Every boy has probably been asked about his future career plans more than once when he was young, right? As for the answer, it must be all kinds of people, including officials, soldiers, scientists... all of them. But if you put the same question in Japan, the answer may be highl

Every boy is probably asked about his future career plans more than once when he was a child, right? As for the answer, it must be all kinds of people, including officials, soldiers, scientists... all of them. But if you put the same question in Japan, the answer may be highly unified - " baseball player " is almost the only answer.

Because in Japan, baseball is undoubtedly the number one sport for the people. Since it was introduced to Japan during the Meiji Restoration in 1872, it was taught to students by American Helles Wilson who was a teacher in a Japanese school. It not only trained the students' agility speed and reaction ability, and also cultivate their team spirit in a subtle way. As a favorite sport among Japanese people, almost all Japanese men have played it. It is said that in order to break the awkward conversation and ease the atmosphere, I chatted about popularity with the British and talked about baseball with the Japanese, which definitely brought them closer instantly. Correspondingly, the level of Japanese wildball has always been among the first-tier teams in the world. In the eyes of the Japanese, students who play baseball are not only energetic, but also have higher IQ and EQ levels, and are better able to adapt to the brutal competition in future society.

Therefore, it is very common in Japan for three generations of baseball fans to be fans of baseball, and it is normal for everyone to like different teams. In the small park on the street on weekends, the scene of father and son practicing pitching and catching is warm, cozy and enjoyable, and is familiar to anyone who has lived in Japan. In 2015, there was a popular inspirational movie in Japan called " Bottom Hot Girl ". The father in the movie was extremely supportive of his son playing baseball. He provided all kinds of expensive equipment and equipment to him without hesitation. Smash. But he seems indifferent to his daughter's pursuit of a world-famous school like Keio.

(In order to hit the famous school in his heart, the protagonist chooses a private school to realize his dream)

Koshien As the highest level baseball game at the high school level in Japan, it is undoubtedly the holy place in the hearts of baseball boys. The baseball stadium was completed in Taisho 513 (1924) and was named because the zodiac sign of that year was "Jiazi". Japan, which was rising from the ashes after the defeat in World War II, regarded Koshien as a spiritual symbol in order to accelerate its take-off. It used all propaganda methods to report the event with great fanfare and encourage its citizens to work hard. Every year, 40 teams are selected from more than 4,000 high school baseball teams. It can be said that each team is qualified to compete with stronger opponents in Koshien after passing all the way. Therefore, playing in Koshien means With the supreme honor.

In Japan's extremely popular national drama " Late Night Cafeteria ", Ryu Miko, who is famous in the Shinjuku area, was originally going to attend Koshien when he was in high school, but he got into a fight with the gangsters on the way to date the female leader Kumi. , and missed the holy land in his heart, and therefore was hated by his teammates for many years. This incident has become a taboo that has been buried deep in his heart all his life, and he is reluctant to mention it. Later, even if he embarks on a different path from ordinary people, he will never allow people around him to blaspheme baseball. In Ryu's heart, baseball is as clear as It has become an immortal totem.

(Late Night Diner Season 2, Little Red Sausage Reappears)

​ If you have the opportunity to go to Japan, I strongly recommend you to watch a baseball game live. The packed seats are roaring, the tsunami is roaring, the tears of joy after killing the opponent, and the heartfelt feeling of hitting the soul. , the tears in the eyes of everyone present will be infected. Regardless of gender and age, even if they don’t understand football, they will be enveloped in the atmosphere and fall in love with this sport from then on. In August next year (2020), Tokyo will usher in the second Olympic Games in its history, and baseball will make a strong return to the game. I believe there will be more excitement waiting for you by then. Do your homework and get ready to go!