"Creative Elf" Bai An continues to write daily life and exert endless creative power, bringing a new work "44 Days" in 2019. From the perspective of a female singer-songwriter, she weaves 6 new works that are gentle, fearless, bright and warm. "44 Days" 1000 The limited edition c

"Creative Elf" Bai An continues to write about daily life and exert endless creativity, bringing a new work "44 Days" in 2019. From the perspective of a female singer-songwriter, she weaves 6 new works that are gentle, fearless, bright and warm, "44 Days" "The limited edition of 1,000 copies comes with a handwritten time card, autograph and a unique album serial number written by Bai An. For this reason, Bai An went to the factory to write from morning to night. Pre-order on the 24th. It was sold out quickly within one day. Limited edition and pre-order The editions have captured blogs respectively to rank first and second in real time, and will be fully released on the 29th. Thanks to fans for their love for "44 Days", Bai An will not only hold a limited-edition concert of "44 Days" at Witch Shop on November 8, but will also perform at Taichung Audit New Village on November 16 and Tainan Blue on November 17. Shaitu Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei Si Si South Village, North Central South held a free "44 Days" concert on November 24. Different performances will satisfy fans at once.

"44 Days" records Bai An's most ordinary daily life with the most extraordinary stories, and purely completes six new works. Coincidentally, the album visual invited photographer Yu Jingping to shoot. The first wave features "I Love Nothing" The MV for "Love" also invited two Korean female directors to take the shots, and together with Baek An, they interpreted the soft yet tough vitality of women. They are the Korean video team "nofuture" who won the Best Music Video Award at the 30th Golden Melody Awards. In the early stage, Baek An and the team spent nearly two months in constant back-and-forth video conferences with the director. Even though they spoke different languages, the two directors When listening to this song, it can describe Bai An's indescribable inner world in detail.