How many types of vaccines should be vaccinated? Class I vaccines are required for every child. Someone made up a recipe for vaccinations for children. "The BCG vaccine for hepatitis B is good for polio in February, DPT in March, April and May, and Japanese encephalitis is good f

Many new parents are concerned about

how many types of vaccines should their children receive after birth


What are the vaccination contraindications?

Look down and let you know


Class I vaccines are required for every child

In order to facilitate memory

Someone compiled a formula for children's vaccination

"Birth hepatitis B BCG vaccine,

February polio is just right ,

March, April, May, diphtheria, ,

August, measles, Japanese encephalitis"

Source: National Health Commission official website

Expert introduction

At present, my country's vaccines are divided into two categories

including the immunization program vaccine (category one). Vaccines),

Non-immunization program vaccines (Category II vaccines)

Children's vaccination with Category I vaccines is both a right and an obligation. Children who have no contraindications

should be vaccinated in time

Otherwise, it will affect the child's future enrollment in daycare and school

Category II vaccines need to be voluntarily vaccinated at one's own expense

Category II vaccines are voluntarily vaccinated at one's own expense

But this does not mean that these vaccines are not important

Chickenpox vaccine , hand, foot and mouth vaccine, thirteen-valent pneumonia vaccine,

rotavirus vaccine, pentavalent vaccine, etc.

are common second-category vaccines

If parents consider vaccinating their children

, they must pay attention to the vaccination time requirements

五The joint vaccine includes

the diphtheria-tetanus pertussis vaccine

parents need to plan in advance to avoid severe

children who develop jaundice or allergies, can they still get the vaccine?

The period after a child is born

is the period when vaccination is most frequent.

It is also the period when jaundice is most common.

So, can you still get vaccinated if you have jaundice?

Experts introduce

Physiological and breast milk jaundice

are not contraindications to vaccination


In addition to jaundice

allergies are also a common problem for many children

Experts say

In the acute stage of allergy,

vaccination needs to be suspended

But as long as the child is not allergic to the ingredients of the vaccine

It usually does not affect vaccination

If for various reasons

the child cannot be vaccinated on time

Parents do not need to worry

Except for rabies vaccine

Postponing vaccination will not affect it. The final immune effect of the vaccine

However, during the period of delayed vaccination

the risk of the child being infected with the corresponding disease will increase

Therefore, after the contraindications to vaccination disappear,

it is still necessary to vaccinate the child as soon as possible

vaccinate in time

protect the health of the child

Comprehensive: CCTV -1 " Life Tips ", National Health Commission official website

Source: CCTV set