GIS-KY, a major touch panel manufacturer, was affected by poor sales of new mobile phone products from its main customer in the first quarter of this year, but was affected by the mass production of new tablet computer models. Although revenue decreased by 43% quarterly, it incre

GIS-KY, a major touch panel manufacturer, was affected by poor sales of new mobile phone products among its main customers in the first quarter of this year, but was affected by the mass production of new tablet computer models. Although revenue fell by 43% quarterly, it increased by 34% annually. Gross profit margin in the single quarter More than 8%, operating profit is 730 million yuan (NTD, the same below), an annual increase of 12%, and net profit after tax is 689 million yuan.

looks forward to the market outlook. Due to the replacement of old and new products by major customers, there may be inventory adjustments in the short term. It is expected that the revenue performance in the second quarter will be limited and may even be slightly lower than that in the first quarter. Revenue in April this year dropped to 8.045 billion yuan, a monthly decrease of 23.44% and an annual increase of 1.37%. The cumulative revenue in the first four months was 37.48 billion yuan, an annual increase of 25.5%.

As major customers purchase new models, it is expected that there will be a chance of recovery in the second half of the year. However, due to some variables in orders from major customers this year, overall, revenue and profits may be stabilized first.

Mainly because in the second half of the year, although Apple has three new iPhone models of 5.8-inch, 6.1-inch, and 6.5-inch, as well as several new iPad products including 7.9-inch and 10.5-inch, it is rumored that the new generation of iPhone will cancel the pressure sensor. GIS Apple will lose its pressure sensor fitting orders this year, and iPad touch orders will be taken by OFILM. Therefore, it remains to be seen whether the peak season effect this year will be the same as in the past.

As for the ultrasonic under-screen fingerprint recognition product manufactured by the company in cooperation with Qualcomm , it has now been introduced into the flagship model of Samsung, a major Korean manufacturer. With the trend of full-screen mobile phones and the increasing penetration rate of under-screen fingerprint recognition applications, the future contribution should be There are opportunities to improve further.

Note: The currency unit mentioned in the article is New Taiwan Dollar

News source: MoneyDJ News

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Extended reading

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