We are no longer even satisfied with "milk tea" with pearls, but can "pearl" everything. ⚠️High energy warning ahead⚠️Pearl milk tea bibimbap pearl milk tea sushi pearl milk tea hot dog pearl sandwich pearl omelet pearls Chikuzen boiled pearl milk tea instant noodles pearl milk t

Young people in Japan have fallen deeply in love with bubble milk tea.

We are no longer even satisfied with pearl "milk tea",

but everything can be "pearl".

Let’s take a look first:

⚠️High energy warning ahead⚠️

Pearl Milk Tea Bibimbap

Pearl Milk Tea Sushi

Pearl Milk Tea Hot Dog

Pearl Sandwich

Pearl Omelet

Pearl Chikuzen boiled

Pearl milk tea instant noodles

Pearl milk tea cold noodles

Pearl milk tea Dumplings

Iron plate pearls

And the ultimate secret -

Mapo pearls! !

Some people have invented an inexplicable new way to eat "pearls" ...

Pearl milk tea earrings

Don't think that it will be ignored if it is not food

These "pearl dishes" naturally triggered complaints from netizens:

" Japan is really a country that baffles me”

“Japanese people are always crazy about pearls: pearl milk tea, pearl pizza, pearl ramen... Pearl Harbor”

“I am starting to doubt Japanese food reviews”

"Why is there no Pearl Miso Soup?"

"It's not far from the Pearl Manhan Banquet."

"I feel very dark, but I am inexplicably moved."

"I have found the same kind... I eat watermelon with sesame sauce as a topping."

Japanese people after extensive tasting The rankings are also given:

1, cold pearl tsukemen; 2, iron plate pearls; 3, pearl fried silver rolls topped with condensed milk; 4, pearl waffles; 5, pearl croquettes; 6, pearl hot pressed toast.


"Hello, I am

Born in the first year of pearl milk tea"

This is the search trend of the word "pearl milk tea" in Japanese on Google in recent years.

You can see that Japanese people’s attention to pearl milk tea started to heat up last year, and suddenly exploded this year.

In real life, this "outbreak" is reflected like this:

Just for a cup of milk tea...

As can be seen from the picture, The audience of pearl milk tea is mainly young people.

Because of this, pearl milk tea quickly became popular in Japanese pop culture.

For example, the Japanese "Internet celebrity" girl VIENNA is a comparison picture that has become popular recently:

Me drinking precious milk in front of my lover

myself drinking precious milk in front of my best friends

Under the influence of the craze, the famous Mukbang star "Big Eater" Kinoshita Yuwa also started to drink precious milk: she drank 11 cups at a time, 4.5 liters...

There are also people who directly use precious milk to take baths...

A big catchphrase for Japanese female middle school students released in 2018 In the awards, "Pearl Milk Tea" and "Ke milk tea (タピる)" won the first place in the object category and the new language category respectively.

In March this year, Shibuya female high school students predicted the ranking of Japan's new year's number. "Pearl Milk Tea" ranked 11th ...

("Hello, I was born in the first year of Pearl Milk Tea!")

After the announcement of the year number of " and ", " "Reiwa" was also dismantled by the milk tea party, which happened to contain the Japanese pronunciation of "pearl milk tea".

At the same time, they designate November 9th every year as "Pearl Milk Tea Day".

Someone also invented the Chinese character for "pearl milk tea", which is pronounced "tapioka" (that is, the pronunciation of "pearl milk tea" in Japanese).

In this unprecedented "precious milk syndrome", celebrities are also involved.

such as actor Shinken Yu .

actor Kensuke Takahashi asked for help online on the correct way to drink milk tea.

Even Japanese gangsters have opened bubble milk tea shops.

A gang cadre who opened a milk shop along the Yamanote Line happily told reporters:

"It's so easy to do this. It doesn't cost much in the initial stage, and it doesn't require any skills. You just need to boil milk and black tea, and then Just put pink round . The cost of pearls is very cheap, so we implemented "adding pearls for free". As a result, 90% of the customers chose to add pearls, which is equivalent to reducing the cost of tea and milk in a disguised manner, killing two birds with one stone. Pearl milk tea sells for about 500 yen, and the cost is only 10% of that.”

According to him, can earn 800,000 to 1 million yen (approximately 50,000 to 60,000 yuan) per month by selling pearl milk. ):

"Pearl milk tea is becoming a big event in Tokyo."


Discussing how to correctly instigate pearl milk

loving it deeply becomes knowledge.

This pearl milk craze has also spawned a large number of " pearl milk tea researchers" in Japan. Universities such as Tokyo University and Morningside University have their own pearl milk tea research societies .

The members of the Dongda Qingying Pearl Milk Tea Research Association who gathered to instigate pearl milk

What are their daily activities?

Answer: researches all things bubble milk tea.

According to their investigation, pearl milk tea shops have successfully conquered all 23 wards of Tokyo, and the total number has reached more than 300. , the competition is very fierce...

Among them, the most fierce battle is Harajuku Station-Omotesando Along the site, the number of pearl milk tea shops has increased 10 times in one year.

As of the end of May this year, the number of milk shops in this area has reached

8 . Many homes are just steps away.

Another question that researchers have been studying hard is:

What is the most delicious way to drink precious milk?

Here are their answers...

. Be sure to use less ice!

If you put too much ice, the powder balls will get stuck in the ice at the end of the drink and you will not be able to finish it with a straw.

. The straw is best attached to the side, 5 mm away from the bottom of the cup.

tilted slightly while drinking.

In this way, you can absorb all the pink balls without missing a single one!

. The number of pink circles is also particular.

If you suck too little or too much,

it will ruin the taste of the powder balls with milk tea.

According to the size of the powder balls,

The following is the optimal number of inhalations for each mouthful:

  • It is best to inhale 10 of the small powder balls of Heytea at one time;
  • The medium-sized powder balls of Coco can be inhaled of 5 at a time;
  • The large particles of Pearl Hall It is best to suck 3 powder balls at a time.

The sizes of powder balls of different pearl milk brands

There is also a question that many pearl milk novices will worry about:

There are so many pearl milk tea shops, which one should you choose? The issue of

has also been studied and a guide has been produced.

Someone made the following table after drinking more than 600 cups of different brands of pearl milk tea.

In this table, almost all milk brands on the Japanese market are classified according to the size and taste of the powder balls.

marked in red represents key recommendations.


Pearl milk tea has been popular in Japan three times

In fact, before this, pearl milk tea has been popular in Japan twice.. The first wave of

occurred in and in 1992.

The pearl milk tea that became popular at that time was a bit like sago. Pink round and translucent, smaller than the current one. The milk is coconut milk. It is usually eaten with a spoon.

But the 1990s in Japan happened to be the Warring States Period for desserts.

This wave of craze was ended by European and American forces represented by French stewed eggs and Belgian waffles .

French eggs and Belgian waffles

The next time bubble tea becomes a hit is 008.

The pink circle at that time has turned into the black color you see now.

but usually paired with yogurt and juice .

But two years later, the Japanese suddenly became obsessed with waffles ... breast milk was once again outdated.

What people are witnessing now is another revival of bubble milk tea.

This time, it reconquered Japan in the form of black powder balls paired with milk tea.

It can be said that Japan's Heisei era (January 8, 1989 - April 30, 2019) almost started with the pearl milk tea craze and ended with the pearl milk tea craze.

Some people have also observed a phenomenon similar to the "lipstick effect":

Japan's milk craze always seems to coincide with the onset of the economic crisis.

The relationship between the trend of Japanese stock market and the boom of breast milk

In 1992, when the first breast milk boom came, Japan’s economic bubble was bursting.

In 2008, the year of the second breast milk boom, Japan encountered the global economic crisis again.

So some people are speculating: The third wave of milk boom this year, does it mean that the economy will suffer another setback...

("Lipstick Effect": describes a kind of consumption. Think about it - people are in the economic downturn. Sometimes, they tend to buy cheap products that can please and comfort themselves. For example, during the Great Depression in the United States, movie consumption increased, and during the economic downturn in South Korea, brightly colored clothing became popular.)


Why is Zhen milk so popular?

How did bubble milk tea conquer Japan again? There are different opinions on


A Japanese program "SUNDAY JAPON" also interviewed young people on the street about the reasons why they fell in love with milk tea.

Some fashion girls said that if you go shopping with a cup of milk tea, you will feel full of happiness and look very "trendy".

One couple said, "Milk tea is a symbol of big cities. We rarely have this in the Northeast region of our hometown."

Some people said that they were "already addicted" and "now that I drink drinks and have nothing to chew on, I feel lost."

In summary , mainly include the following points:

, Frappuccino is outdated

Before the arrival of Jane Milk, Frappuccino was the "lonely king" in the Japanese beverage industry, once accounting for 30% of the total sales of Starbucks in Japan.

But in recent years, young people in Japan are tired of drinking ... At this time, pearl milk tea took advantage of the opportunity.

, Taiwan is hot

Japanese people love Taiwan very much this time.

Last year, the number of Japanese people traveling to Taiwan reached a record high of 31.96 million .

In the popularity ranking of tourist destinations during Japan’s Golden Week this year, Taiwan still ranks first..

, the threshold for milk tea shops is low and the competition is fierce

At this time when Japanese people are interested in Taiwan at an all-time high, Taiwanese tea brands such as Chun Shui Tang and CoCo are rapidly expanding in Japan.

Moreover, the threshold for joining a pearl milk tea shop is relatively low and the competition is more intense, making it popular very quickly.

, popular on social networking sites

Due to its cute appearance and distinctive features, bubble milk tea is very suitable for uploading to social networks such as Instagram.

Recently, there have been more than .35 million photos under the tag "Pearl Milk Tea" on Instagram. Other "Pearl Milk Tea" series tags are also being uploaded enthusiastically.

In June this year, Japan also launched a wave of "pearl challenges" on Twitter - taking photos or posting videos of milk tea on the chest. Some videos have received more than one million views.

This also caused an interesting phenomenon.

Due to the close connection between pearl milk tea and youth culture, many middle-aged uncles who want to drink pearl milk have to be secretive like criminals...

, "There is no sin in using it to fill your stomach." Sense”

Of course, the most important factor should be the charm of pearl milk tea itself.

Some Japanese netizens described it this way:

"Although there are pink balls inside, it looks like tea, so you don't feel guilty filling your stomach with it."

Japanese artist Matsuko Deluxe also commented:

Although pearl milk tea is trendy It is a drink, but it has a nostalgic taste. It is entirely possible that it will become a part of Japanese daily culture like coffee in the future.


Asia’s “Fat House Happy Water”

Speaking of “addiction”, pearl milk tea is also known as “Asia’s Fat House Happy Water”. In recent years, it has also been popular in the United States:

“This is my first time. Tea to chew!” —Hillary Clinton, 2016.

"This is tea, but it has a smooth and elastic taste, which is interesting." - Hip-hop singer and WWE champion John Cena

According to the "U.S. Milk Tea Market Report" released by Menusifu in December last year, the current milk tea market in the United States The number of stores has reached more than 10,000, and there are more than 2,000 stores in New York alone.

"US Milk Tea Market Report", Menusifu

It has even become an identity for local Asian young people in the United States.

" New York Times " once published an article about milk tea becoming mainstream. It was criticized for using "blobs (meaning 'stain')" to describe the pearls in milk tea. Later, it published another article. "Our readers scolded us for bubble milk tea, and they were right" to apologize.


"Coffee makes people heavy,

milk tea makes people happy"

When did mainland China become associated with pearl milk tea?

In the 1990s, pearl milk tea had already landed in mainland China.

But it was in the 2000s that well-known milk tea brands entered the market.

Timetable for milk tea brands to enter China, iiMedia Consulting

Until now, pearl milk tea has become one of the most popular drinks in China.

According to iiMedia Consulting survey data, the number of ready-made beverage stores in my country has exceeded 0,000 in 2018, and the new Chinese tea drink market has exceeded 390 billion yuan. Among them, milk tea attracts the most attention.

A report released by a food delivery platform last year showed that Chinese milk tea orders exceeded 210 million in 2018. Far more than the amount of coffee orders. The number of tea merchants on the platform has tripled compared to the previous year.

Popular blogger Li Xueqin once said that she had dreamed of opening a milk tea shop. Because:

"Coffee makes people heavy, but milk tea makes people happy."

Moreover, statistics show that 1-3 o'clock every day is the peak period for milk tea orders. Generally speaking, this is also the period of the day when office workers feel the most fatigued and are most likely to be distracted or chatting. At this time, if one person is a milk tea lover, he or she is likely to "infect" it to others.


The origin of pearl milk tea is controversial

In fact, this matter has not yet been concluded.

Because two Taiwanese tea drink chain stores claim to have invented it themselves.

The family is Chun Shui Tang. The other one is Hanlin Teahouse.

Chun Shui Tang

Chun Shui Tang said that in 1986, the tea director of Chun Shui Tang's merchandising department put the powdered balls into milk tea and shared it privately with friends. Because it received many favorable comments, it began to be sold on the market the next year.

Hanlin Tea House said that its founder Tu Zonghe was inspired by the white powder balls sold in hawkers.

For this matter, the two stores once attacked each other in their respective publications, and even sued each other to court.

However, despite such a big fuss, no one was able to apply for a patent for in the end...

But regardless of its true origin, pearl milk tea was very popular as soon as it debuted.

By the 1990s, bubble milk tea had completely replaced bubble black tea in popularity.

Bubble black tea

After that, pearl milk tea gradually consolidated its position among the Taiwanese people.

At the 2009 Taipei Summer Deaflympics, pearl milk tea became the official tea drink .

After seeing this, do you want to order takeout and drink bubble milk tea?

Don’t worry, before you click on the software, I’ll give you a little tip.

The sugar content of a cup of pearl milk tea is roughly like this:

This year, Suzhou Zhangjiagang City Market Supervision Department found during a random inspection of the city's milk tea shops:

The total sugar test results of all batches of samples were 3.23g/100g. ~11.3g/100g, which is equivalent to drinking a cup of milk tea and eating 3 to 11 sugar cubes;

All batches of milk tea were found to contain caffeine, and the cup with the highest caffeine content was twice as much as American coffee.

The Shanghai Consumer Protection Commission has previously analyzed samples of Internet celebrity milk tea. The results showed that the average sugar content of milk tea with normal sweetness is 34g per cup, with the highest reaching 62g.

Sugar and caffeine are both addictive substances.

The science magazine "Nature" once published a paper "The truth about the toxicity of sugar": "Sugar addiction has a dual effect. On the one hand, sugar affects hormones in the body, preventing the brain from sending signals of fullness. The more you eat, the more addictive you become. The more addicted you are, the more you eat; on the other hand, the impact of sugar on hormones in the body is also reflected in the fact that the brain continuously sends out signals to consume sugar. Just like the addiction to cigarettes, people who eat sugar will become more and more fond of sugar.”

Scientist Serge Ahmed once designed an experiment: first feed cocaine pills to mice for about a month to make them addicted, and then provide cocaine pills and sugar pills at the same time, allowing the mice to choose one of the two. After just two days, the mice switched to sugar pills.

Ahmed believes that sugar can defeat cocaine, possibly because the nerve receptors responsible for sensing sugar in the brain are 14 times larger than those for cocaine.

But excessive intake of sugar can cause many problems to your health, not just obesity.

The World Health Organization once issued a guideline: It is strongly recommended that adults and children reduce their daily free sugar intake to less than 10% of their total energy intake; conditional recommendations are to reduce it to less than 5% or approximately 25 grams per day. .

So, have you calculated how many cups of milk tea you can drink in a day?

(A little tip: In the above-mentioned regulatory inspections, all "sugar-free milk tea" contained sugar.)



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