The zombie films made by Jiu Shu Lin Zhengying will be difficult to be surpassed, whether before, now or in the future. Because it has been the memory of a generation, the image of Uncle Jiu has been deeply ingrained. Except for the Taoist priest he played, there is no way anyone

The zombie films made by Uncle Jiu Lin Zhengying will be difficult to surpass, whether it is before, now or in the future. Because it has been the memory of a generation, the image of Uncle Jiu has been deeply ingrained. Except for the Taoist priest he played, there is no way anyone else can compare with Uncle Ying. Maybe this is his influence. He has created a generation of classics. Now let us review the ten most classic zombie films made by Uncle Ying.

10. "New Mr. Zombie"

The birth of this film is also the end of an era. In the film, it is obvious that the three masters and apprentices, Uncle Ying, are a little unable to do what they want. However, this film created another Ming Dynasty ghost legend: the spirit baby. I also like the scene where the ghost gets married in the middle, which is very classic.

9. "African Monk"

is narrated by Stephen Chow and Ng Mang-tat. It is a new look at the old film. It is very funny! The American overseas Chinese Asen (played by Chen Shanhe) bought back the corpse of his Qing Dynasty ancestor at a high price, and was led by a Taoist priest (played by Lin Zhengying) to return to his hometown for burial. Unexpectedly The plane lost its direction and the body fell into the African grassland. It was discovered by the native Lisu and he became friends with it. It turned out that the zombie was kind-hearted and helped the natives deal with a group of invaders who wanted to dominate the diamond mines... In "God is also Crazy" "The comedy in which Li Su, an indigenous star who became famous in one fell swoop, performed in Hong Kong, is a crazy farce with a rough plot, which is nothing more than an imitation of the theme of the famous original work. Stephen Chow dubs this "world-famous" actor, and non-Cantonese-speaking audiences may not be able to appreciate the vocal grace.

8. "Zombie Family"

A classic childhood memory. The highlight of this film is the warm and tender plot setting. It is not a children's film. If it is really made for children to watch, it will still scare them. PS: A classic line from this film is enough to illustrate Hong Pang’s status at that time.

7. "Ghost Bites Ghost"

This film may be the most exquisite work of the same period in terms of production. No wonder Fatty Hong’s skills must be of a high level in it, female ghosts repay favors, zombies, voodoos, mummies... and disgusting cockroaches. The fight at the end is so cool.

6. "The Exorcist"

The biggest attraction of this film is that it is most difficult to distinguish between real and fake zombies and Chinese and Western zombies played by foreigners. Maoshan Technique is useless against Western zombies, and crosses are useless against Chinese zombies. In the end, Lin Zhengying's apprentice also Infected with zombies...

5. "Mr. Phantom"

is the only zombie movie without zombies, but Dabao and Xiaobao are wearing our favorite zombie costumes in the film. This film tells the story of the greedy Taoist priest played by Wu Yaohan and the big ghost Lu Fang. The ashes at the bottom of the pot are said to be ashes, the ghosts are raised, the fried ghosts are not touching the ground, and the right way and the evil are fighting, but Uncle Ying is still so upright and unrestrained.

4. "Music Zombie"

A bird fell into the water, fell into the water, fell into the water; a bird fell into the water, and was washed away by the water. This film is one of the zombie films that impressed me the most in my childhood memory. I can’t say that the zombies in this film are the most powerful in combat, but they are definitely the most handsome (without any sense of terror) and the most awesome (Maoshan Technique has no effect on them).

3. "Zombie Supreme"

I personally love this one very much. The scene is grand, the special effects are superb, and it is the originator of zombies. Corpse monsters, people eating mud, coffin fungi, corpses worshiping the moon, money can make ghosts grind. In the early days, Liu Weiqiang showed his profound background. PS: Wu Jiali is a pretty girl, and Uncle Ying is a lucky girl.

2. "Taoist Master Yimei"

The master is the closest to the master. This film is a film that Uncle Ying has put a lot of effort into, and it is also Uncle Ying's most awesome performance in any movie. The admirable action design and ghost-killing tricks completely conceal the weaker plot.

1. "Mr. Zombie"

Uncle Jiu played by Lin Zhengying is so handsome and cool. He is also the founder of a sect. He has been imitated and never surpassed. PS: Mr. Zombie is played by Uncle Yuan Hua.