Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Yang Jian For most Chinese people, baseball and softball are unfamiliar and niche, but in Liangzhu Cultural Village, this sport has a large number of fans.

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Yang Jian

For most Chinese people, baseball and softball are unfamiliar and niche, but in Liangzhu Cultural Village, this sport has a large number of fans.

Seven years ago, two parent-child baseball teams were born here; the year before last, more than 40 fathers of the baseball team built a baseball field called "Jufu" for their children. This is also the first real baseball field in Zhejiang Province. A standard baseball field; now, the membership of the Jufu Baseball and Softball Club established on the basis of the field has expanded to nearly 200 members...

Here, they use baseball and softball to change their families and neighborhoods, and they also find happiness and health while swinging the bat.

Other mothers are responsible for cheering the mothers here to play in person

"King of the Family" softball team

On the last weekend of 2020, at the Jufu Baseball Field next to the Dream Town in Cangqian Wushan Village, a slow pitch game was going on. The two teams competing, one is the Gudao Tigers team, which is mainly composed of fathers and children, and the other is JFK (Joyful King, also known as "King of the Family" in Chinese), which is mainly composed of mothers. Although

lost by a big score of 0:4, the mothers who walked off the court were not depressed. "Our team was established in September, and it's only been three months now. If we practice more, we can beat them." Guo's mother was one of the first members of the "King of the Family" softball team, and when it comes to the name of the team , she explained with a smile, "Generally, dad is called the head of the family, but our throne has never been shaken, and it is the same on the sports field."

Although he said it was to revitalize the family status, in reality Mothers fall in love with swinging bats because they want to be better versions of themselves while taking care of family and work. "Human emotions are like floods. They cannot be blocked but can only be channeled, especially for women. Softball can not only release the negative emotions accumulated at work and family, but also make the body healthier." Guo Ma said, Slow Baseball is a mixed sport for men and women and generally adopts the "7+3" principle. "There are 7 women and 3 men on the court, or 7 men and 3 women."

Guo's mother's family

Guo's mother's statement was also recognized by Pangge's mother. She said: "I don't play ball. "It's Dad, every time he hits a ball, he feels better." Mom believes that every time she throws a ball, it's like throwing something that doesn't go well, and every time she swings the bat, it's like she can get rid of her worries.

"Baseball and softball is a team sport, and the game also takes us back to our school days, working hard for the team." Mothers have regained the passion of their youth in sports.

"Most of the members of our team are family members of our father's baseball team members. In the past, they mostly went to the stadium to cheer for their children and husbands and do some logistical work." Guo's mother sighed. After she actually stepped onto the field, Only then did I discover the fun of baseball and softball. And this common hobby also gives mothers more topics to talk about with their partners and children.

"When I played for the first time in a game, my child was very excited. He asked me if I had played, if I had caught the ball, and if I had hit the ball. He encouraged me to keep working hard. My husband also cheered me off the court and helped me analyze the situation on the court." Da Niu’s mother said that she used to encourage her children, but now after participating in the softball game, not only can she and her daughter encourage each other, but her husband also provides advice and guidance from time to time. This feeling is very happy.

Male and female baseball and softball is a unique experience

Jin Zheng is one of the few men on the team

Although the "King of the Family" softball team is dominated by mothers, it does not exclude men from joining. 41 years old Jin Zheng is one of the few men in the team and is also the team captain. On the court, he is the absolute main force and core; off the court, he has also become the team's "favorite".

Before he came into contact with baseball and softball, Jin Zheng’s favorite thing was football, and playing ball once or twice a week was indispensable. Now his focus of sports has slowly shifted to baseball and softball. "Because I have to participate in baseball and softball training and games, I have missed football several times. My friends who play football with me have asked me if I want to give up football completely."

Jin Zheng has only been playing baseball and softball for less than a year, but he has always been with baseball and softball. The fate is not short at all."When I was a child, I watched the Japanese anime " Baseball Heroes " and learned about this sport for the first time. When I was about 30 years old, I fell in love with watching Major League Baseball, but there were not many opportunities to play baseball around me."

Until three years ago Jin Zheng didn't really get into baseball and softball until he bought a house in Liangzhu Cultural Village. "I like growing flowers. I met Coach Jack from the Jufu Baseball and Softball Club in the Cultural Village Flower Gardening Group, and I also learned that there is a stadium here." After experiencing it several times with his daughter, Jin Zheng immediately fell in love with this activity. Sports, officially joined the club.

"Compared with football, the competition in baseball and softball is not so fierce, and the physical requirements are relatively low. At my age, my motor function will inevitably enter a period of decline. I think baseball is more suitable for me. In addition, the rules of baseball and softball The skills and tactics are very rich, which is what attracts me. "Jin Zheng said that as a newbie in baseball and softball, both his personal skills and team awareness were at a stage of obvious improvement, while football slowly began to decline. .

In addition, compared to the "monk" sport of football, men's and women's baseball and softball also gave Jin Zheng a different experience. "Cooperating with mothers during the game, being trusted by them, especially the satisfaction after winning the game is difficult to experience in football."

The education and family factors behind baseball and softball are also what attracted Jin Zheng. Big factor. "When the Jufu Baseball and Softball Club was first established, it has been emphasizing the relationship between father and son. Dad must join first before his children can join. Dads are also allowed to teach their children in person during daily training. Baseball is used to reshape the role of fathers in family education and status."

In the past six months since he started playing baseball and softball, Jin Zheng has obviously felt that his relationship with his daughter is getting better and better, and his family relationship has become more harmonious. "On weekends, I come to the field with my children to pitch and swing. In the past, when I played football, they would not follow me to the field."

Family happiness and neighborhood harmony Baseball is the bond that maintains emotions

From the parent-child baseball team seven years ago , to 40 fathers working together to build the stadium, to the Jufu Baseball and Softball Club of 80 families... For the residents of Liangzhu Cultural Village, baseball and softball is not only a sport, but also a unique community cultural factor. This would not be possible without the hard work of the founders, Sister Wendy and Uncle Jack.

"In Europe and the United States, sports are often a common hobby and topic among families and communities. It is very common for the family to play ball together and for neighbors to watch the game together. But in China, sports are often just a personal hobby, and Family and community are separated. "Sister Wendy said that she and Uncle Jack have not simply wanted to promote the sport of baseball and softball over the years, but hope to use baseball and softball to reshape the role of parents in the growth of their children and at the same time build a community. Harmonious neighborhood relations.

"Parents are the best role models and the best teachers for their children's growth. Our baseball team has been emphasizing the parent-child relationship since its establishment." Sister Wendy said that she and her children wear the same team uniform and train together. Competing together is definitely a different experience than sending your children to training classes.

At the same time, baseball and softball also allow families to communicate more, thereby making the relationship between neighbors in the community more harmonious. "Here, no matter parents or children, everyone is a teammate."

Just like the crowdfunding to build the stadium, everyone has a common goal and works hard together. Such memories will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

News Link - What is Baseball and Softball?

Baseball is a competitive sport that uses metal rods to hit balls for offensive and defensive confrontation. It originated in the 15th century when paddle ball was popular in the United Kingdom. It was later spread to the United States and was included in the Olympic Games in 1992.

Softball evolved from baseball and originated in Chicago in the 1880s. In 1996, women's softball was officially listed as an Olympic sport.

Although softball and baseball are different ball sports, because their game rules and terminology are similar or identical in many places, they are collectively called baseball and softball.

The basic equipment required for these two sports is the same: the game is played on a right-angled fan-shaped field, a ball, a glove, and a bat. To put it simply, the game requires one team to throw the ball to the opponent's batter. If the opponent hits the ball, all players can run to the next base until the ball is caught by the opponent. The team that reaches home base first wins.

Softball is developed from baseball. The rules are similar, and the technical difficulty and intensity of exercise are slightly lower than baseball.

The biggest difference between softball and baseball is that the softball ball is relatively soft and larger, so the gloves are larger, and the bat is lighter and thinner, with various materials. Softball became an official event at the Olympic Games in 1996, with only women's teams. This practice has continued. Therefore, in formal international competitions, baseball is generally played by men, while softball is only played by women.

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News