In recent days, there have been frequent changes in real estate market policies, especially provident fund and credit policies, and Shenyang is no exception. The provident fund has been increased and the down payment ratio has been reduced, which has benefited many people who use

In recent days, real estate market policies have been frequently released, especially provident fund and credit policies. Shenyang is no exception. The provident fund has been increased and the down payment ratio has been reduced, which has benefited many people who use provident funds to buy houses.

Whenever news is released, there will always be many netizens coming to ask. Among them, there are many questions about whether commercial loans can be converted into provident funds, the number of provident fund loans, and provident fund withdrawals. In this regard, we have also summarized these issues so that you can compare them according to your own situation. We hope it will be helpful to you.

The issue of converting commercial loans to provident funds has always been the topic that netizens are most concerned about.

When can commercial loans be converted to provident funds?

Every time provident fund-related issues are mentioned, everyone will ask this question, and it attracts a lot of attention. Currently, Shenyang does not support the conversion of commercial loans to provident fund business. However, relevant departments have been conducting research and inspections and stated that this policy is expected to be implemented before the end of the year.

I had a commercial loan that had been paid off before marriage, and I have a commercial loan that is being repaid. Can I use a provident fund loan? What is the down payment ratio?

If there are two sets of commercial loan records, the second house purchase belongs to the second set, and the down payment ratio is 40% of the down payment. The provident fund loan limit must be deducted from the unpaid commercial loan amount. The loan limit is determined according to the individual situation. It is recommended to go to Provident Fund Management Center conducts trial calculations.

html I just made a provident fund withdrawal in May. If I want to use a provident fund loan to buy a house now, is there a time limit? Do I need to wait for a year?

No. After the provident fund is withdrawn, there is no time limit for using the provident fund loan, and there is no need to wait for one year. However, if you use provident fund loans, the loan amount is related to the balance of your personal provident fund account. You can consult in advance before buying a house.

Currently, I have a house using a combination loan. Can I still withdraw the provident fund?

Yes, as long as there is enough provident fund repayment for 13 months in the provident fund account, if there is still a balance, you can apply to withdraw one year's repayment of the commercial loan.

Whether the provident fund can be activated for the third time is also the focus of everyone's attention.

Two people each used the provident fund to buy a house before marriage. Since they are a family with two children, can they use the provident fund for the third time now? Is there any policy inclination?

No, the provident fund is based on the family unit, and a maximum of two provident fund loans can be used.

I heard that provident fund can provide 20% down payment for the first home. Is this the same down payment ratio for portfolio loans?

is currently in Shenyang, using a pure provident fund loan. The down payment ratio for the first house is 20%, and the down payment ratio for the second house is 40%. If it is a combination loan, the down payment ratio for the first home is 30%, and the down payment ratio for the second home is 40%. However, it also needs to be determined according to the loan amount and repayment ability of the home buyer, and cannot be generalized.

I paid housing provident fund in Beijing and my registered permanent residence is in Heilongjiang. Now I want to buy a house in Shenyang. Can I use provident fund loan? Is the loan quick?

Beijing Provident Fund can borrow money to buy a house in Shenyang. The maximum personal loan limit is 500,000 yuan. Home buyers can go to the front desk of the Shenyang Provident Fund Management Department with their ID card to calculate. Currently provident fund loans are disbursed within 3 working days.

I have lived in the house for about 10 years and want to renovate it. Can I withdraw the provident fund for house renovation?

No, currently the Shenyang Provident Fund does not support the withdrawal of provident funds for house renovation. If you rent a house or have a commercial loan that has not been paid off, you can withdraw your provident fund.