I made the salty crispy chicken a long time ago and share it with everyone! Not to mention, the picture above. The lighting in the kitchen is too poor, so the photos are completely unsightly, so I took a look at 1. Cut the chicken breast first, about the size of my thumb, but not

I made the salty crispy chicken a long time ago and share it with everyone! Not to mention

, the picture above.

The lighting in the kitchen is too poor and the photos are not eye-catching at all. So I took a look at

1 and cut the chicken breasts first. They should be about the size of my thumb, but not too big. Otherwise, you won’t be able to eat the chicken and drink in one gulp^_^

2. Seasonings required Use cinnamon powder and find it everywhere. Homemade, anyway, there is cinnamon and grinding, haha, this is the tool.

3 About 1 and 1/2 spoons is enough. I got so much (just the little powder in front, it is not eaten by termites)

4. Marinated chicken (not capon!), let’s talk about the ingredients. If you want to know the specific weight, please click on the relevant link at the bottom of the article.

This is the amount of various powders

I put so much garlic.

Then I put my claws on it. There is no picture below, because it looks like a failure. Why?

I should have put sweet potato starch in a bowl, dipped the chicken piece by piece in cornstarch, and put it in the pot. I was lazy, so I thought I could just use my claws to scratch it, and it turned out. . . . It became chicken filling. . . It's even more energetic. Why didn't MD get the energy so quickly when he was making the pork stuffing?

Later, I dipped the meat piece by piece again (enough for 2)

and fried it in the pan. Remember to use low heat! The heat must be low, the lower the oil temperature, the better. Take the chicken out of the pan when it changes color (probably slightly yellow). Don't wait until it turns golden. There are 2 reasons. The chicken breast is too tender and it will become old easily if it takes longer.

Second, wait until it is completely fried, then fry it twice more Crispy , easy to be too dark in color

The secret to the final deliciousness and crispiness is here, it all relies on this shark tooth powder (I have seen too many Man-Han banquets...), it has nothing to do with tooth powder.

The secret is: after frying everything, be sure to turn on the high heat. After heating the oil, put all the clinker in and pass through the oil. Generally, this step is called crisping.

Then take it out of the pan and let it cool down a little to make it crispier. The finished product is juicy

. In fact, I think fried chicken should be angular, but it turned out to be round and round because it was grabbed by hand when sizing it.

Logically speaking, it should be garnished with green vegetables, but. . . I'm so damn hungry, so let's just do it.

One bite, it’s so refreshing. If I had known I would stop drinking, MD, I would be wasting such a good dish like mine! !

By the way, two more sentences, put some chili noodles and a little pepper noodles when eating, let KFC's chicken popcorn go to hell!

The actual operation is to cook the meat at low temperature, so that less meat juice is lost.

Then the high-temperature oil causes the Maillard reaction on the surface of the meat, which produces different aromas after browning.

Finally, because there is starch on the outside of the meat, the oil temperature can These starchy substances quickly dehydrate and become crispy.

Also, pay attention to when frying. If there are big bubbles coming out of the meat, it means that the outer layer has not been completely dehydrated and may not be crispy. Of course, this is also You have to be careful, otherwise when it stops bubbling at all, your meat will definitely be charcoal.

After understanding the above basics, no matter what kind of meat, all you have to pay attention to is seasoning it according to your needs, such as the outer layer Whether to batter or bread crumbs, whether to add salt or sugar, there is no other difficulty.

Fried chicken restaurants outside generally follow this process. The meat is fried in advance until it is cooked and left aside, and then it is fried and crispy when sold, so If you learn how to fry chicken in a fried chicken restaurant, it must be that the outer layer is cooked and the inside is still raw, because you have missed a step.

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