According to Taiwan's China Times News Network, the U.S. government announced a new wave of arms sales to Taiwan, including naval ship parts and accessories worth US$120 million and related technical support.

China News Service, June 9. According to Taiwan's China Times News Network, the U.S. government announced a new wave of arms sales to Taiwan, including naval ship parts and accessories worth US$120 million and related technical support.

reported that the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency issued a press release today stating that the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States has requested the purchase of unclassified spare and repair parts for ships and ship systems, logistics technical assistance, and other logistics and program support. Related elements, the total project cost is estimated to be US$120 million.

According to Ou Jiangan, spokesman for the Taiwanese government’s foreign affairs department, this is the fourth time the Biden administration has announced arms sales to Taiwan since it took office one and a half years ago, and the third time this year.

In the past month, the new crown epidemic has continued to break out in Taiwan. Since May 12, there have been more than 60,000 new local cases every day for 28 days. In this regard, some Taiwanese netizens commented, "To put it very sadly, wouldn't it be better to use more of Taiwan's money on the people? After this epidemic, we have gone from a shortage of masks, vaccines, testing reagents, and medicines to now having 70,000 to 80,000 people a day. People are infected, and children are not immune..."

Taiwanese netizens commented

Some netizens said, "The quarterly payment time has come again, so pay for it. 120 million US dollars to buy scrap products worth NT$120 million."

Taiwanese netizens commented

Some Taiwanese netizens pointed out, "Pay protection fees. !", "I'm spending money again, buying some outdated weapons."

Taiwanese netizens commented
