The Simple Life Festival is in its fourth year in Shanghai. This year it will still be held at the Expo Park from 10.4 to 10.6, with new hip-hop faces added to the artistic lineup.

Simple Life Festival is in Shanghai for the fourth year. This year it will still be held at the Expo Park from 10.4 to 10.6, with a new hip-hop face added to the artistic lineup.

From Xu Meijing to Guan Shuyi, female singers who rarely appear and are remembered by many people are expected every year. The stage of the Simple Life Festival has such power, and their performance here is beyond their expectations.

But the nostalgia card cannot be played forever. After all, music festivals are the home ground of young people. A security guard who has guarded many music festivals in Shanghai commented: "The girls at electronic music festivals are much prettier than those who live a simple life!" If he comes again this year, his impression will probably change. Take a look at the lineup, hip-hop style is blowing into simple life.

Ouyang Jing MC Jin

MC Hotdog

Ouyang Jing MC Jin, MC Hotdog Zhang Zhenyue, Higher Brothers, Egg Castle, Little Tiger, Naughty Boy MJ116, Lu1, this is just the hip-hop lineup on the first day.

But I found out that these rappers are not from the modern hip-hop label MDSK. Most of them have been on the 3rd "Hip Hop Summit Gathering" of " big things speak out ", and they are all polite and restrained. A group of people obediently answered questions about hot dogs in the recording studio, and went on stage one by one to exchange music. They are clean rappers who are more in line with the simple life style.

Besides hip-hop, the original literary and artistic tone of simple life is still there. The finale of the starry sky stage on the first night is Sylvia Chang , Huang Yunling and Rene Liu . The second night is Pu Shu , and the third night is Li Zongsheng ; Wild Child, Mo Xizi Shi , Li Jianqing , , Zhao Lei , Mr. Miss, Kawa, Shumien, sound toys... all meet the interests of literary youth; Rainbow Choir and MC Hotdog, Li Zhi and Jin Haiyin Orchestra, Gao Qi (Overload) and Ouyang Jing MC Jin, Wan Fang and Xiaohe , Ding Wei and Li Quan , Faye Fei and Xiao Hu, behind the cross-border debut are opportunities and more possibilities.

Rene Liu

Pu Shu

Wild Child

Shanghai Rainbow Chamber Choir

Popular music has its own popular cycle, and it is normal for the trend to change every few years. In the first three years of Simple Life, we used the resources and connections of Zhang Peiren, Li Zongsheng, and Jia Minshu to invite a number of high-quality big names, but it has never been a music festival cobbled together by big names.

The collision and combination of music between musicians is not a topic or a show, but is the ingenuity of the production team. They are doing something that may not necessarily yield immediate results, but it is sowing good seeds for a simple life, and the fruits can be vaguely seen in the fourth year.

The music environment is always good and bad, and this year's Shanghai has put many large-scale music festivals to the test. When big names don’t have enough time to apply for approval, and the faces of artists appearing in Simple Life become more and more familiar, the elastic characteristics created by the combination of musicians in the past three years begin to take effect.

hip-hop, independent, pop... as long as people are serious about making music, the combination will be interesting. The grasp of chemical reactions relies on veteran producer Jia Minshu's understanding of each musician and his 26 years of experience in the industry.

From left: Simple Life Festival general director Li Lin, producer Jia Minshu, conference chairman Li Zongsheng, founder Zhang Peiren

Jia Minshu is the producer of the Simple Life Festival, and also the director of "Street Voice", "Big Issues Speak" and Taiwan Huashan Legacy performance venue The driving force behind the scenes.

allowed Simple Life Festival to gain a foothold in mainland China, and then brought in the "Street Sound" platform to build a platform from upstream musicians to upload their works to digital marketing and offline performances. In addition, the "Voice of Big Events" column in cooperation with Tencent also has a position in the field of live video broadcasting. "Street Voice" has become an important organization that provides platforms, planning and services for musicians like "Modern Sky" and "See Music".

The name Jia Minshu was first known in mainland China, and was connected with the "Three Heroes of Magic Rock" and Landy Zhang Peiren. He comes from the "Rolling Stones" family and has come from the era of traditional record companies to the present.Because he was responsible for online new media as early as the Rolling Stones era, and he foresighted the online trend of copyright protection and marketing and distribution in the late 1990s, Jia Minshu became one of the few people who did not sink with the ship of the record era and has continued to move forward. The mastermind behind the scenes at the front end of the industry.

The music industry is unhealthy, and the team of Jia Minshu and Zhang Peiren want to create a healthy industry. On the one hand, they see the limitations of music companies and independent labels, and on the other hand, they recognize the importance of meticulously cultivated labels - the more of them and the richer the categories, the healthier the industry will be.

So they decided to be the stage builders, providing musicians and labels with a stage and something more important - experience.

All new carriers and methods will eventually return to tradition. From the perspective of a producer, Jia Minshu only talked about music the first moment he came into contact with the musicians, in order to judge their dedication to music. "I'm talking to you and treating you as a business, but I don't have the time."

's judgment is accurate, and only then will things happen. The core is so simple, but it's not easy to do.

Jia Minshu


The Paper News: went from being a "Magic Rock" in the early days, running a label and serving as a producer, to being a "Street Voice" and building a platform. Why this change?

Jia Minshu: In 1999, I was in charge of new releases at Rolling Stone. Media, remember clearly hearing the first song from streaming. I was sitting in front of the Apple computer and heard Jeff Beck coming from the speaker. The channel is no longer CD, vinyl or radio, I feel times are changing.

The Paper: Music companies and independent labels are getting more and more difficult to do. Bing Sima has just been acquired by Taihe, and Modern has expanded its upstream and downstream operations. Does the label still have value?

Jia Minshu: I later discovered that starting from music itself cannot solve the real problem.

To put it bluntly, people my age have experienced a lot of changes. One observation is that small labels are very good, focusing on doing things well and building a label image. I hope that there will be more good domestic labels that can refine the music and do ground work and art work well.

What we can do is provide planning experience for individuals and brands. We have cooperation with Lu1’s Mingtang and many brands. The solutions we provide are more helpful to labels and management teams.

The Paper: Should the music uploaded to "JieSheng" be screened? How will the final decision be made on who to focus on?

Jia Minshu: I was the first to do UGC, and this kind of music may not necessarily be found in traditional record companies. "No Party in Caodong" It is obvious that their music has no trace of industrialization. When we were young, we didn’t listen to what the record companies pushed, but now the channels have changed.

Musicians "birds of a feather flock together". From the Internet perspective, UGC is not filtered, but young people's preferences will form communities, and communities reflect music trends. The decision-making of

"Jieshe" has a basic team, and everyone has their own areas of familiarity. I listen to every streaming platform and consider the traffic and comments.

The final consideration is that I will see whether it is true when he writes. One person can turn innocent romance into words, then into melody, and market the work. But you will find that some music is majestic, but difficult to communicate. Pop music is hard to grasp.

The Paper: Is your judgment basically accurate?

Jia Minshu: I cannot accurately know the market response, but I can accurately know the value of the work, whether it can reflect the times and comfort people's hearts.

The Paper: Is the economic pressure of this system of "street voice", "simple life" and "big news" great?

Jia Minshu: is okay, everything will be accounted for in detail. For example, the cost of "speaking up for big things" is very high. The industrial environment studio we provide is highly respected by everyone who comes in. From the beginning, it was the logic of making a pure music show, and I never thought about turning it into a variety show. The ratings for that episode of Hip Hop were just over 2 million, and the eldest brother (Li Zongsheng) had nearly 3 million, which was pretty good. Our copyrights are also very valuable.

The Paper: For example, if an artist puts several of his works on "Street Sound", how would you do it?

Jia Minshu: will probably arrange a Live House tour for him, treating the tour as a real way to get in touch with the masses. Individuals are different and it depends on their needs. For example, Caodong, after hearing their music on “Jie Sheng”, we recommended them to NetEase Cloud. The response was overwhelming and the rest happened naturally.

"There is no party in Caodong" was recommended to NetEase Cloud Music by Jia Minshu and others after hearing it on the "Jiesheng" platform.

The Paper: How much help would you give musicians on a personal level?

Jia Minshu: dare not say that he is a mentor, but this industry needs this very human role.

The standard is that it is good to be persistent in music, but if you have ambitions to become famous, I can't help you.

Little Tiger, I will ask him, do you think it is enough for hip-hop to have surface tension and eruption of hormones? His writings have a rich heritage. Can he add the heritage of life and the city into them? This is a suggestion. Another example is Lu1. He is a very shy person and his writing is hazy. Not everyone will accept it, but some will like him.

The Paper: How do collaborations between musicians at the Simple Life Festival usually come about?

Jia Minshu: Gaoqi was the one who sent him a bunch of songs. His rock music of the past few years has included rap elements. I asked him what musicians he wanted to collaborate with, and he said he wanted to find a rapper. I recommended Ouyang Jing to him, a legend meets a legend and has a lot of experience in music.

Faye has released a new album and was originally scheduled to collaborate with Lu1, but he has been in LA. Later I discovered that Xiaohu made a lot of electronic things, which were consistent with Faye’s ideas. When the two of them met, the collaboration was spontaneous.

has always believed that music can be more musical without having to be more topical.


The Paper: "Street Voice" - The rappers in the "Simple" system all have the temperament of scholars. Will they suffer if they lack topics?

Jia Minshu: does one thing every time, and others think it is not good. The more things I do, the more I have to do. I dare not say that I am stubborn in choosing the good. It is not unreasonable that I can persist in anything after so many years. The logic of the

audition is social effect. After all, we are a music company. Musicality must have the ability to be inclusive and cross-border. What matters is whether the artistic perspective has been improved, and whether there can be more elements when conveying a spirit.

The Paper: Do you think the popular category of will still exist?

Jia Minshu: I don’t think will work anymore. Mainstream and independent are just different channels of publicity. If a song has 10+ comments, isn’t it mainstream? The mainstream is just an objective description after it is formed.

Strictly speaking, there are problems with the current industrial chain. Does the business have really good media conditions? Is there such a good publicity channel that is not affected by external capital? Capital intervenes, people's hearts fluctuate, and the seeds are encouraged.

The Paper: The lack of popularity of is also related to the problem of the industrial chain?

Jia Minshu: What I really love is the Western European music that I listened to as a child in the 1980s, pop, rock, and trendy hippie music. The industrial environment at that time was very mature, and the structure of the industrialized state was easy to sort out. But I’m not very nostalgic and rarely go back to listen to it.

But good music is always there, it depends on what format is used to support it. Just like the "Tang Dynasty", its national complex and self-esteem and confidence in itself and the culture that gave birth to them are rare, but they are present in every era.

also had Hot Dog's "Mr. Almost" and "Slumdog Millionaire Singer". The last artist signed by Moyan was a young man who was brave enough to move forward. These songs depict the environment and analyze themselves so nakedly. This is a kind of character that can stay.