I don’t know since when, milk tea has become the new happy water. Sorry, Mom, I don’t need your admiration.” “You always drink milk tea and you don’t eat well.” “I am truly full.” “Then you still have the stomach to drink milk tea.” “A cup filled with millet is okay. "Add water."

Milk tea can save lives, really.

I don’t know since when, milk tea has become the new happy water. Yidiandian, COCO, Gongcha, Heytea... various Internet celebrity milk tea shops occupy every corner of life. Everyone shouted that the subway was a dollar more expensive than the bus, and waited in a long line for dozens of minutes to pay for the milk tea without blinking. While longing to be the coffee queen in the office, I can’t help but be a happy fat house with milk tea.


Anyone who tried to persuade me not to drink milk tea was blocked by me. I myself need to chew pearls every few days to grind my teeth. If I don’t drink milk tea, I will feel sluggish all day long and feel worse than death... And even Liu Qiangdong can’t refuse milk tea. How can an ordinary person like me do it?


When I was young, I heard Jay Chou sing "Sweet", "I took a sip of this fragrant temptation" and thought it was about love. Later, when I grew up, I realized that he was talking about milk tea.


My mother and I today:

"I admire you if you can resist not calling milk tea"

"...I'm sorry, Mom, I don't need your admiration"

"You always drink milk tea, you all Don’t eat well”

“I feel full”

“Then you still have the stomach to drink milk tea”

“You can also add water to the cup filled with millet”

Anyway, it is impossible not to drink milk tea, it is natural and happy Isn’t it good to grow old?


I feel anxious and irritable with Party A’s father every day, but as long as you give me a cup of milk tea, I can continue to work. What does it matter if the sky falls? Is there anything that a cup of milk tea can't solve? If so, then two cups.


Welcome to join the milk tea cult. Milk and tea are both good for the body, so milk tea not only keeps you fat but also provides nutritional supplements!

Speaking of which, there is a reason why milk tea is so popular. Compared with coffee, milk tea is easier for people to accept, and it is also diverse: full sugar and half sugar, more ice and less ice, add fruit or pearls, add pudding or red beans, it’s all up to you.

After one bite, the taste of milk, tea, and sweetness have a magical power, which can dilute worries, easily satisfy people, and gain short-term spiritual happiness.

It seems that the only way to maintain this kind of life is by drinking milk tea.

In addition to satisfying immediate sweet needs, drinking milk tea has gradually become a social need. Men, women and children are all keen on drinking milk tea: they drink milk tea to celebrate when they are in a good mood, drink milk tea to comfort when they are in a bad mood, drink milk tea while watching movies, drink milk tea when shopping, drink milk tea at work and after get off work, everyone "makes friends with tea", and everything is peaceful.

exchanged 20 yuan for short-term and real happiness, and realized the first stage of financial freedom: milk tea freedom.

But speaking of a good place to drink milk tea, I would recommend you to go to Taiwan.

Here is the authentic and delicious pearl milk tea that makes Jay Chou not give up even if he has a pointed chin! As the birthplace of bubble milk tea, Taiwan definitely has a place in the milk tea industry. Milk tea shops have gradually become a "scenery" that cannot be missed when traveling to Taiwan. You can find milk tea shops in three or two steps, from old-fashioned milk tea to unique and creative milk tea... Each one will not let you down, and the prices are very cost-effective. It is simply a happy paradise for milk tea men and women!

That’s it~ It’s impossible to lose weight~ I recommend 10 must-go milk tea shops in Taiwan to extend the life of milk lovers. It’s really delicious. Warning:

01. Kaohsiung Huada Milk Tea

Type of milk lovers: Drinking milk tea to stay healthy

Recommended Index: ★★★★★

As long as you go to Kaohsiung, you must drink Huada milk tea. It is also one of the old milk tea shops in Taiwan, and the white and black paper cups can be regarded as the growing memories of many Kaohsiung people. What’s interesting is that all of his drinks are ice-cold, without adding ice, and the sweetness of the tea is also adjusted. Every cup is solid and tastes just as good from the first sip to the last.

has been insisting on making milk tea with both health and taste since its establishment. There are signature Huada milk tea, beauty milk tea, longevity milk tea, Pu'er milk tea... Who said milk tea is unhealthy? Give me ten cups of Huada milk tea!

02. Cat on the River Embankment

Milk Friends Type: Literary and fresh, must choose

Recommendation Index: ★★★★

"My Girlhood" was filmed in Hsinchu. If you come to check in, don't miss this milk tea shop . There is a river embankment next to the shop, but there are no cats. The signature milk tea is Migurulu (named after the sound of a cat). Mung beans are added to the pearl milk tea to make the milk tea less sweet and taste great.

03. Hanlin Tea House

Milk lover type: drink slowly and chew slowly

Recommendation index: ★★★★★

Hanlin Tea House, a long-established milk tea shop in Taiwan. Their pearl milk tea has a stronger tea flavor, and their signature Panda pearl milk tea (that is, the milk tea contains black pearls and white pearls). The black and white pearls are one large and one small. One is elastic and the other is hard. It’s wonderful to chew them together. If you have time to sit down and taste it slowly in the store, the store staff will serve pearls and milk tea separately, so you can mix it with your own.

04. Chun Shui Tang

Dairy lover type: What you drink is not milk tea, but memory

Recommendation index: ★★★★

Founded in Taichung in 1983, it is also the ancestral milk tea shop in Taiwan. It is said that as to who "invented pearl milk tea", he also worked with The Hanlin Teahouse went to court (but the matter was settled in the end). It specializes in creative cold tea, and the smaller pearls are also a major feature. In order to ensure the soft and chewy texture and first-class quality, his pearls do not add preservatives and are air-conditioned throughout the process. The tasting period is only three hours!

05. Moon Leaf Milk Tea

Milk Friend Type: Negative Men and Women

Recommendation Index: ★★★★

Taiwan's most "upright" milk tea shop, it has collaborated with Taiwanese illustrator "Negative Man" to launch the "Negative Cup" which has attracted countless fans . It will tell you directly "You work so hard but no one sees it, just like we use very good black tea and you can't taste it"...Tea lovers can form a group to taste what the taste is~

06.KeelungLiao Mom

Pearl Milk Tea Store

Dairy Friend Type: Love Mom’s Taste

Recommendation Index: ★★★

The most popular milk tea shop in Keelung is of course the "handmade, no branches" Liao Mama Pearl Milk Tea. A must-try pearl milk tea, the pearls are different from other brown sugar pearls, they are big and chewy bouncy pearls! The tea is hand-cranked bubble tea. It looks ordinary, but the taste is extraordinary, just like "mother's taste" is always right!


Miscellaneous type: Boss, add more ingredients

Recommendation index:★★★

A little bit from Taiwan, but a little bit of instant sales. 50 Lan can be found everywhere in Taiwan, and the price is relatively cost-effective. And when I ordered a cup of milk tea, the pearls were nearly half a cup! Sucking pearls in big mouthfuls is very satisfying for pearl lovers!

08. Tianren Eats Tea Fun

Milk Friends Type: Drinking Milk Tea is Poetic

Recommendation Index: ★★★★

In Taipei, even if you walk Zhongxiao East Road nine times, don’t miss Tianren Eat Tea on the roadside interest. The pearls come out of the "pot" on the hour. A pot of cooked pearls is often sold out within 20 minutes, and a new pot needs to wait for an hour. So there is always a long queue at the door. By the way, its name comes from Zhao Puchu's tea poem "Seven bowls will bring you the taste, and one pot will bring you the real fun. Holding hundreds of verses in empty space, it is better to drink tea." Milk tea can also be tasted poetically.

09. Chen Sanding

Type of milk friend: What you want is down-to-earth

Recommendation index: ★★★★

The famous Chen Sanding is the founder of Brown Sugar Frog Creampie. The shop is basically open in the open-air market, the price is affordable, and there will be a long queue at every store. Long queue. Frog Milk Tea is not a pearl milk tea in the traditional sense, but the combination of brown sugar powder balls and fresh milk without tea is still amazing in taste and attracts many people to come here.In addition to rice balls, there are also various options such as mung beans, aiyu, and grass jelly. You can basically mix them in any way. The milk is Guangquan fresh milk.

10. Tiger Hall

Milk Friend Type: You are "thick" and I am "thick"

Recommendation Index: ★★★★

The most famous one is the brown sugar series Boba thick fresh milk. Boba thick fresh milk is an upgraded version of Chen Sanding's "frog milk" mentioned above. The big boba pearls are very chewy. "Thick fresh milk" also has a specific meaning - the upper layer beats the fresh milk into a cream-like shape, which makes the milk taste richer. The brown sugar is rich and sweet, and it looks like tiger stripes hanging on the cup, which is quite domineering!

Finally, I will give you one more, which I won’t tell the average person:

Taiwan 711 Brown Sugar Pearl Fresh Milk , the taste is amazing, completely beyond expectations. Yes, that's the convenience store. The cute convenience store guy makes it for you~ You can’t buy it at a loss or be cheated, and you don’t have to queue up!

Okay, just Jiang Zi~

Let’s drink pearl milk tea together?

Anyway, my weight will not decrease just because I drink less milk tea~ Let’s go to Taiwan!

(whisper bibi: in addition to milk tea, there is also a Taiwanese night market waiting for you~)