Some students in the elite class of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China have been a little busy recently in the International Elite Class of the School of Information and Software Engineering. Not only were there many gatherings, but I also continued to r

Some students in the top class

Recently, the students in the International Elite Class of School of Information and Software Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China have been a little busy. Not only were there many gatherings, but I also continued to receive blessing messages from relatives and friends.

It turned out that there were 20 students in the class, all of whom were studying for further studies. Two of them were admitted to Peking University and Nanjing University, and the other 18 students had received more than 120 offers (letters of admission) from the top 10 schools in the field of computer science in the United States. Among them, one student received 14 full doctoral scholarships... How did

, the post-95s generation of academic masters, come to be? What's so special about them? A reporter from Chengdu Business Daily takes you to find out.

There are 20 people in the class, and the postgraduate study rate is 100%

A set of data tells you how good the international elite class (class of 2014) of the School of Information and Software Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is. There are 20 people in the class of

, with a 100% further study rate. Among them, 18 people went abroad for further study, and received a total of more than 120 offers. Among these 18 people, 50% received offers from the top 10 schools in the computer field in the United States. Such as Carnegie Mellon University , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Pennsylvania , Columbia University , etc.

This means that the average student in the class received 6.7 offers, and the average grade point of and was as high as 3.93 (grade point is one of the conditions for applying to prestigious foreign schools, and the highest grade point is 4). There are 7 girls in this class of

. “All 4 girls have been admitted to Carnegie Mellon University, which ranks first in the field of computer science.” said Zhang Hanya.

1 people have won 14 doctorate degrees admission

Wang Yuke has applied for almost all doctoral degrees. Currently, he has received admission to 14 doctoral degrees from George Washington University, Purdue University, and the University of William and Mary. Notification, and all scholarships are full, and the scientific research direction he chose is more traditional computer systems. "I know that scientific research is a long road. If you don't have enough interests and hobbies, it will feel boring." Wang Yuke said frankly that he had been exposed to the popular human-computer interaction system before, which made him hesitate to choose a professional direction. Making a decision, "After discussing with my head teacher, Mr. Liao Yong, I decided to choose a more traditional direction based on my own interests."

The International Elite Class of the School of Information and Software Engineering is different from most classes in the college. This class is small but sophisticated and cultivates The model is in line with international standards, and most courses are taught in English.

“Our students are assigned mentors as soon as they are freshmen.” Wu Zufeng, deputy secretary of the party committee of the college, said, “The mentors will make academic plans for each student, specifying which scientific research projects the students should complete at which stage, where they should publish papers at which stage, etc. , very systematic and detailed. "In addition, tutors will also design special humanities and workplace courses for students to strengthen students' humanistic accomplishments and provide professional quality training. Chengdu Commercial Daily reporter Zhao Yuxin

Photojournalist Liu Haiyun

(Editors: Luo Juan, Gao Hongxia)