Cut the chicken into small cubes, add marinated meat sauce, mix well, and marinate overnight. The next day, add half the egg white, add the egg white and meat and mix well ~ this step is to allow the fried powder to stick firmly.


Chicken breast 500g

Marinated chicken sauce

Soy sauce 2 tablespoons

Rice wine 1 tablespoon

Granulated sugar 1/2 tablespoon

Water 1 tablespoon

Allspice powder1/4 teaspoon

White pepper1/4 teaspoon

Cinnamon powder 1/8 tsp

Egg 1/2

Fried powder

Sweet potato powder This amount

A little salt

Cut the chicken into small cubes ~ Add the bacon sauce (don’t add the eggs first) ~ Mix well ~ Marinate one night.

Add half the egg white the next day, add the egg white and meat and mix well ~ This step is to allow the fried powder to stick more firmly.

Prepare an appropriate amount of sweet potato powder ~ add a little fine salt (not too much!!) and then coat the chicken with the sweet potato powder.

The flour on the surface of the chicken that has been dipped in flour is dry~ Arrange the chicken and let it rest.

Let it sit until the surface returns to moisture ~ This way the powder is firmer and not easy to fall off.

The next step is to start frying. Heat the oil first. The oil temperature is about 170-180 degrees. Don’t add a large amount of chicken at once. Add less chicken in two batches. Add too much chicken. The oil temperature will drop too much and the taste of the finished product will be bad. It’s not refreshing and crispy!

I cut it into small pieces and fried them for about 3 minutes. After frying, put them on a ladle to drain the oil.

Finally, let it sit for 5-10 minutes~and then enjoy it~When eating, mix it with pepper salt Some people will mix it with chili powder! It’s more delicious!

So, kids, have you learned it?


(づ。◕‿‿ ◕。)Yeah~perfect!