Comprehensive news: According to the latest data released by the World Health Organization, as of 15:36 Central European Time on the 30th, the number of confirmed new crown cases worldwide increased by 469,996 from the previous day, reaching a total of 169,597,415 cases;

(Fighting against COVID-19) The cumulative number of confirmed cases worldwide is close to 170 million. India’s daily increase in confirmed cases has dropped to the lowest in nearly 46 days.

China News Service Beijing, May 31. Comprehensive news: According to the latest data released by the World Health Organization , as of Europe At 15:36 Central Time on the 30th (21:36 Beijing time), the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide increased by 469,996 from the previous day, bringing the total to 169,597,415; the number of deaths increased by 11,311, to a total of 3,530,582.

Data map: On May 17, local time, passengers entered the Union Square subway station in New York City, the United States. Photo by China News Service reporter Liao Pan

Americas: US media said Biden The government has not fulfilled its promise to ship vaccines overseas

According to data from Johns Hopkins University on the 30th, as of 23:59 Eastern Time on the 29th, , in the past 24 hours, there were 11,976 new confirmed cases in the United States, a decrease of nearly 10,000 cases from the previous day, a new low since March 25 last year; there were 343 new related deaths, a decrease of 342 from the previous day.

According to the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), the White House has not yet issued a single dose of vaccine since the Biden administration announced in May that 80 million doses of the vaccine would be shipped overseas by the end of June. US media pointed out that due to numerous "diplomatic and logistical challenges," the Biden administration has so far failed to fulfill its commitments. On the other hand, more than half of the U.S. population has received at least one dose of vaccine.

As of the 30th local time, according to data released by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, the country had 43,520 new confirmed cases in a single day, with a total of 16,515,120 confirmed cases; 874 new deaths in a single day, with a total of 461,931 deaths. According to local media reports, there are large differences in the progress of COVID-19 vaccination among Brazilian states. The fastest state, Mato Grosso do Sul, is more than twice as fast as the slowest state, Rondonia.

Europe: The cumulative number of confirmed cases in the UK has been on the rise in the past seven days

According to French official statistics on the 30th, in the past 24 hours, there were 8,541 new confirmed cases in France, a decrease of 2,100 cases from the previous day; new related deaths 44 cases. The positivity rate for COVID-19 tests is 3.2%. Currently, more than 25.33 million people in France have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 11.6 million people have received two doses of the vaccine.

The cumulative number of confirmed cases in the UK has been on the rise in the past seven days. According to data released on the British government website on the 30th, in the past 24 hours, there were 3,240 new confirmed cases in the UK, a decrease of 158 cases from the previous day; there were 6 new related deaths. The number of newly confirmed cases in the UK in the past seven days was 22,474, an increase of 4,755 (26.8%) from the previous seven days. In addition, 39,259,168 people in the UK have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, accounting for approximately 74.5% of the adult population; a total of 25,332,851 people have received the second dose, accounting for approximately 48.1% of the adult population.

According to AFP , British Prime Minister Johnson recently expressed in an interview that he hopes that the upcoming Group of Seven (G7) summit can reach an agreement on the new crown vaccine "passport" and formulate a "world treaty" "Have open discussions to prepare for future pandemics.

Asia: India’s daily increase in confirmed cases has dropped to the lowest in the past 46 days

According to the latest data released by the Indian Ministry of Health on the 30th, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in India has risen to 27,894,800. In the past 24 hours, India had 165,553 new confirmed cases, the smallest single-day increase since April 14 (nearly 46 days); there were 3,460 new deaths, bringing the total number of deaths to 325,972.

According to media reports, the raging new crown epidemic has closed many factories in India, and many local companies and multinational companies are in trouble. India is known as the "pharmaceutical factory of the world", but the COVID-19 epidemic has caused a serious drop in the operating rate of relevant factories in India. The operating rate of Indian pharmaceutical middlemen and API companies is only about 30%. "German Economics Weekly" recently reported that due to large-scale city closures, Indian pharmaceutical companies have basically come to a standstill, and India's supply chain for exporting drugs to Europe and other regions is currently in a state of collapse.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), as of 23:59 local time on the 30th, Japan reported 2,877 new confirmed cases, a decrease of 619 cases from the previous day, and the number of cases was less than 3,000 for the first time in five days. Japan has a total of 744,956 confirmed cases and 12,993 deaths. In addition, the Tokyo Olympics torch relay has also been adjusted accordingly due to the epidemic.Starting from May 31, the Tokyo Olympics Torch Relay will be held in Ishikawa Prefecture for two days. Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the relay of the Olympic torch on public roads was suspended, and the ceremony was only held at the "Kanazawa Castle Park Sannomaru Plaza" in Kanazawa City on the 31st.

Africa: South Africa raises the level of epidemic "lockdown"

According to the latest data from the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, as of the 30th local time, a total of 4,825,372 cases have been diagnosed in the region, a total of 130,311 deaths, and a total of 4,361,950 cases have been cured.

South African President Ramaphosa 30 announced on the evening that in view of the recent resurgence of the new crown epidemic in the country, South Africa has decided to raise the "city lockdown" level from the lowest level to level 2 starting from May 31. Ramaphosa said in a televised speech that night that the number of new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in a single day has increased rapidly in many places in South Africa recently, with an average of 3,745 new confirmed cases per day in the past seven days, an increase of 31% from the previous week. The third wave of the epidemic has begun in some provinces. South Africa announced at the end of February this year that the peak of the second wave of the epidemic had passed and lowered the "city lockdown" level to the lowest level.

Ramaphosa also said that since South Africa launched the new crown vaccination plan, more than 67% of medical staff in public hospitals have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and more than 480,000 people aged 60 and above have received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. . (End)

Source: China News Network