Urticaria is a very common skin disease, especially in spring. Many people with allergies are very allergic, not only urticaria, but also people suffering from allergic rhinitis. Especially acute urticaria, which has an acute onset and develops rapidly. Don't underestimate this s

Urticaria is a very common skin disease, especially in spring. Many people with allergies are very allergic, not only to urticaria, but also to people suffering from allergic rhinitis. Especially among them, acute urticaria has an acute onset and rapid development of the disease. Don’t underestimate this skin disease. If you have acute urticaria, if the disease develops very quickly, it will be very serious. It may endanger your own life.

For this kind of skin disease, it is mainly divided into two types clinically, one is chronic urticaria, and the other is acute urticaria. Chronic urticaria, compared with acute urticaria, progresses in the progression of the disease. The speed is slower and the symptoms are milder.

But it is easy to relapse, and the disease course lasts for a long time, even for more than 6 weeks. The most annoying thing is that the cause of the attack is still found. So what should we do about this situation? For people suffering from urticaria, what you need to do is to prevent a series of foods that can cause allergies to the body to avoid the recurrence of urticaria. For example, it is best not to eat the following foods due to the condition of the disease.

People with urticaria are advised not to eat seafood:

Every spring, the season when flowers bloom, many people go for picnics during holidays. At this time, some people grill skewers and some grill seafood. But for people with urticaria, seafood is not a suitable food for you. Urticaria is also called "whetella".

No matter what kind of seafood, such as various fish, various shrimps, various shellfish, etc., they are all ingredients that are prone to urticaria. Moreover, relevant research also found that there are many people in my country who are allergic to seafood.

People with urticaria are advised not to eat eggs:

In addition to seafood, there is another food that many people are allergic to, which is eggs. For example, eggs are eaten by almost many people in daily life. The nutrients in eggs are It is the ingredient closest to the proportion of the human body, especially its protein content, vitamin A content, lecithin and other ingredients, which are all beneficial to health. It can enhance the body's immunity and reduce low-density fat, white cholesterol in the body, and there are many People talk about the absorption of bad cholesterol.

However, after a large number of investigations, it was found that there are not a few people who are allergic to eggs. This is also because of the protein contained in eggs. Especially for children at home, special attention should be paid to egg delicacies. It is likely to be the allergen and . One of the sources.

People who have acute urticaria and chronic urticaria should also pay attention to eggs. When the condition is more serious, it is best not to try it easily.