On the same day, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held its 30th collective study session on strengthening my country's international communication capacity building. The meeting made it clear that we must deeply understand the importance and necessity of strength

When it comes to my country’s international communication career, May 31, 2021 is a very important day. On that day (May 31, 2021), the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee conducted its 30th collective study session on strengthening my country’s international communication capacity building. The

meeting made it clear that we must deeply understand the importance and necessity of strengthening and improving international communication work under the new situation, make great efforts to strengthen the construction of international communication capabilities, form an international voice that matches our country's comprehensive national strength and international status, and provide a solid foundation for my country's reform Develop and stabilize, create a favorable external public opinion environment, and make positive contributions to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Building a strategic communication system with distinctive Chinese characteristics has shown unprecedented urgency. In the process of construction, each province and city has its own role to play. As one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization, Shaanxi’s culture has always been its inherent advantage in “going global”.

However, in order to strengthen and improve international communication work under the new situation, it is far from enough to rely solely on cultural and intermittent "export". Continuous, platform-based, multi-element, and three-dimensional displays are needed to spread the new image of Shaanxi provinces and establish a "big external publicity position".

"Hello, world, I am Weinan " - Weinan's new image global multi-lingual external communication platform micronet homepage is designed with elements from Huashan in Weinan City as the main body

"Hello, world, I am Weinan" platform's demonstration effect

Time goes back to October 8, 2018, "Hello World, I am Weinan" Weinan City New Image Global Multilingual Communication Platform (hereinafter referred to as "Hello World, I am Weinan") was officially launched online, and the platform application English, French, Russian, Korean, Japanese, and Arabic form Weinan’s overseas communication network. Nowadays, it seems that Weinan has become one of the few cities in Shaanxi Province that has an early layout in practicing my country's international communication capacity building, and has also accumulated certain practical experience.

To strengthen the construction of international communication capabilities, we must speed up the construction of Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative systems. Since its launch, the "Hello World, I am Weinan" platform has been exploring and summarizing narrative methods suitable for overseas dissemination. On the one hand, the platform leverages the advantages of China Central Radio and Television Station international online native language communication to achieve a transformation from "publicity-oriented" to "audience-oriented" in the mode of communication, and all communication content must be "extremely friendly" native language translation, foreign language translation Secondary review by experts, finalization by associate translator or above; on the other hand, the platform brings together multiple major languages, which can not only conduct special reports according to the needs of audiences in different languages, but also customize communication languages ​​according to the communication requirements of Weinan , to expand urban communication power through multi-lingual and multi-channel promotion.

Overseas netizens left messages on the "This's Weinan" overseas social account

To strengthen the construction of international communication capabilities, we must carry out in-depth various forms of people-to-people exchange activities. The launch of the "Hello World, I am Weinan" platform has changed the previous situation of "sporadic voices" overseas. On the one hand, under the instigation of the platform, multiple exchanges and various forms of exchange activities such as "Weinan trip for diplomats stationed in China", "Multinational media trip to Weinan", "'Youth from Ten Countries' Decoding Happy Weinan" have been carried out one after another, and Weinan's "invitation" has been realized On the other hand, the platform uses the rich foreign resources of China Central Radio and Television International Online to make the discourse system of Weinan International Communication include official discourse, academic discourse, and popular discourse.

As of December 2021, "Hello World, I am Weinan" has been released through China Central Radio and Television International Online in more than ten languages ​​including English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, and Korean, as well as overseas social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and VK. A total of 750 multi-lingual manuscripts have been pushed, with readings of tens of millions of manuscripts in each language, and platform page views exceeding 400 million.

As the influence and effect of the platform became apparent, Weinan and the International Online Shaanxi Channel jointly planned to further expand the international communication ecology, and successively opened Facebook and Twitter accounts "This's Weinan". This makes the spread of Weinan's new image overseas more flexible and better achieves the effect of "moistening things silently".

"Hello World, I am Weinan" and "This's Weinan" have complementary advantages and each have their own emphasis, forming the current international communication system of Weinan.

"Shaanxi Plus" overseas social account

"Progress varies at different speeds and results vary widely"

At present, international communication work is not only a simple propaganda work, but also closely related to reform, development and stability. It is precisely in view of this that under the requirement to strengthen the construction of my country's international communication capabilities, various urban areas in Shaanxi began to take action, but there was a phenomenon of "varying progress and large gaps in results."

Yangling Demonstration Zone hosts the Shanghai Cooperation Organization National Regional Agricultural Cooperation Network. The website has Chinese, English and Russian versions, aiming to create a network for interconnection and accurate dissemination of agricultural information between Shaanxi, Yangling and SCO countries. Platform. After nearly two years of construction, the website has become a communication platform integrating professionalism, comprehensiveness and practicality, forming a strong interaction between "Shaanxi Stories, SCO Communication" and " SCO Stories, Shaanxi Expression" .

Shanghai Cooperation Organization National Regional Agricultural Cooperation Network English page

As a strong economic region in the west, the "Hello Yanta" multilingual website jointly created by Yanta District of Xi'an City and China Central Radio and Television International Online was launched on September 24, 2021. Online today. The "Hello Yanta" multi-lingual website fully demonstrates Yanta District's "comprehensive strength, reform and innovation, urban life" and other achievements in 4 languages: Chinese, Russian, English and Japanese. Relying on this platform, the International Online Shaanxi Channel can continue to launch "privately customized" theme planning such as [Yanta Returns in Spring] based on the characteristics of Yanta District.

"Hello Yanta " multi-lingual communication platform micro-web page

Xi'an Municipal People's Government English website page

Xi'an City's online government English and Korean website aims to implement the work requirements of the municipal government and establish an international It has a good image, serves foreign friends, and provides a platform and service support for promoting Xi'an, carrying out international exchanges and cooperation, and providing high-quality and convenient services; the official English account of the overseas social media of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Visit Shaanxi (Visit Shaanxi), has also become a communication " An effective window for “Cultural Shaanxi”. In addition, Xianyang High-tech Zone has opened English official accounts "Xianyang Hi-Tech" on Facebook and Twitter, and overseas social media accounts such as "Shaanxi Moments" and "Terracotta Army's Hometown-Shaanxi" have also become important for Shaanxi's international communication. Composition force...

Liangsidu Park content posted by the "Xianyang Hi-Tech" account

However, it should be noted that some international communication platform carriers still face the problem of "emphasis on service and light on communication", "monotonous language and limited radiation" Difficulties such as single display field and insufficient communication resources. What is even more noteworthy is that, in the context of "pioneers", Yan'an , Yulin , Baoji and other representative cities with strong Chinese civilization marks, Chinese cultural characteristics, and China's development achievements should also be used in international communication. There is bigger action.

Take Baoji as an example. As the seat of Baoxue (Baoji School), an important branch of Chinese culture, it has 8,000 years of civilization and a history of more than 2,770 years of city construction. Its reputation as the "Hometown of China, the Birthplace of Zhou and Qin Civilizations, and the Home of Folk Arts and Crafts" demonstrates its unique and rich "raw material" resources for international communication. In recent years, Baoji has proposed the city IP of “See China, Come to Baoji”, which shows Baoji’s vision and courage to “go global”. But the more this happens, the more solid international communication actions and innovative measures are needed to promote the "See China, Come to Baoji" IP to derive more and greater results.

Shaanxi Archaeological Museum content posted by the "Shaanxi Moments" account

Whether it is the complex international situation or the actual domestic progress, it proves that there is still a long way to go in building our country's international communication capabilities.

Shaanxi’s special historical status, cultural attributes, and the important role it plays in the construction of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, Western Development, etc., all require all regions of Shaanxi to be at the forefront of building an international communication system in the new era, and explore and adapt to The new communication model of the international public opinion ecological pattern has made new breakthroughs in multi-lingual, multi-platform and multi-field cross-cultural communication, allowing the world to hear the "Voice of China" in the "Voice of Shaanxi". (Reporter Liu Honghua)