Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" website reported on July 20 that US military aircraft frequently landed in Taiwan. Huang Jiezheng, associate professor at the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy at Tamkang University in Taiwan, pointed out that the actions of the United St

Original title: What’s the point of the US channel’s “military plane landing” scene?

Data map: C130 transport aircraft

Singapore " Lianhe Zaobao " website reported on July 20 that US military aircraft frequently landed in Taiwan. Huang Jiezheng, associate professor at the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy at Tamkang University in Taiwan, pointed out that the actions of the United States are all through " Accurately calculated". The military aircraft that arrived in Taiwan on three occasions deliberately disassociated themselves from military activities. Although the People's Liberation Army holds exercises, it is mainly to send out "political signals and political statements" not to show weakness, so as not to escalate into a military conflict. But it will definitely affect the recently planned meeting between senior officials of China and the United States.

Ding Shufan, emeritus professor at the School of International Affairs at Taiwan National Chengchi University, also agreed that the United States is strengthening unofficial relations with Taiwan under the bottom line of maintaining the one-China policy. These military aircraft have arrived in Taiwan through civil aviation channels and deliberately lowered sensitivity. "The United States is now playing the role of leading the 'global resistance to China'. Whether it can maintain the status quo across the Taiwan Strait and strongly support Taiwan is obviously crucial to the leadership prestige of the United States in East Asia and the world. The United States has now adopted a more open and transparent approach to To support Taiwan and fight against the mainland."

Taiwan's United News Network issued an article on July 20 saying that the United States recently wanted to hold talks with high-level officials of the Chinese Communist Party, but it was also hyping up its relations with Taiwan. What is it thinking about with such a contradictory move? Being pragmatic and offending the CCP will only push Taiwan to the forefront of competition between the United States and China. The Tsai administration should consider whether it is worth it. The

article stated that since the Tsai administration is determined to follow the United States, it can only call on the Tsai administration to make military preparations and remind the public, under what circumstances is it worth irritating the mainland? How much can you pay? What did you get this time? Is it worth it? I hope everyone will think about it carefully.

source: reference message