In response to the collapse of support or favorability of the Chinese Kuomintang in several public opinion polls recently, Ke Zhien, CEO of the party think tank "National Affairs Foundation", told the Hong Kong China Review Press today that the think tank has long-term party supp

In response to the recent collapse in support or favorability of the Chinese Kuomintang in several public opinion polls, Ke Zhien, CEO of the party think tank "National Affairs Foundation", told the Hong Kong China Review Press today that the think tank has long-term party support polls, and the Kuomintang loses to the people. The gap in the party's support will probably not exceed 5%, and it is not more than double the gap shown in several recent polls.

Ke Zhien mentioned that now we must first reduce the public’s dislike of the Kuomintang. We must admit that the Kuomintang’s right to speak is now increasingly marginalized. How to break through the existing media restrictions, and then survive in the self-media or online cracks, and Only by launching a decisive counterattack against the DPP's attacks can we have a chance to restore everyone's confidence in the Kuomintang.

The "Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation" released the latest poll of political party support the day before yesterday. The KMT dropped the most by 4% from last month, losing nearly 800,000 supporters. A recent poll conducted by the "Beautiful Island Electronic News" showed that the public's favorable opinion of the Kuomintang was only 22%, and the dislike rate reached 63%, a 16-year high.

In response to this situation, Ke Zhien said that the think tank has been conducting polls on party support for a long time. From some internal reference data, it can be found that the overall support of the Kuomintang and the DPP are not very different, and it will probably not be worse than 5%. above.

Ke Zhien said that the Kuomintang’s support among young people is indeed quite low. This is a long-term phenomenon and has not experienced an avalanche of decline due to the recent defeats of the Kuomintang, especially among those aged 29 or even under 39. , the Kuomintang has a lot of room for improvement.

Talking about the Taiwan People’s Party chasing closely behind the Kuomintang?

Ke Zhien said that the People’s Party has indeed attracted the support of a lot of young people, especially the chairman and mayor of Taipei Ke Wenzhe. During the epidemic, he has a relatively large say. This is a very big warning to the Kuomintang, especially in the entire It goes without saying that the Kuomintang must be vigilant in creating issues. According to think tank data, the support levels of the Kuomintang and the People's Party have not yet crossed, but the gap has become smaller and smaller.

As for how the Kuomintang should adjust?

Ke Zhien said that we must first reduce everyone's dislike of the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang's right to speak is now increasingly marginalized. Paradoxically, in the past, the media criticized the ruling party, but now that the DPP is "in power", the media Everyone is criticizing the opposition Kuomintang. Therefore, the Kuomintang must clearly understand the reality and find the space in the cracks to let the Kuomintang’s voice be heard more clearly. This is a part that the Kuomintang needs to strengthen.

Source: Hong Kong China Review Network