Giving birth to a child is definitely a process of rebirth for a woman, and this is the case for new mother Vivian Hsu. After going through a difficult pregnancy, she finally gave birth, and she also revealed that she lost 6kg 10 days after giving birth, which is amazing! After a

Giving birth to a woman is definitely a process of rebirth, and this is the case for novice mother Vivian Hsu. After going through a difficult pregnancy, she finally gave birth, and she also revealed that she lost 6kg 10 days after giving birth, which is amazing!

After a difficult miscarriage, Vivian Hsu gave birth smoothly, which is already very lucky, but do you know? During her confinement period, she once revealed on Facebook, "Since the surgery, the edema has subsided and I have lost 6 kilograms in 10 days." Netizens exclaimed that she lost weight too fast!

0-year-old Vivian Hsu actually has another issue that is preparing to test postpartum women, and that is annoying edema. Do you know? Women should not do strenuous exercise within a short period of time after giving birth.

Especially for elderly mothers like Vivian Hsu, they are particularly weak after giving birth, but her success in overcoming edema and losing 6kg of meat is a bit too impressive!

html The 140-year-old Vivian Hsu has just fulfilled her dream of becoming a mother, but her father dislikes her for being a little fat, so she decided to start jogging slowly to lose weight from now on. However, fans have expressed opposition to this, fearing that strenuous exercise will cause little V after giving birth. Her uterus is prolapsed, so I hope she can take a good rest first.

Finally, although Vivian did not deliberately lose weight, she put the health of her baby and herself first, and achieved a great weight loss effect by breastfeeding herself.

Postpartum weight loss tips sharing

In fact, in addition to helping to eliminate edema on the body, breastfeeding is also a powerful form of exercise. Through the sweat caused by multiple breastfeeding, excess fat can be discharged. This method has also accompanied Cecilia Cheung and Huo Siyan through the difficult period of edema. It is an effective method highly praised by actresses!

Editor’s Tips

If a postpartum mother starts breastfeeding because of edema and wants to lose weight, and if she fails, it is actually because she thought she could consume 500-700 calories, but ends up getting hungry more easily and ends up eating more. In addition, taking care of children, being physically and mentally exhausted, not sleeping well, and not having time to exercise will result in the body's basal metabolic rate being lowered, and it may not be easy to lose weight.

How to eat

. Brunch and lunch are normal, or half the starchy foods at lunch and no starch at dinner.

. Take in more protein (especially milk and eggs) and soups and water to supplement nutrition.

. Broth (let it cool and remove the fat before drinking) and seafood soup (bass, scallops, prawns, etc.).

You should pay special attention to it. What you eat must be low in salt and fat. Just eat fruits, vegetables and protein normally, and be sure to drink more soup!

You must know that in order for little baby V to have enough nutritious milk to drink, Vivian Hsu has gone to the extent of "feeding" various soups and water! Thumbs up for the mother who works so hard! !