There have been a lot of happy events in the entertainment industry recently about having children. Yesterday, Shawn Yue's ex-girlfriend Wu Yufei just announced the good news of being pregnant with her second child. Today, Ouyang Jing announced that she is pregnant with her secon

There have been a lot of happy events in the entertainment industry recently about having children. Yesterday Shawn Yue's ex-girlfriend Wu Yufei just announced the good news of being pregnant with a second child. Today Ouyang Jing announced that she is pregnant with her second child.

Wu Yufei’s event photos

Since the second child policy was introduced, more and more families are choosing to have a second child.

There has been a saying on the Internet that "the first child should be raised according to the book, and the second child should be raised like a pig." In short, it means that the second child will be much easier to raise than the first child.

But is this really the case? What is the difference between a first child and a second child? Let’s take a look at what people in the past have to say!

01 In terms of mentality

First child: was very excited, even unable to sleep, immersed in the joy of finally becoming a mother.

The second child: will also be in a happy mood, but the first thing that comes to mind may be the torture of the next ten months...

02 In terms of diet

The first child: Remember the various dietary taboos mentioned on the Internet well. For sure, crabs, hawthorns, ice cream, hot pot, etc., as long as they are said to be bad for the fetus, will definitely not be eaten. The daily diet is very regular and done at a fixed time.

second child: There are no taboos in . You can eat whatever you want, very capricious.

03 Regarding morning sickness

First child: is too scary, why is there such a reaction? It is too uncomfortable, crying and complaining.

Second child: means "endure". If you calculate, the morning sickness will be over in more than a month.

04 Physically

The first child: The belly gradually gets bigger, it will itch, and it is more sensitive to various changes during pregnancy.

The second child: It is much easier than the first child, and the bloating condition will be better. A little bit, because the pressure on the uterus has been significantly increased than before, and the belly will not be so itchy after the second child.

05 In terms of shopping

First child: I have no experience and I don’t know anything. The only thing I can think of is that it must be used for the child. The best, our goal is to only buy expensive ones and not the right ones! All products with the words imported, big-name, and pure natural are my goals. No matter what the store clerk says, I just say "buy"!

Second child: The mother of the second child no longer thinks that expensive things are good as before, and now knows how to choose things suitable for the baby; and Dabao can use the remaining penis, which saves more than one month of money. Click.

06 In terms of body shape

First child: When you are pregnant for the first time, watching your belly getting bigger, pregnant women will worry about whether they will get stretch marks, and try various ways to prevent them; they worry that their figure will be out of shape, often Go online and talk to people you know who have done it, and try to stay in shape.

Second child: When I was pregnant with my second child, my figure was so amazing. I had to take care of the baby under the torment of morning sickness, so I had no time to think about my figure.

07 In terms of childbirth

First child: When giving birth to the first child, the only thought that all pregnant mothers have is "I will never have another child in this life."

Second child: Because I have already had an experience, I am mentally unstable. It will be very scary; and the cervix of the uterus will open faster during the second pregnancy, and the birth canal will be looser than during the first pregnancy, so the mother of the second pregnancy will give birth faster than the first time, because the degree and duration of pain are only limited. It accounts for one third of the first birth, and the baby is already born before the pain is so severe.

08 Regarding raising children

First child: Two new parents will be in a hurry to take care of a child together, and they will be at a loss and make all kinds of common sense digestion.

Second child: After giving birth to her second child, her mother has become an expert in raising children. Even the mother herself can take care of two children. The mother was telling stories to the eldest child and changing the diaper for the second one without any delay.

Seeing these differences between the first and second babies, have any of the second-child mothers seen anything similar to yours?


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