On New Year's Eve, Yan Li, secretary of the party committee and president of a hospital in Datong City, led members of the team to visit and express condolences to the hospital employees who stuck to their posts and fought on the front line, thanked them for their hard work and s

The kind ox wagged its tail and disappeared, and the lucky tiger came to the house to offer auspiciousness. On New Year's Eve, Yan Li, secretary of the party committee and president of a hospital in Datong City, led members of the team to visit and express condolences to the hospital employees who stuck to their posts and fought on the front line, thanked them for their hard work and selfless dedication this year, and sent greetings for the Year of the Tiger in 2022. Best wishes.

In the cafeteria, the leaders of the hospital personally delivered plates of shrimps, fish, dumplings, cold cuts and other rich delicacies to the tables of the employees on duty. At the same time, they also brought the warmest New Year greetings and sincere blessings to all employees of the hospital.

Afterwards, the leaders of the hospital went to fever clinics, emergency rooms, nucleic acid collection points and other places to send New Year greetings to the medical workers who still stayed at their posts on New Year’s Eve: "Happy New Year! Everyone has worked hard! On behalf of the hospital party committee, I wish you all a happy New Year!" Everywhere they went, hospital leaders had cordial exchanges with employees who stuck to their jobs. I sincerely thank them for leaving their small homes, taking care of everyone, and sticking to their jobs when thousands of families are reunited. I express my most sincere gratitude and recognition for everyone's hard work. I urge them to ensure medical safety during the festival and ensure the safe operation of the hospital. I encourage them. In the new year, everyone, continue to work hard and be the guardian of the health of the broad masses of the people!

On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, many clinical front-line staff still stick to their posts and cannot be reunited with their families during the Chinese New Year. The leaders of the hospital asked everyone to take care of themselves during their busy work, and encouraged the staff on duty to devote themselves to medical work with full enthusiasm, strong sense of responsibility and mission, ensure safety, and let every patient live a safe and secure year. Have a safe year.

The sincere greetings conveyed deep warmth; the strings of beautiful blessings deeply inspired and excited the employees. Everyone expressed that they must live up to the expectations of the hospital leaders, stick to their posts, perform their duties conscientiously, and go all out to provide medical rescue work during the Spring Festival, so as to fully guarantee the people a safe and peaceful Spring Festival. (Correspondent Wang Xiaojian)

Editor in charge: Zhang Yanlin