Exhibition information | Shijiazhuang Auto Show, Shijiazhuang Auto Show tickets, Shijiazhuang Auto Show car models, Shijiazhuang Auto Show ticket collection Exhibition time: Enter the appointment link to view details Exhibition location: Enter the appointment link to view details

Exhibition information | Shijiazhuang Auto Show, Shijiazhuang Auto Show tickets, Shijiazhuang Auto Show car models, Shijiazhuang Auto Show ticket collection

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Changan UNI-V is also a model that has received particularly high attention in the first half of the year. As the third model of the UNI series, Changan Finally, a sedan has been launched to meet consumer expectations, and its positioning as a sports sedan is very popular among young people. Changan UNI-V also has a very distinctive design style, with sports surrounds and exposed exhaust. Changan UNI-V is even equipped with Liftable tail wings are a favorite among contemporary young consumers, eliminating the trouble of later installation.

On March 21 this year, the domestically produced "Audi A7" Changan UNI-V was finally launched. The new car has launched a total of 4 models with a price range of 108,900-131,900 yuan. This price is not only the price of a joint venture brand compact car, but also a price that many consumers can afford. Accompanying the market popularity is the surge in the number of orders. Two-day orders for new cars have exceeded 30,000. Changan's "suited thugs" are beginning to show their strength.

In terms of actual market sales, Changan UNI-V did not disappoint consumers' expectations. According to data from the Passenger Car Association in April, the monthly sales volume of Changan UNI-V was 5,425 units, which is a remarkable achievement. After all, the epidemic control in Chongqing has been relatively stable, which has provided Changan UNI-V with production and sales. Yes, production capacity is still climbing.

It is worth mentioning that this auto show is the largest and highest-level annual auto event in the western region, and it is also a large-scale auto show event after the recovery from the epidemic! This auto show has also attracted the attention of all walks of life. Are you planning to come this time? Tickets for the exhibition mentioned in this article are ready, remember to get them!