces can achieve joint management and collective prevention and governance under the leadership of systemic concepts and rule of law thinking. The first article of the "Cybersecurity Law" states that the purpose of enacting this law is "to safeguard cyberspace sovereignty and national security, social public interests , and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations."

The network has no boundaries and security has boundaries. The Cybersecurity Law clarifies the principle of cyberspace sovereignty and gives our cybersecurity practitioners full confidence and confidence. In recent years, with the frequent occurrence of international network security incident disputes, we have become increasingly aware of the importance of safeguarding national network sovereignty. Without a law as support and guidance, it would be difficult for us to carry out network construction and network governance in a systematic, scientific and effective manner.

The "Cybersecurity Law" is a navigation light that guides the orderly development of enterprises. Focusing on security with one hand and development with the other, the "Cybersecurity Law" puts forward the principle of "equal emphasis on network security and informatization development." Over the past five years, many network industries and fields have continuously adjusted their work boundaries under this principle. Key areas such as technology and finance have undergone profound transformations in this process. Network security companies including , Qi’anxin, and other network security companies have also actively participated in this process. One at work. I once proposed that network security construction needs to pay attention to the concept of endogenous security and build a solid security floor through safe operations. These views are actually the implementation and implementation of the Cybersecurity Law. We have seen that more and more government and enterprise institutions are paying more and more attention to network security construction. This is actually the real change brought to this society by the "Cybersecurity Law". Of course, with the continuous development and progress of network technology, we will also face more challenges, such as data monopoly and distribution issues, legal disputes over artificial intelligence , protection of critical information infrastructure, cross-border data flows, etc. But I believe that no matter how many challenges and difficulties lie ahead, as long as we take the Cybersecurity Law as our criterion, we will be able to sail across the sea.

The "Network Security Law" is a barrier to maintain the security of personal information. For individuals, the Internet age has made the boundary between virtuality and reality increasingly blurred. Information leakage, cyber violence , harmful information, infringement and piracy, online fraud, etc. are all problems that individuals often face. The "Cybersecurity Law" has become an important legal reference for law enforcement agencies to rectify illegal activities and harmful information, and has become an important weapon for individuals to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. More importantly, the barrier effect of the "Cybersecurity Law" is not only reflected in the legal protection of personal rights and interests, but also in that it stimulates everyone's awareness of network security and makes every ordinary person pay attention to network security issues. In the past five years, with the popularization of the "Cybersecurity Law", people's awareness of network security has been continuously improving, and their rights and obligations regarding network security have become clearer. A network security barrier forged by the people is being formed.

At present, the changes of a century are superimposed on the epidemic of the century, and the domestic and foreign environment facing my country's network security is also undergoing profound changes. Data security and network security, like food security and energy security, have become important cornerstones of national security and the backbone of all technology chains, innovation chains, and industrial chains. Against this background, a series of new and complex problems need to be solved. This requires us to continuously refine and enrich the formulation of laws and regulations in relevant fields based on the framework of the Cybersecurity Law. It also requires us to do a good job in network security construction with more forward thinking and more pioneering efforts.For the future, I think we can also make efforts in the following aspects:

First, we should further pay attention to the development of the network security industry, strengthen the important position of the network security industry in high-tech industrial clusters, and improve the digital economy security system at the legal level . The network security industry is the intersection of security development and network construction. It is closely related to both network security construction and information construction. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the rights and responsibilities of network security enterprises from the perspective of laws and regulations, and to ensure the development of this field from the perspective of digital economic security and promote its healthy growth. At the just-concluded Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, Qi’anxin completed its network security tasks with “zero incidents”. This is due to the attention and trust that the relevant departments have placed in us, as well as the technology and experience we have accumulated from our long-term involvement in this industry. In the future, more guarantees and support from the institutional level will be needed to break through the bottlenecks in the field of network security. I hope that more network security companies like Qi’anxin will emerge and jointly promote my country’s network security cause to a higher level.

The second is to continue to encourage learning from the world from the legal and institutional levels, and actively absorb the advanced experience of countries around the world, so as to provide experience and reference for my country's continued scientific and technological innovation and law-based governance of the Internet. Security is the prerequisite for development, and development is the guarantee of security. In the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, interdisciplinary and cross-border integration have become prominent features. This requires us not to work behind closed doors. We must not only learn from the experience of developed countries in organizational innovation, technological innovation, and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the field of network security, but also apply these successful experiences to network security governance; we must also learn from the laws and regulations of other countries. Network experience, learn from each other's strengths, and continuously improve our country's network security governance system.

The third is to strengthen the cultivation of talents in the legal field of network security and provide a steady stream of talent power for the legal construction of network security. Talent is the first resource. Whether it is technological competition or legal formulation, it is inseparable from the support of talents. In particular, the formulation of cybersecurity laws requires "cross-border" talents who are proficient in both law and network technology, which is difficult to cultivate and there is also a large talent gap. Therefore, this should become an important direction in future talent training.

As a practitioner in the cyber security industry, I call on everyone to understand the law, know the law, abide by the law, and not touch the legal bottom line of cyber security. I also advocate that more colleagues can constantly sum up experience and lessons in practice to contribute to my country’s cyber security. Propose more constructive opinions on the formulation and improvement of laws. I hope that security and development can promote each other, and that everyone can make his or her own contribution to building a higher level of safe China and a rule of law China. (Author: Qi Xiangdong, Chairman of Qi’anxin Group Editor: Li Zhengwei)


[“Cybersecurity Law Implemented for Five Years” Call for Papers]

Activity Introduction: June 1, 2017 "Network Security Law was officially implemented. In order to fully demonstrate the development achievements in the field of network security in the past five years since the implementation of the "Cybersecurity Law" and to make suggestions for promoting the healthy and orderly development of the industry, and China Cyberspace Security Association will launch the "Five Years Since the Implementation of the "Cybersecurity Law"" The call for papers collects outstanding works from scientific research institutions, experts and scholars, Internet information companies and netizens.

For more information and submission methods, please scan the QR code of the poster image below↓↓↓
