Good evening everyone, let’s take a look at what major events are worthy of attention on the evening of the 8th. BYD, whose stock price is about to reach a new high recently, may add fuel to the fire with an announcement on the evening of the 8th.

China Fund News Tyler

Good evening everyone, let’s take a look at what major events are worth paying attention to on the evening of the 8th

BYD raises its buyback stock price

BYD, whose stock price is about to break through a new high recently, an announcement on the evening of the 8th may "add fuel to the fire" oil".

BYD announced that it will adjust the upper limit of the repurchase price from no more than 300 yuan/share to no more than 400 yuan/share. Except for adjusting the upper limit of the share repurchase price, other contents of the company's share repurchase plan have not changed.

As of the date of this announcement, the company has repurchased a total of 2.1725 million A shares and shares through a special securities account for repurchase through centralized bidding transactions, accounting for 0.07463% of the company's total shares. The highest transaction price is 300 yuan/share. The lowest transaction price was 293.37 yuan/share, and the total transaction amount was 649 million yuan (excluding transaction fee ). The price of

,400 yuan/share is 22% higher than the current closing price. It is estimated that it will give investors in the secondary market a psychologically anchored price.

It is worth noting that the announcement shows that the total amount of this repurchase does not exceed RMB 1.85 billion (inclusive). 649 million has been repurchased so far, and the quota is only 1.2 billion. The impact on the market will not be too great.

Recently, BYD's market value is only one step away from a new high. The latest ranking of global car companies' market value shows that BYD has surpassed Volkswagen Group and jumped to third place. At the same time, BYD is also the only Chinese car company in the top 10 list.

In addition, BYD disclosed its sales volume in May, which once again exceeded "100,000+". Data show that in May this year, BYD achieved production and sales of 118,135 and 114,943 new energy vehicles respectively, a year-on-year increase of 270% and 250%. It is understood that this is the third month that BYD has sold more than 100,000 vehicles in a single month. From January to May, BYD's cumulative sales were 507,314 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 348.11%.

html On the 8th, BYD also held a shareholders' meeting. More than 100 investors attended, and the venue was full. Chairman Wang Chuanfu also attended and personally answered shareholders' questions throughout the process. These are the key points.

's opponent is fuel vehicles. We must work together to make the pie of new energy vehicles bigger, truly quickly replace fuel vehicles, minimize the consumption of fossil energy, and achieve sustainable development.

company will increase its efforts in expanding overseas markets in the future. Currently, the company is under great pressure to develop overseas markets, but it has still allocated some scarce resources to promote the global electric vehicle market.

talks about solid-state battery technology: After 600 kilometers, the demand for mileage decreases, while the demand for price and safety increases. The company started out as a battery manufacturer and has all the technology in reserve.

talks about competition: The process of electrification is accelerating. At this time, it depends on who has more resources, a more complete supply chain, and the products launched with greater advantages, who will win a larger market. Now it is not the big fish that eats the small fish, but the fast fish that eats the slow fish with and . Only in the fast process can we overtake.

The first half of new energy vehicles is electrification, and the second half is intelligence. In the field of intelligence, the company will integrate all core technologies and fully verify them, just like in the field of electrification.

BYD will explore all possible cost space through scale and high vertical integration. In the process of scale-up, costs are gradually reduced and profit margins are increased through the benefits of scale.

Social Responsibility: The company is very particular about sharing concerns for the country. It currently has 420,000 employees and originally planned to recruit only 10,000 college students. Considering the country’s difficulties this year, it was decided to recruit 20,000 college students this year.

order status: Currently, there are 600,000 undelivered orders, with a delivery period of 5-6 months.

As of the latest data, the number of BYD shareholders has reached 400,000.

Minsheng Securities Chairman Feng Henian has lost contact?

html On the evening of the 8th, there was another major event in finance. Feng Henian, the “old man” of the securities regulatory system and chairman of Minsheng Securities, suddenly lost contact. According to public media reports on June 8, Minsheng Securities Chairman Feng Henian has lost contact and may be taken away by relevant departments for investigation. The reason may be related to the investigation of Wang Zongcheng, the former director of the Accounting Department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. On June 2, Wang Zongcheng, the former director of the Accounting Department of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and was undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation.

According to public information, Feng Henian joined the China Securities Regulatory Commission in 1997 and served as deputy director of the legal department, director of the supervision department of unlisted public companies, and director of the GEM department. In December 2013, Feng Henian served as Party Secretary and Director of the Shandong Securities Regulatory Bureau and Director of the Jinan Inspection Bureau.

It is understood that Feng Henian resigned as director of the Shandong Securities Regulatory Bureau in July 2015 and became secretary of the Party Committee of Minsheng Securities. According to industry insiders, according to previous regulations, China Securities Regulatory Commission officials have a one-year silent period for "going overseas", that is, they will not be able to serve as senior executives responsible for operations of the regulated institutions within one year. Feng Henian has passed the silent period, so it is in line with the policy at that time.

However, it is worth noting that the policy changed after September 2015, and cadres above the deputy director level will not be subject to supervision by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for three years.

In February this year, Feng Henian said that he would take "rooted in Pudong , based in Shanghai, deepen the Yangtze River Delta , and look at the whole country" as the company's strategic plan for the next five years of development, and strive to enter the capital market within three years.

In 2020, Minsheng Securities moved to Shanghai by "inciting war and increasing capital", making a major milestone in the company's development history. Minsheng Securities introduced an innovative "reverse mixed-ownership reform" approach to introduce 10 state-owned assets at two levels in the Shanghai urban area totaling 1.7 billion yuan, accounting for 10.9% of the equity. The total shareholding ratio of state-owned assets in Shanghai and other places reached 30.58%.

In 2021, Minsheng Securities achieved revenue of 4.74 billion yuan and net profit of 1.23 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 31% and 34% respectively. The scale ranks among the top among unlisted securities firms. Its investment banking business already has a dominant position in the industry, ranking among the forefront of the industry in terms of IPO underwriting sponsorship revenue, the number of IPO underwriting sponsorship projects, and the ranking of IPO reserve projects. There will be 27 IPO projects in 2021, ranking 4th in the industry.

China concept stock has gone up like crazy

Brothers and sisters of the beggar gang, come and gather together, China concept stock has risen sharply again tonight.

A50 looks quite pleasing to the eye. Let’s go to bed early and welcome A shares with full energy on the 9th.