It has been some time since Kun Ling's third daughter was born. As early as a month ago, she and her husband Jay Chou announced the good news and received everyone's blessings. On June 30, Kunling officially resumed work after the birth of her third child. She shared a series of

Kunling It has been some time since her third daughter was born. As early as a month ago, she and her husband Jay Chou announced the good news and also received everyone's blessings.

html On June 30, Kunling officially resumed work after the birth of her third child. She shared a series of selfie-style photos on her personal account.

Sister is still as brave as before, especially the style of the status photos is obvious, and the flat appearance of the photos is sharper and more charming.

Kun Ling, who has a mixed-race face, has a very well-proportioned figure, and her eyes in the camera have a pitiful look.

In addition, this style photo has a strong sky blue background element, and combined with the colorful style of the clothes, it is a very eye-catching photo. Kunling, holding ice cream in her hand, shows off her feminine cuteness with a touch of fashion.

There is also this photo of half squatting on the ground, with long straight hair half covering her face, and her eyes with her head slightly raised have a charming beauty.

As Kunling came back to take photos after her third pregnancy, netizens left a message: My sister is in great condition. There is a story in her eyes after her third pregnancy. A very good set of fashion photos for returning to work.

Kunling used "I'm back" to tell everyone that she has started work, and she felt like a mother of three children had returned strong.

's husband Jay Chou will naturally not be absent. He likes his wife immediately and tells everyone about his doting on his wife.

In terms of photo shooting style, although Kunling's career development in film and television may not be satisfactory, she still has a place in the fashion shooting world.

Of course, this is inseparable from the support of her husband. Her husband Jay Chou's new album is about to be released. Kunling is also working hard before her husband's new album is released, and the couple works together.

The photos taken by Kunling generally follow a fresh and fashionable route, and the elements are also combined with a more Western aesthetic. In addition, she plays with fashion elements in different styles, so the style she manages is also refreshing.

Of course he can't stop when his wife starts working. Although the album matter has been dealt with, Jay Chou also shared a picture of himself and his boss Yang Junrong working together on the same day.

In the photo, Yang Junrong is talking and laughing. Sitting on the bicycle, Jay Chou described him as "I finally changed my boss and worked by myself!"

didn't say anything. I look forward to Jay Chou's new album coming soon, and I hope my boss Yang Junrong Everyone is already looking forward to being able to do pre-film promotion for Jay Chou as soon as possible.