In accordance with the spirit of the 10th Plenary Session of the Seventh Provincial Party Committee and the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on the activities of “checking blockages, solving problems, and promoting development” and improv

In accordance with the spirit of the 10th Plenary Session of the Seventh Provincial Party Committee and the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government on the activities of “checking blockages, solving problems, and promoting development” and improving quality and efficiency, from August 10th to 11th, the Provincial Water Affairs The Department of Water Resources of the Department went to Baisha County and Ding'an County to conduct research, and carried out a review of the public opinion incident "water pipes burst frequently and residents are anxious about water use. A large-scale water outage has occurred in Baisha today", the central environmental protection inspection rectification tasks, and the public's reports of blockage incidents, and proposed We conducted in-depth analysis on the quality and efficiency improvement work through "four non-directions", on-site surveys, discussions and exchanges, and put forward opinions and requirements for the next work arrangements.

In Baisha, the research team first used the “Four Nos and Two Straights” approach to investigate the sewage treatment facilities in Bangxi Town, Baisha County Laogan District and the residential water supply in Phoenix City, and then conducted on-site investigations at the Baisha County Water Supply Plant and Baisha County Sewage Treatment Factory expansion project, Baisha County community sewage grid connection project. After investigation, Baisha County is taking or planning to take six effective measures to improve the quality of water supply in the county.

At the symposium, the research team reported on improving quality and efficiency, annual work tasks, etc., and put forward the following suggestions and opinions on relevant matters: First, attach great importance to the rectification work of the central environmental protection inspection. This is an important political task and must be accelerated. Promote the construction of urban domestic sewage treatment plants and shoulder the responsibilities. For the Bangxi Town sewage treatment plant, we need to pay special attention to the problem of low inlet water concentration. To avoid being said to be "clear water in, clean water out", we must pay attention to the load rate of the sewage treatment plant. The problem is that the sewage in the town is not fully collected and treated; it is necessary to take prescribed actions to improve quality and efficiency, and speed up the payment of central subsidy funds in 2020; second, attach great importance to the county's water supply guarantee work, both to accelerate project construction and to use cold methods to Engineering measures can effectively improve people's water problems, but they must also put in a lot of "embroidery" efforts, use warm and heart-warming actions to explain and provide services, and strive for understanding and support. We must both know how to do and be able to speak. We must clearly explain what we have done, what we are doing, and what we still have to do. We must attach great importance to safety production work and do a good job in safety and standard management of construction sites.

In Ding'an, the research team used the "four no's and two straights" method to inspect the sewage treatment facility construction project sites in Hanlin Town and Hsinchu Town. The next step will be to feedback the checklist to Ding'an County.

Wang Xiaoxia and Xu Weijie from the Urban and Rural Water Affairs Division of the Provincial Water Affairs Department participated in the survey.