Too lazy to manage, unwilling to accept management, and difficult to manage: "Three Nothings" communities are triple difficult to manage. A reporter from Banyuetan found that the current "Three No's" communities are facing difficulties such as property owners who are "too lazy to

Too lazy to manage, dissatisfied with management, and difficult to manage: "Three Nos" communities are triple difficult to manage

Ban Yue Tan reporters Dong Baosen, Cui Hanchao, Chen Luyuan, Xu Jinyu, Li Meijuan

At present, the governance of "Three Nos" communities has become a common people's livelihood problem that needs to be solved urgently. Reporters from Banyuetan found out that the current "Three Nos" communities are facing difficulties such as property owners who are "too lazy to manage", residents who are "unyielding to management", and functional departments who are "difficult to manage". Because of its complicated governance and many safety hazards, it is becoming a chronic disease in the city.

Dirt and mess lead to heart problems

"Three No's" communities generally refer to residential communities without supervisory units, no property management, and no human defense. Its main features are its long history of construction and old facilities.

In recent years, with the in-depth implementation of projects such as the renovation of old communities, the appearance of some communities has improved, but there are still a certain number of "three noes" communities in the city. Most of these communities face problems such as imperfect infrastructure, dirty environment, and numerous safety hazards, which have troubled the normal lives of residents for many years.

A corner of a "Three Nothings" community in the north. Photographed by Dong Baosen.

A community in a city in the north is located next to a prosperous area. Most of the courtyards are made of bricks and tiles, and some of the gates are made of wood. During commuting time, you can see many residents using small cars to carry domestic water from water stations. It is understood that the community was built in the 1950s and currently belongs to a shanty town, with tap water not yet available for households. Permanent residents only account for about 20%, and most of them are migrants. According to reports, the community currently does not have a dedicated property management and management unit. In order to protect basic people's livelihood, in recent years the local government has helped the community clean the roads, renovate the sewers, install community gates, surveillance, street lights, fire protection and other supporting facilities, barely maintaining operation.

In a city in the south, a "three-no" community originally belonged to a local state-owned sugar factory. Most of the more than 100 residents in the community are old employees of the sugar factory. Currently, there are no property owners or security guards in the community, and the wall next to a road in the community is severely tilted. Although the community erected warning signs and made supports and reinforcements, residents in the community still expressed concerns: "We have no special maintenance funds ourselves, so we can only wait for community coordination." When

Banyuetan reporters conducted research in many provinces, they all found that "three noes" "Old residential areas have poor living conditions and many safety hazards. For example, some communities have debris piled up in the corridors and lack fire-fighting facilities; some communities often have sewage pipe leaks; some communities have narrow roads, and some sections can only be walked by two people side by side; some communities have Most of them are low-rise residential buildings, surrounded by high-rise buildings, and there is obviously insufficient lighting.

Community management has become a pain point

The property management is too lazy to take care of it. Many "Three Nos" communities have been built for a long time. The old houses in the communities are in disrepair, and the maintenance and repair costs are high. The enthusiasm of property management companies to move in is inherently low. Even if they do move in, they choose to ignore thorny issues such as safety hazards and social security due to lack of funds and manpower.

A person from a property management company revealed that the circuit aging problem in the "Three Nos" community is serious, but many residents use high-power electrical appliances in disorder at home, posing fire risks. However, on the one hand, the property management company cannot speak in front of the residents and has "no authority"; on the other hand, it lacks the motivation to proactively repair and replace facilities, so it just wants to "not cause any major problems."

In addition, according to the investigation, some residential communities have low charging standards and a single business model. The property management committee or the owners committee have problems even paying the wages of the doormen, let alone solving other problems. In the end, the owners committee is forced to dissolve or the doormen choose to leave, leaving The community is left unmanaged.

Residents are “unyielding”. The "Three Nos" community has a large floating population and a complex composition. Among the floating population in some communities, there are not only migrant workers, but also people begging, scavenging, etc. They usually rent in the relevant "three noes" communities for a short period of time and lack the motivation to participate in community construction. At the same time, the owners of rental houses have not returned to the community for a long time. Apart from collecting rent, they have basically lost contact with the community. Some property owners have not paid their arrears for several years, and the lighting rate in some communities is less than 30%.

Banyuetan reporter also learned that the vast majority of "three noes" communities have not established owners' committees. Even if there are owners' committees, they are mostly composed of retirees or idle personnel. Their knowledge level and ability to do things are limited, and it is difficult to give full play to them. effect. A grassroots cadre in Nanning City's Yongning District told Ban Yuetan reporters that some property owners' committees lacked supervision, which led to unclear accounts and conflicts with owners. After being implemented for a period of time, it finally came to nothing.

After the enthusiasm for property management services was dampened and the owners' committee chose to "lay it down", residents in the community became increasingly resistant to the owners' committee and the property management. "The strange circle.

functional departments are "difficult to manage". It is understood that the coordination problem among the governance entities of the "three noes" community is prominent, and there is a coordination dilemma between government departments. Some grassroots cadres said that in the governance and renovation of such communities, multiple departments such as housing construction, urban management, public security, and civil affairs are often involved. There is a lack of cooperation between various functional departments and the communities or streets where they are located, resulting in unclear powers and responsibilities and mutual pushback. Moreover, relevant policies and local laws and regulations are not well established, resulting in “nothing to control if you want to” or even “no idea where to start”.

Multiple measures are taken to break the vicious circle

To solve the problem of "three noes" in communities, it is necessary to form a long-term working mechanism in which the government, grassroots party organizations, communities, property management and other relevant units work together to coordinate various resources and concentrate on implementation and solving people's livelihood problems. At the same time, it is necessary to use refined management thinking to gradually break down the "hard bones" and "solve one problem one by one."

The collapsed wall of a "Three Nos" community in the north. Photo by Xu Jinyu

First, the government supports professional property agencies to increase subsidies. Feng Guobin, leader of the Xizhan East Road community in Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, and others believe that through the government purchasing social services and letting professionals manage them, the "dirty, messy" problem faced by such communities can be quickly and effectively solved. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that property management agencies and communities work together to ensure basic people's livelihood needs, and that public benefits such as community parking spaces can be used to improve community infrastructure and "feed back" community governance.

The second is to speed up the process of renovation of old communities and shantytowns. Li Xiuyi, secretary of the Party Committee of Xinxing Community in Suifenhe City, Heilongjiang Province, said that the renovation of old communities is the best solution to solve the "three noes" community. Some "three no's" communities are adjacent to busy road sections. If finance permits, demolition and resettlement of such communities should be given priority.

The third is to promote residents’ self-governance through party building. Resident autonomy is an important way to solve the "three noes" community governance problem, but currently it is difficult to rely solely on residents themselves to establish property committees and self-management committees. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the strength of district and county party members and cadres, and at the same time gather the strength of party members and volunteers within the community, first do practical things for community residents, win the trust of residents, and then mobilize the enthusiasm of residents to participate, and gradually resolve the "three noes" community owners committee Difficult questions will arise.

(Published in "Ban Yue Tan" Issue 8, 2022)