In March this year, the Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Department of Construction jointly issued the "Notice on Allocating Funds for Urban Insufficient Housing Projects in Zhejiang Province in 2022", and our city received a total of 47.69 million yuan in subs

In March this year, the Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Department of Construction jointly issued the "Notice on Allocating Funds for Urban Insufficient Housing Projects in Zhejiang Province in 2022", and our city received a total of 47.69 million yuan in subsidy funds. The subsidy funds will be prioritized and used for affordable rental housing projects in 2021, involving a total of 157 projects and 2.76 units (rooms).

Since 2021, the Municipal Construction Bureau, in accordance with the work priorities of the State Council and the provincial government, has always regarded affordable rental housing as a key task to benefit people's livelihood and promote reform. The allocation of subsidy funds this time has greatly increased the enthusiasm of the implementation entities. In the next step, the construction departments in various places in our city will further strengthen project management together with the financial department, allocate funds in a timely manner, and strictly prohibit the interception, expropriation or misappropriation of project funds; at the same time, we will effectively strengthen supervision. , to avoid the formation of funds and the accumulation of , and to ensure that the project starts and is completed on time.

(Source: Jiaxing Municipal People’s Government website) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please email Information Newspaper to reply within 24 hours. 】

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Release date: 2022-04-10 10:29:08 Category: Headlines