Is it the front or the back? (Picture/Provided by netizen Xixi) Intern reporter Yang Qiaopuan/The interview and reporting postures and expressions are all set, why do you still take pictures like this for me? Owner Xixi recently shared a Polaroid of his black cat Nini. As a resul


the front or the back? (Picture/Provided by netizen Xixi)

Intern reporter Yang Qiaofeng/Interview report

The poses and expressions are all set, why do you still take pictures like this for me? Owner Xixi recently shared a Polaroid of his black cat Nini. As a result, apart from the background, there was only a "cat-shaped black shadow" in the picture. It was impossible to tell whether it was the front or the back. The hilarious results even sparked heated discussions among netizens, with everyone leaving messages to guess who the black shadow was! As can be seen in the

photo, Nini is sitting nicely in the center of the picture. It can be seen that she is very cooperative in allowing the slave to take pictures. Unexpectedly, after the Polaroid appears, Nini's facial features disappear directly, leaving only the bright colors around her. The "pure black cat body" with a huge color contrast turned the original front photo of an online beauty into a "back photo of a young artist". The unexpected result left Xi Xi helpless.

Nini changed from a stray cat to a popular cat store manager. (Picture/provided by netizen Xixi)

Xixi said in an interview with "ETtoday Pet Cloud" that Nini was originally a stray cat. After being collected, she went to the "About Dream Studio" in the Blueprint Cultural and Creative Park. She lives a happy life like a princess. "On a normal day, she is an incompetent store manager. She is often absent when fans and customers come to see her. She goes to other stores to fool around. She also likes to sleep in places where she cannot sleep, such as in various stores. on the product".

Nini is feeling depressed because there are no guests. (Picture/provided by netizen Xixi)

Nini, who has a very affectionate personality, is a very popular cat in the cyanotype area. However, due to the epidemic a while ago, there were no tourists in the park, which made her bored and depressed, and she often "hangs up" without love. "At the entrance of the store, it will return to its "cute state" when there are customers. Xixi also added that there are many customers who want to see Nini after reading the report, and they can contact them through the studio's Facebook fan page. The photo of

was posted on the Facebook Cat Club and attracted many netizens to leave messages and discuss it. Everyone said, "It turns out to be a back view~ I thought it was a front view", "Let's pretend to take a back view...", "We need a lighting artist".

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