After making up her mind to remove "sugar" from the table, she successfully lost 18 kilograms of fat that she had been unable to get rid of after trying many methods over the years, and she did not feel hungry or uncomfortable in the process. She turned low sugar into a "life att

If she hadn't been so fat that she couldn't live without love, 41-year-old Zhang Qinglin (a circle mom) wouldn't want to change her eating habits. After making up her mind to remove "sugar" from the table, she successfully lost 18 kilograms of fat that she had been unable to get rid of after trying many methods over the years, and she did not feel hungry or uncomfortable in the process. She turned low sugar into a "life attitude" ”, not only can you lose weight healthily, but you are also not afraid of getting fat again.

believes that low sugar is a "life attitude", not a rule! Rules can be followed or broken. The attitude towards life is a kind of belief, which does not require the supervision of others and is practiced naturally. The following are tips provided by a popular blogger. With these tips, she not only successfully lost 18 kilograms in six months, but also continued to lose weight.

A mother in the circle lost 18 kilograms in half a year by reducing sugar drinking

How to start a sugar reduction diet?

1. Quit sugary drinks

2. Quit refined sugary foods such as cakes and breads

3. Replace traditional rice and flour staples with a small amount of high-quality starch, such as sweet potatoes and pumpkins

4. Mainly use original foods

5. Ingest high-quality protein

6. Ingest good Fat

7. Avoid highly processed foods

8. A large amount of dietary fiber, various vegetables, and seasonal vegetables.

After successfully losing weight, what habits must be maintained?

1. Maintain at least 12 hours of fasting time every day to allow your body to rest properly. This time can include sleep, so it is easy to achieve.

2. When implementing intermittent fasting, you can gradually increase the fasting time, or you can use it in turns, gradually reaching 16/8 (the fasting time lasts for 16 hours, and the eating time is within 8 hours), 18/6, and there is no discomfort or hunger. Can be further advanced to 20/4.

3. You are free to choose how many meals you want to eat during the eating period. As long as it is low-sugar, selective, and has high nutritional density, it can be one meal a day or multiple meals a day.

4. Resumption of food after fasting is also key. It is recommended to start with high-quality protein, such as eggs, tuna, salmon, and chicken breast. Eat a simple and small amount first, wait for 30 to 60 minutes, and then have a hearty and complete meal. meal.

5. Do not mix carbohydrates with fat when resuming a fasting diet.

6. The focus of eating is not the amount of calories, but the intake of nutrients. Sufficient amounts of protein, high-quality fats, dietary fiber and other prototype foods are better.

7. Processed foods that are empty of nutrients and high in calories are the most avoidable.

8. Sugar-free cinnamon green tea, catechins and cinnamaldehyde help burn fat. It can be used as a drink but you need to add extra water.

9. Rose salt chia seed lemon sparkling water supplements trace elements, dietary fiber, and omega-3.

10. Sugar-free green tea and coffee, the ratio is 1:1. Both chlorogenic acid and catechin can help burn fat. Theanine can also prevent hyperactivity. Remember to drink more boiled water because it is a diuretic.

11. Make good use of herbs and spices, which not only add flavor to food, but are also rich in nutrients, such as: turmeric, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, black pepper, unsweetened cocoa powder, chili, rosemary, coriander, etc.

12. Don’t rush to reach the target in a short time. This will only bring pressure to yourself. You can always reach your destination step by step.

13. During festivals and social events, just relax appropriately and choose your food in a controlled manner. Even if your sugar intake is too high, don’t be discouraged. Your body will naturally consume and metabolize it. As long as you don’t give up, your previous efforts will not return to zero.

14. Don’t be afraid of high-quality carbohydrates from raw foods, such as sweet potatoes, pumpkins, quinoa, and berries. They have good sugars and nutrients.

If you want to lose weight and not gain weight, this is how you choose to eat out.

1. Buffet: Specializes in meat and vegetables

2. Bento restaurant: No rice, usually vegetables.

3. Breakfast restaurant: Bacon or hamburger, lettuce, cheese , eggs

4. Hot pot restaurant: In addition to vegetables and meat, you can also eat pumpkin, sweet potato, taro and other high-quality electric powder.

5. Fast food restaurants: No buns and sauces for burgers. Choose fried chicken or chicken nuggets with sugar-free greens or coffee. No salad dressing for lettuce.

6. Convenience stores: Choose tea-leaf eggs and microwaved meats with less sugar, and no lettuce. Add sauce

7. Barbecue: Ask the staff to add no sauce to the meat and only sprinkle salt to the vegetables.

8. Salty Crispy Chicken: Meat and vegetables can be added with salt and pepper without adding sauce.

9. Night Market: Salted Chicken, Fried Chicken Steak, Braised Meat. , Steak meal without thickening sauce

10. Japanese cuisine: meat, fish, vegetables

11. Western restaurant: lettuce, grilled vegetables, steak

12. Noodle stall: meat, vegetables, eggs

Source: Caishi Culture "RiRi Guide to Reducing Sugar in Supermarket Cooking》/Author: Quanma (Zhang Qinglin)