These two most common skin diseases are probably the nightmare of many friends. It kept repeating, itching so much that it couldn't be any worse. And basically I have to go through this "hard" journey several times every year.

I believe everyone is familiar with

eczema and urticaria .

, the two most common skin diseases of and , are probably the nightmare of many friends.

A while ago, even the editor's childhood goddess couldn't escape ▼

Source: Chen Qiaoen Weibo screenshot

You can feel the deep sadness just by reading the text.

keeps repeating, itching extremely, it can’t be worse. And basically I have to go through this "hard" journey several times every year.

​ What’s even more sad is that these two people don’t know where they came from, and they don’t know how they left when they leave. They are just like “scum”.

The first step for treatment is to confirm what kind of rash it is. As the saying goes, can only treat if it is symptomatic, but the two are really similar. Many people fail to make a correct diagnosis just by looking at the surface.

Picture source: Screenshot of Chen Qiaoen’s Weibo comments

Netizens below Chen Qiaoen’s Weibo also had different opinions, not only arguing over whether it was urticaria or eczema.

Many netizens also kindly put forward various suggestions, including but not limited to "taboos" and "improving immunity." And "scald with hot water"... (The editor was almost scared when he saw this)

Do you have any taboos?

In fact, most eczema has nothing to do with food, so there is no need to overly restrict food. As long as urticaria is not caused by food, there is no need for dietary restrictions.

improve "immunity"?

is a good thing, but these are really not caused by low immunity.

hot water?

Whoever came up with this is really cruel to yourself. Most people should not take the risk of imitating it. Maybe they have practiced it.

There is currently no cure for eczema and urticaria. Their causes are too complex and elusive as environmental factors and genetic factors continue to change.

Therefore, just relying on what netizens say about folk remedies and magical medicines that can cure everything is completely blind. What if it doesn’t work for you and makes your condition serious?

itself is and is easy to relapse into . Once severe, it may be more difficult to treat. Just read those magical remedies and forget about them. Don’t risk yourself.

Is there any simple way to distinguish these two types of rashes?

gives you a small reference:

1. If can disappear in a short time, new ones appear repeatedly, and subside without leaving any trace, consider urticaria . The antihistamine (such as cetirizine) can be taken orally. If it is induced by cold, you need to keep warm.

2. If it does not subside within 24 hours and subsides with discoloration, consider eczema and require topical hormone ointment. If eczema occurs repeatedly for a long time, atopic dermatitis should also be considered. Be sure to moisturize!

Eczema and urticaria are very common skin diseases. If you want to get good treatment, it is a good way to go to a regular hospital to see a dermatologist in person or to consult a regular doctor online.

Author: SUN

Review: Yang Xichuan

Typesetting: HUMY

The pictures come from the Internet. If there are any copyright issues, please contact us in time!

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