The resumption of classes in Songshan District on April 26 involves a total of 23 schools with 23,867 students, including 18 junior high schools, 4 general high schools, and 1 vocational high school. There are 13,116 junior high school students, 7,654 general high school students

In accordance with the requirements of the "Chifeng Municipal Education Bureau's Notice on the Schedule for School Resumption in the Spring of 2020", Chifeng City's first and second grade junior and senior high schools and secondary vocational schools will resume classes on April 26 after evaluation and approval. Classes for sixth grade students will resume on May 7 after evaluation and approval.

The resumption of classes in Songshan District on April 26 involves a total of 23 schools with 23,867 students, including 18 junior high schools, 4 general high schools, and 1 vocational high school. There are 13,116 junior high school students, 7,654 general high school students, and vocational high schools. There are 3097 students.

In order to fully carry out all work on the resumption of classes, the Songshan District Education Bureau held a deployment meeting on the resumption of classes for primary and secondary schools in Songshan District on the afternoon of April 24. According to the meeting arrangement, the District Education Bureau established 6 supervision and evaluation teams, jointly with the Health and Welfare Department , market supervision and other departments have supervised and evaluated the resumption of classes in each school.

After evaluation and approval, 23 schools with 23,867 students in the district successfully resumed classes on April 26, the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of primary schools resumed classes.

Source: Songshan Today

Editor: Bi Yongbao

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