■ Hainan Daily reporter Ye Yuanyuan recently walked into Xiulongkeng Village, Dingcheng Town, Ding'an County, where taro leaves grew lushly in the contiguous fields. "This year's taro crop is growing well and a bumper harvest is expected. Our people's lives are getting better and

■ Hainan Daily Reporter Ye Yuanyuan

Recently, I walked into Xiulongkeng Village, Dingcheng Town, Ding'an County. In the contiguous fields, taro leaves grew lushly. "This year's taro crop is growing well and a bumper harvest is expected. Our people's lives are getting better and better!" Tang Nanfei, who has been lifted out of poverty, laughed cheerfully when he mentioned his current life.

In recent years, Ding'an has insisted on co-construction and sharing, taking the people's yearning for a better life as its goal, continuously increasing investment in people's livelihood, constantly meeting the people's needs for high-quality life, and implementing many policies to benefit the people, allowing the people to Sharing the fruits of reform and development, the happiness of life continues to increase.

Collaborative promotion, the urban and rural landscape is changing with each passing day

Stepping into Jinjiling Residence, Fuwen Town, Ding'an County, the interior environment is clean and tidy. Turn on the faucet in a resident's home, and the tap water will flow down.

In order to protect the daily needs of the people, the construction of Ding'an's "Five Networks" infrastructure has been accelerated in an all-round way in the past five years. Six major rural highway projects have been implemented, and 934 natural villages have been connected to hardened roads. The six major rural highway projects have completed a total of 942.65 kilometers, and all incorporated villages have access to buses. The main canal in Hongling Irrigation District was successfully connected to water, and the pipe network extension projects of Huangzhu Water Plant and Taling Water Plant were put into use. The penetration rate of tap water in rural areas reached 92%. 36 new substations were built and expanded, and 1,268 kilometers of high and low voltage power supply lines were built, further improving power supply and support capabilities. 22.62 kilometers of municipal and rural gas pipelines were laid, and the rural gas utilization rate reached 97.83%. 3,189 5G base stations have been built, and the optical fiber broadband network coverage in urban communities and administrative villages has reached 100%.

In order to coordinate the promotion of rural revitalization and new urbanization, Ding'an continues to make efforts to accelerate the connotation development of the central city and build a beautiful and livable new home. In recent years, the Dinghai Bridge , the Nanli Lake Tourist Highway around the lake have been completed and opened to traffic, and the construction of the Ding'an section of the Wenlin Expressway has begun. Xing'an Park and Tanlan Creek linear park were built, and riverside parks and 10 farmers' markets were upgraded. Promote the creation of national sanitary counties and provincial-level civilized cities, achieve full coverage of provincial-level sanitary towns, and create 128 sanitary villages and advanced health units.

At the same time, the pace of construction of hundreds of towns and thousands of villages in Ding'an is also accelerating. In the past five years, Ding'an has built two characteristic towns, Hsinchu and Hanlin. Gaolin Village was selected into the first batch of national rural tourism key villages, and Anren Village was selected as a national rural governance demonstration village. There are 6 coconut-level rural tourist spots, 41 provincial-level "star" beautiful villages, 8 shared farm pilot projects, and all 10 towns have become provincial-level health towns.

Aerial photography of the elevated aqueduct in Longmen Town, Ding'an County. Photo by Hainan Daily reporter Zhang Mao

In terms of poverty alleviation, Ding'an has invested a total of 570 million yuan in various poverty alleviation funds to comprehensively solve outstanding problems such as " don't worry about three guarantees" and drinking water safety, and achieve the goal of all poverty-stricken villages being listed on the list. All registered poor households have been lifted out of poverty, and the fight against poverty has won a decisive victory.

Improve people's livelihood and make people's lives better

"Now I don't have a headache picking up my baby." "Yes, I used to take time off during working hours, or ask relatives and friends to help pick me up. Now it's better. We are off work and the children are out of class. , the time is just right." As school was about to end, the gate of Ding'an County No. 1 Primary School was crowded with parents who came to pick up their children. Taking advantage of the break, the parents communicated enthusiastically.

Parent Mr. Tang told Hainan Daily reporter that since the school added on-campus after-school services, his children’s time after school has been aligned with his own time after get off work, and he no longer has to worry about picking up his children from school.

This is a true portrayal of the development of Ding’an education. Over the past five years, Ding'an education has steadily improved. The "two ratios" of preschool education have reached the provincial goal. The "one county, two schools and one park" high-quality basic education resource introduction project has been successfully completed. compulsory education has been developed in a balanced way. has passed the national assessment and acceptance, and is the first pilot project. We will build township boarding schools, add 3 provincial-level standardized schools, and expand the enrollment of ordinary high schools by 1,200 students. Our school Ding'an Middle School has passed the provincial first-class school evaluation and certification, and special education schools have been listed for operation.

Ding'an has always attached great importance to people's livelihood.Focusing on solving the "urgent difficulties and worries" of the masses, Ding'an has invested more than 80% of public financial expenditures in people's livelihood areas in the past five years, totaling 13.149 billion yuan. 81 practical matters for the private sector, including the construction of a neonatal treatment center, were successfully fulfilled, and the development results benefited thousands of households. Employment in urban and rural areas has become more abundant, and the "Ding'an Nurse" labor service brand has been selected as a typical case of national employment poverty alleviation.

"Vibrant New Ding'an, Qiong Yun Intoxicates the Ancient City" Qiong Opera theme party was performed at Ding'an County Yanjiang Park Plaza. Photographed by Hainan Daily reporter Zhang Mao

Medical and health undertakings are developing rapidly. In the past five years, Ding'an has completed 48 standardization projects for primary medical and health institutions, further promoted the construction of close medical alliances and medical communities, and designated medical institutions have fully implemented "diagnosis and treatment first, payment later" and "one-stop" settlement services, meeting standards. Clinics and qualified village doctors have achieved coverage in every village, and the level and support capabilities of three-level medical services in counties, towns and villages have been continuously improved.

Social security capabilities have also been continuously enhanced. By improving the long-term mechanism to ensure supply and stable prices, and increasing the control of "15+N" basic vegetables, the prices of important people's livelihood commodities in Ding'an have remained stable for a long time. The basic pension, medical insurance, subsistence allowance, and special poverty support systems for urban and rural residents have been gradually improved to ensure that all people should be covered. Construction of 31,482 units of various types of affordable housing will make housing security more effective. 9 nursing homes for the elderly are in operation and 7 day care centers for the elderly have been built. Elderly care services are increasingly improving.

At the same time, Ding'an's cultural and sports undertakings have developed steadily. The province's first "three-store" merger model of cultural centers, museums, and libraries, and a series of measures to continue to strengthen the protection and inheritance of excellent local culture, Ding'an County Qiong Opera Troupe has become the only theater troupe in the country selected for grassroots opera troupes for four consecutive years. Special events such as the Happy Run and the Lake Tour Cycling Race are held to continuously demonstrate the vitality of Ding'an.

The background of ecological priority development is more beautiful

"Thanks to the good ecological environment in the village, I not only escaped poverty by planting lotus mist, but also caught up with the construction opportunities of rural revitalization." Wu Lifeng, a villager in Baitang Village, Huangzhu Town, Ding'an County, said with emotion , keep a good ecology and don’t worry about having a good life. Taking advantage of Baitang Village's opportunity to promote rural revitalization and its good ecological advantages, he integrated his orchard into the tourist picking route, and started to eat "tourist rice" at home, and his "money bag" became more and more abundant.

Over the past five years, Ding'an has adhered to ecological priority and green development, established a " three lines and one single " ecological environment zoning management and control system, refined the ecological environment access list, promoted the rectification of ecological and environmental protection inspection feedback issues, and used an iron fist to control pollution. Solve a number of outstanding problems, promote the steady improvement of ecological environment quality, and further optimize the county's development and protection pattern. It not only makes the ecological environment more beautiful, but also makes clear waters and green mountains the "gold and silver mountain" of the people, allowing the people to truly become the protectors, builders and beneficiaries of a good ecology.

In order to do a good job in ecological construction, Ding'an continues to strengthen the top-level design of ecological and environmental protection, implements a three-year action plan to improve the quality of the ecological environment, cracks down on traditional methods of smoking betel nut and open-air burning of straw, and carries out the improvement of rural living environment and the "four cleansing" of rivers and lakes. The "four special" actions of "chaos" ecological and environmental protection have kept the air quality rate above 98% and controlled PM2.5 within the annual mission target.

At the same time, Ding'an's water environment management has begun to show results. Inland rivers in the city have completely eliminated inferior Class V water bodies, and it has been successfully selected as a national pilot county for water system connectivity and water-beautiful countryside construction. The construction of a new round of sewage interception and grid connection projects in Taling Industrial Park area and Dingcheng town was completed, and the sewage treatment facilities in two key towns of Hsinchu and Hanlin started trial operation of water supply. In the battle of "joint management of six waters", Ding'an insists on pollution control first, strengthens the introduction of social capital, and coordinates the implementation of various water control projects.

The results of forest resource protection are also obvious. In the past five years, Ding'an has afforestation and greening 43,000 acres, and Baitang Village in Huangzhu Town and Shuizhu Village in Longhe Town have been rated as national forest villages. In land management and soil pollution control, Ding'an classified and disposed of 18,000 "two violations" and completed the safe utilization of 63,000 acres of contaminated farmland, with a utilization rate of 90%. The “plastic ban” and domestic waste classification have been fully implemented, and the harmless treatment rate of urban and rural domestic waste has reached 100%.

Driven by departments and towns at all levels in Ding'an County, the living environment has also undergone significant changes. In the past five years, 20,837 rural household toilets have been renovated, the coverage rate of rural domestic sewage treatment facilities has reached 55.8%, and 10 demonstration villages for the utilization of excrement resources have been built. In 2019, an on-site observation meeting for the province's rural toilet renovation was held in Ding'an, and the fecal resource utilization model of Jiusuo Village, Fuwen Town was promoted throughout the province.

In today's Ding'an, the shortcomings in environmental protection are gradually being made up, and the "Jingmei Home" is constantly radiating new vitality. According to the plan, in the next five years, Ding'an will implement the strictest ecological and environmental protection system, adhere to precise pollution control, scientific pollution control, and legal pollution control, implement a three-year action plan to improve the ecological environment quality, and coordinate the promotion of systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, and lakes. , system protection. At the same time, Ding'an will continue to deeply implement the people-centered development philosophy, focus more fiscal expenditures on people's livelihood, continue to meet the people's growing needs for a better life, and give the people a greater sense of gain, happiness and security.

(Hainan Daily, Dingcheng, April 25th)

Ding'an optimizes government services: deepens the reform of " delegating power, delegating regulation and servicing " to provide efficient and convenient services

■ Hainan Daily reporter Ye Yuanyuan

"Ding'an government services are very efficient and convenient!" Ding'an residents He Yong often handles matters related to government services and is deeply touched by this. “In the past, people had to run back and forth between multiple departments if they wanted to open a store. Now, it only takes one visit to the window to do it. Such an efficient service It saves the people a lot of worry. "

is in line with Yong's experience and is a microcosm of the continuous optimization of government services in Ding'an County and the deepening of the reform of "delegation, regulation and service". Since the "one thing done once" reform work was launched in Ding'an, the Ding'an County Administrative Approval Service Department has made many plans, organized personnel to carefully sort out the list of high-frequency items, and optimized the work process to promote the "one thing done once" service. upgrade.

"Through sorting out and integrating multiple departments and related matters, and optimizing and re-engineering processes, we have now further sorted out 'I want to open a restaurant' and other items on the basis of the 15 'one thing' items that were originally run. There is a list of 25 "one thing done at one time" service items. From now on, the service people can complete these matters at one window and at one time," said the relevant person in charge of the Ding'an County Administrative Approval Service Bureau.

The person in charge said that after the implementation of "one thing at once" service items in Ding'an, mass services have changed from "handling multiple matters in parallel" to "handling at once", and the same materials involving multiple departments will no longer be submitted repeatedly. In the past, If application materials need to be submitted to multiple departments or windows, now the applicant only needs to submit the materials to the comprehensive window, and the internal operations of the window will handle the processing. Multiple certificates and licenses can be processed at one time, truly realizing the "comprehensive application process" for the enterprise masses. The important transformation from "running around the city" to "running in the hall" and then to "doing it through one window" has further improved the efficiency of people's work.

Take the matter of opening a restaurant as an example. In the past, if people wanted to open a restaurant, they needed to apply for catering service license , outdoor advertising installation certificate, fire safety inspection qualification letter and other related documents at the same time. They had to rush back and forth in different departments and different windows. , and it takes 30 working days to complete. Nowadays, you only need to submit one document and declare once, and the processing time has been reduced by two-thirds compared with the past.

Not only that, in order to further improve the efficiency of people's work, Ding'an County Administrative Approval Department also sorted out a "one-time notice" in advance, listing the materials required for multiple high-frequency matters handled by the people, so that the people can prepare in advance. materials, saving time and cost.

The person in charge of the Ding'an County Administrative Approval Service Bureau said that after optimizing and sorting out the list of 25 "one thing, one time" service items, the bureau has compressed the promised time limit to 436 working days, and the compression time limit rate has reached 61.8%.

In the next step, Ding'an will further explore more matters that can be handled in one go, gradually expand the list of "one thing done in one go", integrate government resources, improve service efficiency, and allow the people to enjoy more benefits of the "decentralization, regulation and service" reform.

(Hainan Daily Dingcheng, April 25th)