Accessories: 250 grams of minced pork, 250 grams of vegetable gallbladder, a little each of minced ginger and green onions, pickled pepper sections, and bean sprouts. Seasoning: 4g salt, 10g chicken essence, 5g sesame oil, 100g old oil, 1g pepper, 2g sugar, 10g oyster sauce.

Crispy Shao Braised Goose Palms


Homemade flavor


5 blood-free goose palms imported from the United States.


250 grams of minced pork, 250 grams of vegetable gallbladder, a little each of minced ginger and green onions, pickled pepper sections, and bean sprouts.


4 grams of salt, 10 grams of chicken essence, 5 grams of sesame oil, 100 grams of old oil, 1 gram of pepper, 2 grams of sugar, 10 grams of oyster sauce.


1. Remove the big bones and claws from the goose paw, trim it neatly, rinse it with water, then color it, fry it in an oil pan until the skin turns white, take it out, add broth, season it, and steam it in a steamer until it is soft and glutinous. stand-by.

2. Fry the minced pork until crispy, color and set aside.

3. Pour the vegetable bladders out of water, add a little salt and stir-fry briefly, then place on a plate.

4. Finally, heat the wok, add oil, minced ginger, garlic, bean sprouts, and oyster sauce and stir-fry until fragrant, then add pickled pepper knots, goose webs, and stock, season and stir-fry evenly, then remove from the pan and place on the plate.


Goosefoot is glutinous and fragrant, crispy and refreshing.

crystal deer tendons balls


salty and fresh

main ingredients:

100 grams of water-made deer tendons, 100 grams of clean fish meat.


8 pieces of Chinese cabbage gallbladder.


4 grams of salt, 6 grams of MSG, 5 grams of chicken essence, 4 grams of cornstarch, 2 grams of sesame oil, 2 eggs, 150 grams of stock.


1. Wash the Chinese cabbage, carve it into cabbage flowers, blanch it and set aside.

2. Change the deer tendons into diced pieces, mince the fish meat into velvet, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, cornstarch, sesame oil, and egg white and beat into isinglass, then add the diced deer tendons and mix well.

3. Stuff the deer tendon and fish maw into each vegetable gallbladder, steam it in a steamer, then season with stock, thicken the gravy, and pour it on the vegetables. Serve.


has a crispy taste, strong salty flavor and unique shape.

Griddle Vegetable King

Flavor type:

Spicy flavor


150 grams of yam, 50 grams of green bamboo shoots, 100 grams of green beans, and 50 grams of cucumber.


30 grams of red pepper.


15g soy sauce, 30g old oil, 10g chili sauce, 6g oyster sauce, 6g chicken essence, 4g MSG, 2g salt, 8g pepper oil, 1g sesame oil.


1. Cut the main and auxiliary ingredients into strips, oil them and set aside.

2. Put an appropriate amount of oil and chili sauce into the moxibustion pot, add broth to taste, add the raw materials, collect the raw materials for a while, when the water is about to dry, add pepper oil and sesame oil to the pot.


has a strong spicy taste, tender texture and refreshing taste.


raw materials should be selected from the tender parts.

Lao Ma Buddha Jumping Chicken

Flavor type:

Hemp flavor


250 grams of native chicken, 30 grams of chicken intestines, 50 grams of chicken feet, and 30 grams of phoenix crowns.


20 grams of bamboo shoots, 10 grams of green millet pepper, and 10 grams of red pepper.


70 grams of green pepper oil, 10 grams of rattan pepper oil (yaoma seed), 15 grams each of salt, monosodium glutamate, and chicken essence, 10 grams of ginger and green onion, and 5 grams of sugar.


1. Remove the internal organs from the native chicken, rinse away the blood, add ginger and green onion, cook until cooked, soak until cold.

2. Boil the chicken feet, chicken intestines and phoenix crowns, then use a knife; boil the bamboo shoots in water, then use a knife.

3. Cut the green and red millet into small cubes, add green pepper oil, cane pepper oil, salt, MSG, chicken essence and sugar to taste, then add a little chicken soup and mix well.

4. Cut the chicken into pieces, put the chicken and chicken giblets into the Buddha Tiaoqiang container, add seasonings and mix well.

5. When serving, turn the Buddha Jumping Over the Wall container upside down on the plate and serve, then pour it out and serve.


It tastes numb and the container is novel.

Umeboshi Flower balls

Flavor type:

Crispy, salty and delicious


200 grams of shrimps, 150 grams of clean cuttlefish breast.


50 grams of prunes.


4 grams of salt, 6 grams of chicken essence, 4 grams of MSG, 25 grams of ginger and onion juice.


1. Beat the shrimp and cuttlefish meat into minced meat.

2. Chop the prunes into small pieces.

3. Place the thick soup in the refrigerator to freeze quickly, then cut into small pieces.

4. Cut the bread into small pieces.

5. Wrap the prunes in minced shrimp, then wrap the minced shrimp in bread crumbs, and fry in low oil until golden brown.


The taste is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the dishes are beautiful and generous.

kimchi fat beef vermicelli

Flavor type:

hot and sour flavor

main ingredient:

fat beef 250 grams.


150 grams of lotus root, 150 grams of Korean kimchi, 150 grams of vermicelli, and 30 grams of peas.


15g yellow lantern chili sauce, 6g MSG, 2g chicken essence.


1. Cut the beef into thin slices; cut the kimchi into strips; shred the lotus root and boil it in water; boil the vermicelli in water ; boil the peas in water.

2. Mix yellow lantern chili sauce with chicken essence, MSG, chicken broth and pepper into juice.

3. Place lotus seeds and vermicelli on the bottom of the plate, and place the fat beef on top.

4. Steam the arranged fat beef for 3 minutes and take it out.

5. Add the juice to the pot, add the kimchi and heat it up, pour it into a plate, place the peas, sprinkle with pepper rings, and pour hot oil over it.


is spicy, sour and fragrant, appetizing and refreshing.


Pay attention to the steaming time. Steaming must be done quickly, and steaming should not be discouraged or flashed.

Abalone with three delicacies

Flavor type:

Salty and savory flavor

Main ingredients:

4 abalones, 100 grams of fish lips, 50 grams of fresh mushrooms.


Crispy rice 100 grams.


4 grams of water starch, abalone juice 500 grams, 10 grams of chicken powder.


1. Boil the abalone, fish lips and fresh mushrooms with water, simmer them with stock (add a little salt) and set aside.

2. After seasoning the abalone juice, add abalone, fish lips, and fresh mushrooms to mix well, then put it into a soup pot and set aside.

3. Fry the crispy rice and place it in a container. When serving, pour the abalone juice from the soup pot onto the crispy rice.


Abalone has a strong flavor, rich content, and crispy rice crust.


should be served quickly, otherwise it will affect the characteristic of the crispy rice cake.