Before giving birth, ordinary women prefer natural birth and feel that natural birth is better for the child. However, many well-known female celebrities choose caesarean section more often.

Before giving birth, ordinary women prefer natural birth, thinking that natural birth is better for the child. However, many well-known female celebrities choose caesarean section more often.

For example, Jay Chou 's wife Kun Ling had both children delivered by caesarean section. Chen Haomin 's wife had 4 caesarean sections in five years. Ruby Lin , Yang Mi , Zhao Liying and other actresses also had It was a caesarean section.

Faced with these choices made by female celebrities, many people think that they are doing it to restore their figures faster.

Is caesarean section better for the body?

In everyone's opinion, if the child does not come out through the birth canal, it will squeeze the pelvis and deform the buttocks, resulting in a pear-shaped figure .

The pictures in this article are all from the Internet, and the pictures and texts are irrelevant.

In fact, before giving birth, the body will release hormones to make the birth canal loose. Even if you choose a caesarean section, it will be affected to a certain extent, but the situation is better. Lots of .

However, pregnancy does not only harm a woman’s figure, not just the pelvis.

The skin is stretched

Due to rapid weight gain and belly expansion, pregnant mothers will basically have stretch marks on their belly and thighs. In addition, the rectus abdominis muscle is pulled. After the child is born, the belly will generally become fluffy .

Body fat accumulation

After pregnancy, in order to supplement body nutrition, the pregnant mother's diet will also increase. After the baby is born, the remaining weight will increase much more than before, It is difficult to lose weight.

So, what other benefits does a C-section have?

Suitable for older mothers

There are many female celebrities who give birth to older women. No matter how much they maintain and exercise, their body functions can easily decline. During normal delivery, because the labor process is too long, emergencies are easy to occur. Therefore, caesarean section must be more careful Be safer.

You can choose a good and auspicious day

Many wealthy people are more traditional and superstitious, and hope that the child will be born at a good time. It is difficult to determine the time of normal delivery. During caesarean section, the child's birth time is easy to control.

Keep it tight

When giving birth, the ligaments of the birth canal are stretched to the extreme. Even if they recover, it will be difficult to compare with not giving birth, and 90% of mothers will have tears or side incisions during delivery. More likely to affect married life.

If after giving birth, uterine prolapse, birth canal wall bulge, etc. occur, it will be even more affected.

Choosing a caesarean section can avoid these situations.

Caesarean section may not be painful

For ordinary people, the only option for giving birth is a mass production process. Even if you choose a caesarean section because of fear of pain, the anesthesia will fail after the operation, and the pain may be unbearable, and there will be left on the stomach. Unsightly scars.

But the hospitals and doctors chosen by female celebrities are naturally different.

Today's caesarean section technology is becoming more and more advanced. After delivery, you may not feel any pain if you use analgesic pump and sedatives. You can be discharged from the hospital two or three days after delivery. When suturing, use invisible thread and cosmetic needles. The scars are not visible either.

In contrast, naturally more actresses are willing to choose caesarean section.

Mothers do not need to sacrifice themselves to support their children.

Many women may know that caesarean section will make it easier for them before giving birth, but they also feel that babies born by natural birth may have better lungs, and children born by caesarean section may face various invisible problems. question.

Coupled with the persuasion of her husband, parents-in-law, and mother-in-law, she believed that mothers should think about their children. Women who gave birth to children were like this, and no matter how painful a natural birth was, it would not matter.

As a result, many pregnant mothers were convinced, and even if the birth was painful, they gritted their teeth and persisted.

However, babies born normally are not without risk. If the birth is not natural, forceps will be required. If the birth is difficult, the baby is also at risk of asphyxiation.

Therefore, mothers should think more about themselves before giving birth.

Especially now that living conditions are better, there are more and more fetuses weighing seven pounds, eight pounds, and macrosomia. Pregnant mothers may have more pain when giving birth, leaving more sequelae.

Moreover, the advantages brought by natural childbirth are not absolute.

In short, just choose the birth method based on your own wishes, physical conditions, and doctor's advice. Don't be kidnapped by your husband's ideas. The most important thing for the child is that the mother is happy and healthy.