According to the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory, the daytime temperature in Shanghai today is expected to approach 34~35℃, which is not far from the release of high temperature subsidies!

According to Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory it is expected that

the daytime temperature in Shanghai will be close to 34~35℃ today

The high temperature subsidy is not far away!

A few days ago, All-China Federation of Trade Unions has made arrangements for

employees’ heatstroke prevention and cooling work in 2022

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All-China Federation of Trade Unions recently issued the " Notice on Effectively Implementing Workforce Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Work in 2022" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") , requiring trade unions at all levels to do a good job in labor protection for high-temperature operations and operations in hot weather under the normal epidemic prevention and control situation, effectively prevent and control occupational heat stroke events, and reduce the harm to workers' health caused by high-temperature operations and operations in hot weather. In particular, we should focus on frontline personnel such as medical staff and community epidemic prevention volunteers to avoid heat stroke caused by wearing protective equipment for a long time in hot weather.

Heatstroke prevention and cooling are directly related to the health of employees and the production safety of enterprises. To this end, the "Notice" requires trade unions at all levels to effectively carry out heatstroke prevention and cooling work for employees, strengthen cooperation with relevant local government departments based on regional realities, plan in advance, make overall arrangements, advance in an orderly manner, and form synergy. At the same time, trade unions at all levels are required to conscientiously perform their mass supervision responsibilities entrusted to trade unions by law, urge employers to implement their main responsibilities for heatstroke prevention and cooling, assist employers in establishing and improving heatstroke prevention and cooling work systems, and formulate work plans for heatstroke prevention and cooling and high temperature and heat stroke emergency plans; to represent Workers shall negotiate with employers on an equal footing regarding labor protection matters for high-temperature operations and operations in high-temperature weather, and sign collective contracts or special collective contracts for labor protection for operations in high-temperature operations and hot-weather operations; employers must be urged to improve production processes and operating procedures, improve labor conditions and Working environment, reasonably arrange working time, reduce labor intensity, organize occupational health examinations, provide employees with necessary personal protective equipment and rest places for high-temperature operations, and issue high-temperature allowances in accordance with regulations.

The "Notice" emphasizes that trade unions at all levels must adhere to the needs of employees, coordinate and make good use of all resources, and take practical and effective measures to minimize the superposition of epidemic and summer high temperature weather factors while doing a good job in normalized epidemic prevention and control. Adverse effects on the production and life of employees. It is necessary to actively provide cooling materials, policy propaganda, health examinations, legal rights protection, and health training to employees in industries such as logistics, electricity, construction, and sanitation that operate outdoors in summer and in workplaces with high temperatures and productive heat sources. Carry out activities such as "send coolness". It is necessary to actively expand functions such as "driver's home", outdoor worker service sites, and trade union assistance (service) centers, with new employment form workers as the main service targets, and provide convenience for workers working outdoors in hot weather to escape the heat and rest.

Trade unions at all levels will also use a combination of "online and offline" methods to carry out in-depth occupational health knowledge publicity and education activities that are close to their jobs, close to reality, and close to employees, further popularize laws and regulations related to heatstroke prevention and cooling, and help employees understand the hazards of high temperatures and master them. Protective measures and personal protection methods against high temperature hazards can effectively improve employees' self-protection awareness and capabilities and ensure that employees spend the summer safely. What are the conditions for issuing high temperature fees for


Are high temperature allowance and heatstroke prevention and cooling fee the same thing?

Let’s look down together

What is high temperature weather?

High-temperature weather refers to weather in which the daily maximum temperature is above 35°C released to the public by meteorological stations affiliated to the meteorological authorities at or above the prefectural level.

High-temperature weather operations refer to operations that employers arrange for workers to perform in high-temperature natural weather environments during high-temperature weather periods. How is the high temperature allowance for


According to regulations, companies that arrange workers to work in the open air from June to September every year and cannot take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace to below 33℃ (excluding 33℃) shall pay summer high temperature allowances to workers.

For special situations where the nature of workers’ workplaces is difficult to determine, enterprises should reasonably formulate payment methods based on actual conditions and through collective wage negotiation and other forms.

The summer high temperature allowance can be paid on a monthly basis, or it can be paid in one lump sum in advance according to your own circumstances.

The monthly allowance is 300 yuan and is paid for 4 months. This is only the city’s minimum allowance for the summer high temperature season. Enterprises should also establish a high-temperature seasonal allowance system based on the characteristics of production and operation and specific conditions, and reasonably determine the enterprise's high-temperature seasonal allowance payment standards through democratic consultation.

Will the salary be reduced after the high temperature allowance is issued?

If an employer arranges workers to engage in outdoor operations in weather with temperatures above 35°C and fails to take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace to below 33°C, it shall pay high temperature allowances to the workers and include them in the total wages.

Workers who suffer from heat stroke due to high-temperature work or work in hot weather and are diagnosed as occupational diseases shall enjoy work-related injury insurance benefits.

Are high temperature allowance and heatstroke prevention and cooling fee the same thing?

High temperature allowance and heatstroke prevention and cooling fee are not the same thing. To put it simply, the high temperature allowance is salary, and the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee is welfare. The high temperature allowance has restrictions on the working environment, while the heatstroke prevention and cooling fee has no special requirements.

Heatstroke prevention and cooling fee refers to the welfare expenditure provided by the employer for employees, in addition to employee wages, bonuses, allowances, and expenses included in total salary management, it is employee welfare.

The high temperature allowance refers to the employer's special or additional labor consumption allowance in order to compensate employees for working in high temperature environments. It is an integral part of wages. Can

high temperature allowance be replaced by items?

It should be noted that employers should provide sufficient heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks and necessary medicines that meet health standards for workers who work in high temperatures or in hot weather. Distributing money or goods in lieu of providing heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks is not allowed. Heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks shall not be used as a substitute for high temperature allowance.

According to the " Management Measures for Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures ", high temperature allowance standards are formulated and implemented by provincial departments. In recent years, many places have raised subsidy standards or extended the subsidy period, and clearly stipulated that "materials are not allowed to be used as money."

Text: Morning News

Editor: Liang Xing