Spring is the season of high incidence of many skin diseases. As the weather gets warmer in spring, various parasites, bacteria, microorganisms, and plants begin to grow, pollen increases, and pathogens and allergenic substances spread through the air and various transmission med

Spring is the season of high incidence of various skin diseases. Due to the warming of spring weather, various parasites, bacteria, microorganisms, and plants begin to grow, pollen increases, and pathogens and allergenic substances spread through the air and various transmission media.

At the same time, the weather gets warmer in spring, the sunlight exposure time increases, and the ultraviolet rays entering the ground begin to increase, etc., which will cause the incidence of various skin diseases to increase in spring. Zhang Junling, chief physician of the First Department of Dermatology of our hospital, said that everyone should take precautions against skin diseases that are highly prevalent in spring.


Urticaria is an allergic skin disease that occurs frequently in spring. It is a localized edema reaction due to the expansion and increased permeability of small blood vessels in the skin and mucous membranes. The basic damage is the appearance of wheals on the skin, which usually occur in It can subside within 24 hours, but new wheals can appear repeatedly, and the course of the disease can last from days to months, accompanied by skin itching. If the disease recovers in a short period of time, it is called acute urticaria; if it recurs at least twice a week for more than 6 weeks, it is called chronic urticaria.

To prevent and treat such diseases, you should first try to find allergens and avoid contact with allergens. People with a history of pollen allergy should try to reduce outdoor activities and do not grow flowers indoors. Pay attention to personal protection during the peak flowering season. If you need to go out, you can Wear a mask to protect yourself from pollen. When wheals occur, avoid scratching, scalding or washing the skin. If necessary, you can take antihistamines under the guidance of a physician.

If acute urticaria occurs in the laryngeal mucosa, it may cause edema of the monkey head, airway obstruction and suffocation, which is life-threatening; some patients may experience nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and severe patients may also experience chest tightness, discomfort, and pale complexion. Rapid heart rate, weak pulse, decreased blood pressure, fainting, and anaphylactic shock. Once any of the above occurs, you must seek medical treatment as soon as possible and rush to the nearest medical institution as soon as possible to receive timely and formal rescue treatment to save your life.

In addition to urticaria, there are also some skin allergies, such as facial recurrent dermatitis and contact dermatitis. After some people with allergies come into contact with allergens such as pollen, catkins, flowers and plants, their skin will develop red spots, papules, peeling and other skin lesions accompanied by skin itching. The rash usually appears on exposed parts, such as the head, face, neck, and chest. It usually occurs on the front and upper limbs in spring. If it is just simple itching and mild erythema on the head and face, you can choose some over-the-counter drugs. Try to reduce outdoor activities as much as possible, avoid contact with allergens in the surrounding environment, and take personal protection. Severe cases should go to a regular hospital for treatment.

Papular urticaria

is also called insect bite dermatitis , clustered or scattered. It is a slightly spindle-shaped red wheal-like lesion the size of a mung bean to a peanut, and some may have pseudopods. Small blisters are often found on the top, and the itching is obvious. With the arrival of spring, as the weather gradually warms up, some small insects become active. After people are bitten by these small insects, they often experience local redness, swelling, itching, and even numbness. When going out for an outing or picnic in spring, tie up your cuffs and trouser legs, and take timely measures to eliminate pests indoors. When drying clothes and quilts, it is best not to dry them under a tree to prevent insects from staying in the clothes and quilts. For those with mild skin lesions, topical drugs can be used; for those with severe skin lesions, antihistamines can be taken internally. If the skin lesions are very severe or even systemic symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, headache, etc., seek medical treatment in time.

Contributed by Department of Dermatology

Editor: Sun Jing

Proofreading: Lei Chunxiang

Editor: Lu Jing