China Shandong Net reported on September 16 that recently, as the city creation work entered a critical stage, Shuangshan Street in Shibei District attached great importance to it, held several promotion meetings, made comprehensive arrangements, organized extensive mobilization

China Shandong Net News on September 16 Recently, as the city creation work has entered a critical stage, Shuangshan Street in Shibei District attaches great importance to it. It has held many promotion meetings to make comprehensive arrangements, organize extensive mobilization of various communities, innovate ways and methods, and street Everyone is fully engaged in the work of "building a city". In the streets and alleys and community squares within the subdistrict area, people can feel the enthusiasm for deepening the creation of a national civilized city everywhere: community workers who improve the community environment, civilized supervisors everywhere, volunteers who follow the example of Lei Feng and stick to the intersection... With the joint efforts of everyone, there is a strong atmosphere of "city creation" and various "city creation" tasks are progressing in an orderly manner.

Civilization is a game of chess, with responsibility and details

"Business is all about the details", and as this sentence says, Shuangshan Street quickly established a city-building leadership group to clarify the "operation map", "timetable", " "Task Statement" and "Responsible Person" must determine the person, location, time and responsibility. Bao community leaders are stationed at the site to take the lead in city creation, rely on party building to lead grassroots governance to gather synergy for city creation work, give full play to the role of cadres sent down from the agency, grasp various tasks in depth, and take proactive actions.

In view of the three weak links in the jurisdiction that are prone to problems, including environmental sanitation, city appearance and order, and public facilities management, the streets have accelerated the improvement of shortcomings and paid attention to details, focusing on environmental sanitation in back streets and alleys, random parking, small advertisements, etc. Pain points will be blocked, the leverage will be continuously increased, comprehensive rectification will be carried out, and the work will be implemented with high standards and high level.

All members participate in the cohesion and go deep into the grid to improve people's livelihood.

There is always a touch of red in Shuangshan Street to add color to the city. They are either the frontline team of the city or the volunteers who work tirelessly and willingly. Carry out city-building civilized publicity, improve environmental sanitation, and create a city-building atmosphere... In the past few days, cadres from Shuangshan Street and district sinking agencies have formed a task force to go deep into various major public places under the jurisdiction of Shuangshan Street, and are active in the city-building work. On the front line, make the city creation work detailed and practical.

"The community has laid new turf on the green belt, cleaned up the debris in the corridors, and volunteers have helped remove all kinds of 'psoriasis' from blind spots and graffiti. The living environment is getting more and more beautiful. I feel very happy living here. Comfortable." Talking about the changes since the founding of the city, Aunt Wang, a resident of Shuangshan Community, beamed with joy. Nowadays, in various communities in Shuangshan Street, volunteer services are everywhere, such as cleaning floors, removing waste, beautifying walls... The first thing that community grid members do when they come to the community every day is to go to the residential areas and back streets and alleys to conduct regular inspections to find problems, deal with urgent matters urgently, and coordinate and report difficult problems in a timely manner, so as to effectively solve practical problems for the private sector and consolidate innovation. City achievements and further create a harmonious and harmonious living atmosphere in the jurisdiction.

Heavy efforts have been made to renovate the city's appearance, and "sharpen the sword" against stubborn urban diseases.

Since the establishment of the city, in order to effectively solve the problem of difficult parking and random parking in the jurisdiction, ensure safe and smooth roads, standardize the city's appearance and order, and improve the city's appearance, the Shuangshan Street Urban Management Office , the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Squadron, and the Emergency Office jointly enforced law enforcement and concentrated cleanup on the CapitaMALL business district, Tailiu Road , Huaiyuan Road, Yu'an Road, Dexing Road and other difficult and painful areas in the city, with the highest standards and the fastest speed Clear illegal parking along the street and various sanitary blind spots, and at the same time clean up environmental sanitation problems such as accumulated garbage, sanitary blind spots, and graffiti found in the jurisdiction. As of September 8, a total of more than 120 dead spots, 17 garbage trucks, and more than 70 small advertisements have been cleared.

At the same time, the Street Comprehensive Law Enforcement Squadron conducted a comprehensive inspection of the primary and secondary arterial roads in the jurisdiction, and intensified rectification and punishment for existing problems such as random advertising, road occupation, and garbage classification in the jurisdiction. In order to enhance the general public's awareness of civilized traffic and guide the public to voluntarily abide by traffic laws, Shuangshan Street also dispatched 12 public civilized guidance volunteers to carry out civilized travel volunteer services at major traffic intersections such as Tailiu Road and Heilongjiang South Road. Dissuade uncivilized behaviors such as sidewalks, crossing the road, running red lights, non-motorized vehicles driving in the opposite direction, and parking indiscriminately.

In the process of establishing the city, Shuangshan Street in Shibei District acted quickly and paid attention to details. By rectifying small problems, it put on a "microscope" for the staff in the jurisdiction, starting from the small details of the street, so that "the smallest details can make a big difference." ", and ultimately achieve from point to line and from line to surface, ensuring the orderly and steady advancement of city creation work within the jurisdiction, and ensuring that all work on the creation of a civilized city is implemented.