Jay’s album comes once a year, just like the Chinese New Year. I'm waiting for you after class with a confession balloon, but if you don't love me, just pull it down. We all agreed not to cry. Since he got married and had a baby, the focus of his life has been his family and milk

Jaylen’s album comes once a year, just like the Chinese New Year. is waiting for you after class with a confession balloon, but if you don’t love me, just pull it down. We have agreed not to cry.

Ever since he got married and had a baby, the focus of his life has been his family and milk tea.

How much does Jay like to drink milk tea? Just watch the MV of the new song " says yes, don't cry " and you will know. The heroine of works in a milk tea shop. In order to help the hero realize his dream, she signed him up for Grass Jelly University of Art. Yes, it is the art of burning jelly. College! ! ! Before saying goodbye, gave the boy a camera that he had saved up for a long time to buy.

So boys go to the Milk Tea Art University to study photography and shoot milk tea? And even the girls’ hats are printed with Machimachi, the milk tea shop that Jay Chou likes.

Although milk tea is available in various places, the taste is different in each place and the raw materials used are different. Since Jay Chou is Taiwanese, the story of milk tea this time will start in Taiwan.

Taiwanese milk tea

Taiwan is a paradise for milk tea. The reason why many people go to Taiwan is actually to drink pearl milk tea. All the varieties that are drunk in the mainland are basically passed on from Taiwan.

There are two competing stories about the origin of bubble milk tea. Mr. Liu Hanjie, who runs the bubble tea shop "Chun Shui Tang" in Taichung City, claims that he started experimenting with making milk tea in 1983. He also said that a female employee of the store accidentally used tapioca balls to make tea and turned it into pearl tea.

It is also said that it was invented by Mr. Tu Zonghe of Tainan City Hanlin Tea House. It is said that he was inspired by seeing white pink round in Yamuliao market in about 1987. In the early days, pearls were white, and then they were changed to black.

The earliest pearl milk tea was a drink mixed with Taiwanese black tea, tapioca pearls, non-dairy creamer and syrup. Later, green tea and oolong tea were added to the tea. Milk also included condensed milk, milk powder, almond milk, and coconut milk. , fresh milk, skimmed milk, etc.

The biggest pleasure of drinking Taiwanese milk tea is undoubtedly "chewing pearls". The pearls must be soft and chewy, sweet and glutinous, and brown sugar will make the color brighter and more flavorful. Usually, the pearls will be soaked in syrup first. Make sure the rice balls are still sweet in the milk tea.

Jelly jelly is also a popular ingredient for milk tea. It is also made from the plant jelly. It is famous for its dried jelly in Mount Jiuhua, Miaoli County, Taiwan. It has a mild and slightly bitter taste. The texture of the jelly blends well with the milk tea. It's great, it doesn't contain any fat, and it's very low in calories.

Popping boba is also popular all over the country. It is a small ball that will burst when you bite it. It has a thin gel-like skin and contains juice. It has a sweet and sour fruit flavor, such as mango, lychee, strawberry, green apple, etc. Passion fruit, pomegranate, orange, cantaloupe, blueberry, coffee, chocolate are countless. Its production is a spherification process involving the chemical reaction of sodium alginate and calcium lactate.

Good tea, good taste, so fresh. Authentic Taiwanese milk tea is actually not sweet, but has the aroma of tea and milk. And after drinking it, you will find that there are so many boba that you need to open the lid to dig in.

As for why we don’t use milk, we use creamer instead. The main reason is that creamer is cheap, and the milk tea made from the casein in the creamer is more mellow and fragrant.

first came into contact with Taiwanese milk tea, starting from a little bit. Later I found out that it is a brand owned by Taiwan's 50 Lan. Because someone in the mainland had already registered the trademark of 50 Lan, I had to change the name, but the name of a little bit is also very nice. .

Hong Kong-style milk tea

Silk stockings milk teahas nothing to do with stockings. As everyone knows, The lingo of milk tea circles is good, one flush, two bakes, three crashes, and four times of warming. Silk stockings milk tea is in the same word "bump".

The tea goes back and forth. In order to make the milk tea taste delicate and subtle, it needs to be filtered through a cotton gauze bag. The white gauze bag is so soaked with black tea that it looks like stockings. Moreover, the silky texture and brown-white color of the milk tea are very similar to stockings, so it is not inconsistent to call it stockings milk tea. It is very delicious when paired with pineapple oil.

Hong Kong was originally a British colony. The concept of "afternoon tea" naturally took root in Hong Kong. The black tea produced in Ceylon was delicious and cheap. It was very popular in Hong Kong at the time. Westerners were accustomed to adding milk and sugar to their tea, which made the tea more popular. It is more fragrant and smoother in the mouth, which has become the basis of Hong Kong milk tea.

Since there are no local farms, fresh milk is difficult to obtain. Therefore, condensed milk was invented in 1856, and then evaporated milk was invented. Evaporated milk is condensed milk with reduced sugar.

The main criteria for evaluating Hong Kong-style milk tea are aroma and smoothness. You will know if there is any residue on the wall of the cup after drinking the milk tea.

The best tea for stockings milk tea is Sri Lanka "late season black tea" from Colombo. Because the tea leaves grown after the rainy season are plump, rich in color and rich in fragrance, young tea, medium tea and coarse tea are also needed, so that the milk tea has a fragrant, The color and density are balanced enough.

Yuanyang milk tea is another representative of the famous Hong Kong-style milk tea. It is said that the golden ratio of milk tea and coffee is 7:3. It has the aroma of coffee and the richness of milk tea, with a rich brown-red aroma and is as soft as satin.

Hong Kong style milk tea VS Taiwanese milk tea

Hong Kong style uses evaporated milk, crushed tea leaves, three or more types of tea, and tea, which emphasizes tea flavor, smooth and mellow taste, and no additives. Taiwanese milk tea uses creamer and fresh milk. You can choose a type of tea. The milk flavor is richer and various ingredients can be added.

Although milk tea in Hong Kong and Taiwan has made the entire milk tea industry chain popular, in fact, for ethnic minority compatriots in northwest China, drinking milk tea is just like drinking water. There is no connection between prairie-style salty milk tea and the popular street drinks now.

In pastoral areas with high altitude and low temperature, people eat a lot of meat and relatively few vegetables. People need to drink milk tea to get more minerals to help digestion. What's more, milk tea can drive away the cold in winter and relieve the heat in summer. It is also cooked and used when entertaining guests.

Their milk includes various types of milk including cow, camel, horse, yak, goat and sheep. Of course, most of them are milk now. The way to make milk tea is very simple, just brick tea , milk and salt.

Brick tea has a red aroma and color. The milk is squeezed from cows. I’m envious. After leaving this milk tea for a while, a thick layer of milk skin will form and gently cover the milk surface. You can see it when you shake it. The caked milk is then sucked away in one gulp.

Mongolian milk tea

Milk tea in Inner Mongolia is made of green brick or black brick tea. It likes to add naipizi and fried rice, and beef jerky is also added.

Put the fried rice into milk tea and soak until soft. If it is not sweet enough, add some sugar. It feels like milk porridge; or add milk tofu, cut into small pieces and soak in milk tea. Because milk tofu has a sour taste, put it into milk tea to moisten it and dip it in sugar to eat; It can also be served with Mongolian fruit, which is a bit like soy milk and fried dough sticks.

Xinjiang milk tea

Most people in Xinjiang use Fu Zhuan. Boil the tea leaves, then pour in the milk and continue to cook. Keep stirring the tea with a spoon until the tea milk is fully blended. Finally, remove the tea leaves and sprinkle a little salt before drinking. Yes, it is. Salty milk tea.

If it's not strong enough, we also have ghee that you can put in. This kind of fat is extracted from cow's milk and goat's milk. It's bright yellow in color and sweet in taste. You can't buy it in the general market. It's really great together with milk tea. fragrant.

Xinjiang people also like their own combination, which is big and round naan. Breaking the naan cake into pieces and soaking it in milk tea is also delicious.

Kazakh, Tatar and other ethnic groups are more particular about making milk tea. They boil the tea and boiling water separately and put them in teapots. When drinking milk tea, first put the fresh milk and milk skin in the bowl, and then pour Serve strong tea and dilute it with boiling water. Each bowl of milk tea must go through these three steps, and each time the milk tea is not filled to the fullest, only half a bowl is filled, so that it tastes strong and cool quickly.

In winter, some Kazakh herdsmen put some white pepper noodles in milk tea. This kind of milk tea is slightly spicy. Drinking more can increase the heat in the body and improve cold resistance.

Tibet Butter Tea

Butter tea, a specialty tea drink in Tibetan areas, is mostly eaten as a staple food together with tsampa. To put it simply, it is made with ghee and strong tea. Ghee is extracted from yak milk and is similar to butter. Put the ghee into a special bucket, add salt, then pour in the boiled strong tea juice, and mix it repeatedly with a wooden handle to make the ghee and tea juice dissolve into one.

Tibetans always entertain guests with butter tea. The first time I drank butter tea, the smell was unbearable, mainly due to the smell of milk. But after a few sips, I realized its mellow aroma.

Thai milk tea

Thai milk tea, with every sip, you can feel the light creamy taste, and the color is also the most beautiful orange. Thai milk tea is mainly dark roasted black tea leaves, orange blossom water, star anise, tamarind and orange food coloring.

Soak the tea leaves in boiling water for 5 minutes, then filter. Add sugar and sweetened condensed milk to the tea and stir until completely dissolved. Then pour into a cup filled with ice cubes. Thai milk tea really has more ice than tea. It is small in the streets of Thailand. Lanes can be found everywhere.

Doodh pati chai (milk tea) in the Indian subcontinent

is very popular in Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other regions. The biggest feature of this kind of tea is that it does not contain water, only milk, tea leaves and sugar. It is used for breakfast. Sometimes paired with fried eggs.

masala chai (mixed spice tea)

is a flavored tea with a lot of spices, crushed ginger, crushed cardamom, pepper balls, cloves, and cinnamon.

Malaysia / Singapore Teh tarik ( teh tarik )

Literally means "teh tarik", it is the national drink of Malaysia, made from rich black tea mixed with condensed milk, and is commonly found in restaurants and outdoor stalls in Malaysia, a Southeast Asian country. Its name comes from the pouring process of "pulling" the drink.

The origins of teh tarik can be traced back to the Indian Muslim immigrants in the Malay Peninsula, who set up drink stalls at the entrances of rubber plantations to serve workers after World War II.

Teh tarik and a flat butter cake called Roti canai have become popular breakfasts among Malaysians.

Yemen Milk TeaShahi haleeb

Arabic milk tea uses evaporated milk and black tea, usually with sugar, cardamom pods and cloves added, and has a very sweet taste.

Anyway, as it sounds, when you add milk to Earl Gray tea or English breakfast, it's milk tea. Adding fresh milk is a tea latte, adding pearls to milk tea is pearl milk tea; adding more condensed milk is Hong Kong-style milk tea; adding salt is Northwest salty milk tea; adding spices is Southeast Asian milk tea.

Milk tea Milk tea, after all, "tea" is very important. Black tea originated in China and developed in the United Kingdom. In the 16th century, when Chinese tea was introduced to Europe in small quantities, it was a luxury product that only a small number of nobles could enjoy.

The four major black teas in the world are Darjeeling black tea , Keemun black tea , Assam black tea , and Ceylon Highlands black tea.

India·Darjeeling Black Tea

Tea in the Darjeeling area is called the champagne of teas. The tea produced in the Darjeeling area is considered to be the best black tea in the world. It is worth a lot. The tea has a delicate taste and a strong floral and fruity flavor. , top-quality tea with a hint of grape aroma, light taste, suitable for drinking, and would be wasted in making milk tea.

China · Keemun Black Tea

Keemun Black Tea is a high-quality black tea produced in China. Its soup is red and transparent. Its timeless aroma can best be enjoyed by drinking it clear. It has fruity and pine aromas, and is also like orchids. Smell it first and then taste it.

India·Assam black tea

Assam tea is dark red and slightly brown in color, with a faint aroma of malt and rose. It is often the best choice for breakfast in the UK and Ireland. Assam black tea is inseparable. If you drink milk, it is suitable for clear drinks and mixed drinks. It has strong tea properties. If you do not add fresh milk, it will easily hurt your stomach. Consider the bottled Assam milk tea, which tastes good if it's not so sweet.

Sri Lanka · Ceylon Black Tea

Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka has a soft taste and less astringency, an orange-yellow soup color, a bold and heavy taste, and a special taste of chocolate and spices. It is a particularly suitable tea for making milk tea.

In addition, there is Yunnan Dianhong, which is characterized by its richness, strength and freshness, and is brown, pink or turmeric bright red. The taste is very subtle, and it still has a strong tea flavor even with milk, so it is also very suitable for making milk tea.

Earl Gray tea is a very famous flavored tea, mixed with the aroma of oil extracted from the skin of bergamot and other orange fruits. It is an excellent ingredient for baking and cocktails.

Nilgi is a floral tea produced in the mountains of India. It is very suitable for making lemon tea and fruit tea.

Lapsang Souchong is a kind of smoked black tea. The tea leaves are smoked with pine needles or pine wood. It has a very strong aroma, like smoked meat, roasted coffee and bitter chocolate.

I talked about so much milk tea at once, I feel like I won’t drink a cup of milk tea tonight☕️Sorry for the code, what’s wrong with a cup of milk tea, right~ I’m worried that the milk tea outside is not healthy, so buy your own tea and make it~