9 out of 10 people have skin problems, and many patients have recurring problems that don’t go away all year round! Massage method: punch and massage with two thumbs, hold on one side for 3 minutes, control the strength until there is a slight feeling of soreness and swelling.

9 out of 10 people have skin problems, and many patients have recurring skin problems that they don’t use all year round!

The more I scratched my body, the more it itched, and my skin was broken. I really didn’t want to live such a painful life anymore. Don't worry, Chinese medicine can help you get rid of your stubbornness.

Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation: Dermatitis , Eczema How are they produced?

Internal spleen and stomach imbalance, spicy and irritating food, which prevents the accumulation of toxins;

External skin is unclean, bacteria breed, destroy the surface of the skin, and make eczema prone to outbreaks and recurrences.

These 3 points are most likely to cause skin problems

1, allergic constitution

(1) Inhalation of pollen, animal hair, dust, constant sneezing, body fever and itching reaction.

(2) Weak spleen and stomach, poor digestion. Eating high protein in seafood, beef, mutton, eggs, and milk can cause allergies.

(3) Contact with metal jewelry, soap, and detergents may cause peeling, scabbing, and rash on hands.

2. Bad living habits

(1) Underwear, bed sheets and quilts are not cleaned in time.

(2) refused to sleep until early in the morning, and gradually developed a habit.

(3) I only eat salty and spicy food when I eat. It is said that there is no spicy food.

3. Wrong way to take a bath

(1) If you find a rash on your body while taking a bath, you will scratch it, thinking that the skin will be clean after you pick it off.

(2) The hotter the bath water, the better? Keep the bath water temperature at 35~40°C.

(3) After washing, you should wipe off the water on your body in time and use natural cream to effectively protect your skin.

How to effectively remove stubborn skin diseases?

Traditional Chinese Medicine: If you want to clear up skin problems, massage to unblock meridians and use internal nourishment to make your skin healthier! Press the

5 acupoint together to remove dampness and relieve itching

1, Xuehai acupoint

Location: inner thigh, 2 inches above the inner end of the patellar base, when the bulge of the inner head of the quadriceps muscle.

Efficacy: reconciles Qi and blood, disperses wind and removes dampness. Suitable for eczema, urticaria .

In addition, the two acupuncture points are on the thighs, 1 inch apart. Pressing them regularly can prevent leg numbness and leg cramps , unblock and reduce skin problems, and relieve skin problems.

2, Baichongwo point

Location: is selected by bending the knees or lying on your back. It is located on the inner thigh, 3 inches above the inner end of the patella (1 inch above the Xuehai point).

effect: can effectively relieve itching caused by urticaria, rheumatism pruritus, etc.

Massage method: punch and massage with two thumbs, one side for 3 minutes, control the strength until there is a slight feeling of soreness and swelling.

3, Sanyinjiao point

Location: is selected while sitting or supine, 3 inches straight down from the tip of the medial malleolus, and on the inner posterior edge of the tibia.

Effect: can strengthen the spleen, remove dampness, soothe the liver and benefit the kidneys. Regular pressing of this point can effectively eliminate moisture, turbidity and toxins in the body.

4, Fengshi point

Location: is on the midline of the outside of the thigh, upright, with the hand hanging down by the side of the body, where the tip of the middle finger is.

Efficacy: dispels wind, relieves itching, dredges meridians, and can effectively dispel wind and cold, clear wind and heat, dispel rheumatism, and remove wind toxins.

5, Hegu point

Location: Hegu point is on the back of the hand, between the 1st and 2 metacarpal bones , at the midpoint of the radial side of the second metacarpal bone.

effect: has a good prevention and treatment effect on eczema and measles.

Internal adjustment diet, spleen and skin care

Chinese yam Mulberry Lily porridge

Efficacy: can nourish blood, dispel wind, and relieve itching. It is suitable for the care of all kinds of dry skin, eczema scabs, and blood-dry eczema.

Method: Prepare Huaiyam , mulberry, and lily, the dosage is 5:5:2.

Wash the ingredients and put them into a pressure cooker, add water and cook them into porridge. Take 2 small bowls a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Angelica eel soup

Effects: dispels wind and relieves itching, nourishes and activates blood circulation.

Method: 15 grams of angelica, 500 grams of eel, shred the eel, and put it into the pot with the angelica.

Add onions, ginger, cooking wine, vinegar and an appropriate amount of water; bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat for 1 hour, season and serve.