Zhang Hanya, who has been shortlisted for the Golden Melody Award for Taiwanese singers for five times, has always lacked the finishing touch! As a singer, she always adheres to the spirit of challenging herself every time she releases an album. She hopes that this album can adva

Zhang Hanya, who has been shortlisted for Golden Melody Taiwanese Diva five times, always lacks the finishing touch! As a Diva, she always adheres to the spirit of challenging herself every time she releases an album. She hopes that this album can advance to the Golden Melody Award again this year and challenge " Zhang Hanya, who has pulled six numbers in a row, even joked about playing mahjong as a punchline, hoping that she can win the award this year by "touching her own hands"! Since her debut, as long as she releases an album, she will definitely be "shortlisted". The album "Second Half" transformed her into a jazz diva, and she even lost 12 kilograms for the new album. Her husband was shocked and thought he had just changed his wife!

Zhang Hanya still continued the elegant jazz diva look from her previous one, but she was a little more sexy. and self-confidence; as a mother of three, Zhang Hanya decided to "close her belly" and not have another baby after giving birth to her third child. She was determined to "slim down" and successfully lost 12 kilograms last year by relying on yoga and badminton exercises, as well as reducing sugar and starch. , a jazz actress who perfectly interprets both elegance and confidence; currently maintaining a weight of 48 kilograms, she said: "Losing weight is really not easy for a mother who has given birth to three children. I want to lose weight once, because I am afraid of 'getting fat again.' , usually controls her diet to maintain her weight."

Although Zhang Hanya missed the Golden Melody Award five times, she always upholds the spirit of challenging herself every time she releases an album. She hopes that this album can advance to the Golden Melody Award again this year and challenge "six consecutive years." She even joked about playing mahjong as a metaphor to hope that she could win the award this year by "touching herself". She said: "Although everyone says that being shortlisted means winning the award, I am also deeply grateful to the judges for their recognition of each of my albums. , but missed the Golden Melody Award five times. It feels a lot like getting a score of 99 in an exam. Although that score is already great, I always hope that I can do better in the areas that I have not done well. One day I will Received the 100-point affirmation.”

Zhang Hanya, who majored in vocal music, took on the challenge of singing in German for the first time an adaptation of Mendelssohn’s classic song “On the Wings of Singing.” This classic vocal piece was transformed into a popular jazz song. Feng's song gave Zhang Hanya, who has rich singing skills, the first time to experience the frustration of "kicking the iron plate". Since the German language is very complicated in terms of pronunciation and consonants, Zhang Hanya repeatedly "hit the wall" when singing. For this reason, Zhang Hanya also specially invited A friend who came to Germany to act as a teacher first recorded the pronunciation and then practiced it repeatedly and confirmed the accuracy of the pronunciation. The singing practice alone took more than a week, which made Zhang Hanya laugh and said: "Leo loves challenging challenges. Singing German in 2021 The song’s achievements are unlocked and it feels very cool!”