NBA chief communications officer and NBA spokesman Michael Bass just issued another statement, saying in the statement, "There should be no doubt about the statement issued earlier today. We have seen some translations of the Chinese version, but we The English version of the sta

NBA chief communications officer and NBA spokesperson Michael Bass has just issued another statement, saying in the statement, "There should be no doubt about the statement issued earlier today. We have seen some translations of the Chinese version, but we The English version of the statement is the official statement. "

" The Chinese translation version of the NBA's official account this morning read: "NBA Chief Communications Officer Michael Bass issued the following statement today:

We are totally concerned about the Houston Rockets . Manager Daryl Morey is extremely disappointed with the inappropriate remarks he made. He has undoubtedly seriously hurt the feelings of Chinese fans. Morey has now clarified that his remarks do not represent the position of the Rockets or the NBA. Under the values ​​of the NBA, people can learn more about matters of interest and share their opinions. We extremely respect China's history and culture, and hope that sports and the NBA, as a positive force of unity, will continue to build bridges for international cultural exchanges and bring people together. "

However, the English version of the statement Bass said was not that strong. This statement said, "We realize that Rockets general manager Daryl Morey has seriously offended many Chinese friends and fans. , which is regrettable, and now Daryl Morey has clarified that his Twitter does not represent the Rockets or the NBA. In the NBA's values, people can learn more about and post about things they are interested in. Personally, we respect Chinese history and culture very much, and hope that sports and the NBA can become a unifying energy, a bridge between different cultures, and bring people together. "

In other words, NBA spokesman Bass believes that the translation of the Chinese version misinterprets the meaning of the original English statement. There is no clear wording of "extremely disappointed" in the original text.