Written by - Hulk Recently, a vegetarian internet celebrity on Instagram has become famous, but the reason for her fame is not because of her healthy diet, but because she was photographed by fans secretly eating meat.

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- Hulk

Recently, a vegetarian internet celebrity on Instagram has become famous, but the reason for her fame is not because of her healthy diet, but because she was photographed by fans secretly eating meat.


A vegetarian on the surface, but eating meat behind the scenes

This Hispanic Instagram celebrity Rawvana has millions of fans and is well known for his sunny attitude towards life and beautiful figure.

Every photo on her Po basically shows "sunshine, beautiful scenery, vegetarian food and a beautiful body". Even if you are not a vegetarian, you will be attracted by her lifestyle.

Let’s take a look at some of her style on Instagram:

Rawvana has repeatedly claimed in her blog that she is on a vegan diet . Her perfect figure and healthy body are also thanks to vegetarianism. .

Her mother was also influenced by her and benefited from a vegetarian diet. After

became a well-known internet celebrity, Rawvana began selling courses, and her online courses cost up to $99. Many fans believed her and began to imitate her eating pattern, daily routine and exercise plan.

But something happened recently that caused Rawvana’s personality to collapse.

Just last Sunday, a fan happened to meet Rawvana eating and filmed her in his Vlog. Although the video only lasted 11 seconds, sharp-eyed netizens immediately discovered:

Rawvana was actually eating fish!

A vegetarian internet celebrity actually eats fish?

Is fish vegetarian? What about the vegan food

said? The video of

went viral on the Internet. Netizens felt angry and disappointed, and began to issue text attacks and spoofs on various social media. They even set up a #fishvana# topic on Facebook to criticize Rawvana.

Rawvana immediately released a 33-minute apology video after this incident in an attempt to quell the controversy.


Being a vegetarian made her suffer a lot.

However, her explanation in the video caused even greater controversy.

Rawvana said that he eats fish because he has health problems, including menopause and anemia, which has lasted for 2 years. For the sake of good health, she had to start eating more meat and eggs on the advice of her doctor.

She originally wanted to win sympathy with this way of apologizing, but instead it made more people angry.

She knew that being a vegetarian would bring health problems, but she concealed it for the sake of "healthy personality"?

She suffered menopause and anemia due to being a vegetarian, but she advocates a vegetarian diet for health?

She secretly eats meat and encourages millions of fans to become vegetarians?

This video made fans of Rawvana realize that the diet she advocates is actually not healthy.

Let’s take a look at Rawvana’s diet:

Rawvana adopts Raw food, a pure vegetarian diet , which is a more stringent diet than vegetarianism. Not only cannot meat, eggs, and milk be eaten, but also raw food. and low-temperature foods.

In addition, this diet eliminates all fatty foods, including oils, legumes, and nuts.


Vegetarian abandoners

In fact, it is not only Rawvana’s vegetarian diet that causes health problems.

For example, Apple founder Steve Jobs began to believe in Buddhism and adhere to a vegetarian diet at the age of 19. However, after a period of fruit and vegetable vegetarianism, Jobs developed health problems.

Later, Gang Leader Qiao promptly adjusted to a fish-vegetarian diet. In addition to the traditional vegetarian diet, he would also supplement fish, eggs, milk and other foods.

Also, New York Times best-selling author Robb Wolf, who became a vegetarian with his mother for health reasons.

However, long-term vegetarianism did not bring him good health. Instead, he became very hungry soon after eating dinner, became bloated, and suffered from occasional abdominal pain.

At the same time, his sick mother's condition also worsened after becoming a vegetarian. After his mother followed the doctor's advice and resumed eating meat and giving up grains, her health improved quickly.

This incident made him give up the vegetarianism that had insisted on for many years, and began to eat less grains and more meat. His health also improved significantly in just two months.

The famous actress Big S was also a vegetarian until after she got married, the doctor told her to start eating meat.:

"If you continue like this, the chance of getting pregnant will be very low, and you must start eating meat." Regulate hormone levels.”

After a period of dietary recovery, Big S finally became pregnant with the baby.

These people were once firm supporters of vegetarianism, but eventually gave up vegetarianism due to different health problems. This shows that an inappropriate vegetarian diet can indeed damage your health.


Inappropriate vegetarian diet, causing suffering to health

Rawvana's Raw food vegetarian recipe, it is clearly written to reject the intake of fat, which will lead to the following health problems:

1. Anemia and heart disease

Because vegetarian food does not contain everything Animal products can easily lead to vitamin B₁₂ deficiency. The main sources of vitamin B₁₂ for humans come from animal liver, lean meat, fish, milk and eggs, and these are taboos for vegetarians.

A recent survey by Oxford Academic revealed that nearly 100% of vegans consume less vitamin B₁₂ than recommended by dietary guidelines (2.4 micrograms/day), and 38% of vegans are deficient in vitamin B₁₂.

A lack of vitamin B₁₂ can lead to anemia, nervous system damage, infertility, heart disease and other problems.

2. Muscle loss and reduced bone mass

In addition, vegetarians often suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, and when daily fat intake is insufficient, the body is prone to vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D is responsible for promoting blood calcium synthesis. Without it, even if you supplement more calcium, bone quality may decrease.

In addition, due to the elimination of meat and eggs, vegetarians often have insufficient protein intake.

Although supplementing soy products can help you absorb protein, the absorption rate of plant protein is much lower than that of animal protein. If you want to meet the body's needs, you must increase your intake, and most vegetarians find it difficult to eat enough.

protein is an essential raw material for to synthesize muscle . When the body lacks protein, muscle mass also decreases, which in turn causes bone loss. 【6】

3. Decreased fertility

Finally, a vegan diet can also lead to menstrual disorders and delayed .

The Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism conducted a study in 1999 where they surveyed 297 raw food vegetarian women.

The results of the questionnaire show that 70% of women who follow a raw food vegetarian diet have irregular menstrual cycles, and about 30% of women under the age of 45 experience menopause, which is 7 times higher than that of women who eat a normal diet. 【7】


Final words

From a large number of studies and cases on vegetarians, it is not difficult to find that vegetarians will more or less lack nutrients and , which will lead to various health problems such as menopause, anemia, and abdominal distension.

If you are vegetarian for health reasons, it is obviously not wise.

If you are a vegetarian for religious reasons, it is recommended that you pay attention to supplementing the deficient nutrients:

Vitamin B₁₂: nutritionally fortified foods, some edible algae, dietary supplements;

Protein: chickpeas, quinoa, tempeh, Lentils, legumes and nuts;

Vitamin D: Get more sun;

Calcium: Kale, broccoli, bok choy, almonds, figs;

Mega-3 Fatty Acids: Chia seeds, walnuts, Brussels sprouts and Perilla oil

finally reminds everyone, don’t blindly follow the diet of Internet celebrities, choose your diet from a scientific perspective to achieve good health!

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