1. Cut the chicken breast into pieces, marinate with marinade, and marinate in the refrigerator overnight. 2. Dip both sides of the chicken pieces evenly with tapioca flour and wait until it becomes damp. 3. Heat an appropriate amount of sunflower oil in a flat-bottomed non-stick

Delicious Salty Crispy Chicken Come by yourself, healthy and delicious!


Chicken breast: 1 piece

Tapioca flour ( sweet potato powder ): appropriate amount

sunflower oil: appropriate amount

pepper: a little


soy sauce: appropriate amount

sugar: 1 tablespoon

black pepper: a little

plum powder : A little

five-spice powder: a little

green onions (can be omitted): 1

garlic (can be omitted): 3 cloves


1. Cut the chicken breast into pieces, marinate with marinade (scallions and garlic can be omitted), and then Marinate overnight in the refrigerator

2. Dip both sides of the chicken pieces evenly with tapioca flour and wait for moisture to return.

3. Heat an appropriate amount of sunflower oil (about half the height of the chicken pieces) in a flat-bottomed non-stick pan. Use bamboo chopsticks to test the oil temperature. Wait until it is around the bamboo chopsticks. When the oil bubbles, add the chicken pieces

4. Fry one side of the chicken until golden brown, turn over and continue frying until both sides are golden and crisp

5. After the chicken is cooked, separate the pieces of chicken and put them on oil-absorbing paper to absorb the oil and cool down

6 , put on the plate and sprinkle some pepper, done!


1. Adding plum powder to the marinade can add a unique flavor; green onions and garlic can be omitted.

2. Use a flat-bottomed non-stick pan to fry or fry, which can save the amount of oil used.

3. When the oil temperature is high enough, add the chicken and fry it to get a crispy texture.

4. Do not stack freshly cooked chicken pieces on top of each other to keep the skin crispy.