It can be said that zombie movies represented by Lin Zhengying have influenced entire generations of us. Lin Zhengying created a beautiful era of classic zombie movies. Lam Ching-ying's contribution to Hong Kong zombie films will never be forgotten, and his image as a zombie prie

Zombie movies represented by Lam Ching-ying can be said to have influenced our entire generations. Lam Ching-ying created a beautiful era of classic zombie films. Lam Ching-ying’s contribution to Hong Kong zombie films will never be forgotten. His Zombie Taoist Master The image of is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. One of the characteristics of Lin Zhengying's ghost films is emotion. The plot is driven by emotions. Emotions move the mind, and thoughts move thoughts. Evil thoughts are used by ghosts and gods. Therefore, the appearance of ghosts in Lin's movies is in line with the traditional Chinese concept of ghosts, gods, and policemen. , so it appears real, and real terror is the most frightening thing, and this fear goes straight to the bottom of people's hearts.

Lin Zhengying's awe-inspiring righteousness left a deep impression on us. The various types of zombies in it completely set off the effect of the entire movie. Let's take a look at the zombies that make our hair stand on end!

6. " African Monk "

The biggest selling point of this film may be Stephen Chow 's narration. Furthermore, Lin Zhengying's zombie scene is also integrated into this film. Although there are many selling points, for the whole film, it is a bit boring. Perhaps the main reason is that the conflict is too weak.

The zombies in the African Monk have changed their previous bloodthirsty appearance. As envoys of China-Africa friendship, they not only help Africans build houses and organize their homes, but also defeat bad guys. Such zombies make Ran feel like a hero. I recommend it, and it also contains ethnic plots. I don’t know if it’s a highlight or a bummer.

5. " Yimei Taoist "

"Yimei Taoist" directed and starred by Lin Zhengying in 1989 is the best still example of the combination of earth and foreign. The whole "Taoist with One Eyebrow" is funny and exciting. The novel effects of Maoshan Taoist Priest and Christians fighting each other, and Maoshan Shu and Western zombies fighting against each other greatly impressed the audience. It opened the way for Hong Kong filmmakers to re-examine local zombie movies. The little zombie in

has the childlike innocence, and maintains the happiness and teasing characteristics that children should have. The relationship between the little zombie and the master is also an emotional line. The zombies in this film are Chinese zombies, which has no disadvantages, but the zombies abroad do evil. , one good and one bad contrast, on the contrary, people will not feel particularly scared.

4. " Zombie Family "

The biggest difference between "Zombie Family" and Hong Kong zombie movies of the same period is that the zombies have feelings. Zombies were originally described as monsters without human consciousness, but the three zombies in the film are The relationship between parents and sons is naturally affectionate. The little zombie fell into the world by mistake, and developed deep friendships with several children. They played some warm and interesting tricks, and the zombies also gained a little bit of family and friendship.

Zombies are, after all, bloodthirsty walking dead. The last scene where zombies wreak havoc in a bustling city was the highlight of the show. Hong Kong audiences found it bizarre and interesting, but Japanese audiences found it familiar. The fighting scenes in it are also very humorous. The effect of delaying drugs is not only exerted on people, but also on zombies, making those zombies with a murderous nature even more cute, especially the female zombies' playfulness and male zombies. The zombies' jealousy is also a good performance.

3. New Mr. Zombie

"Mr. Zombie in Xinjiang" is funny but not without tension, and the clues are tight~ It is particularly worth mentioning that Sandra Ng had to take a group photo with the leading actors on their way to the handsome man's house and met the ghost bride. The actors' costumes were very special! This film is one of Master Lin’s masterpieces! Sandra Ng seduces Uncle Lin. There is no bottom line in vulgarity. The spiritual babies produced by abortion bring harm to the world. The five-person ancestral hall’s zombie-catching show was full of excitement and excitement. Encountering an unclean incident, the red and white teams attacked and arrested the two people in the coffin and wedding sedan, which was strange and terrifying. The zombies in

are an element of comedy. The main reason is that the infant spirit is full of fear and takes away the fear of the zombies. The zombie scenes in this film are overshadowed by ghosts.

2. " Mr. Zombie "

"Mr. Zombie" opened the "zombie era" in Hong Kong. "Mr. Zombie" is simply the first guide to dealing with zombies, and we learned a lot of tricks from it. On one side is Taoist Master "Nine Uncle"'s professional "paper, pen, ink, sword" (yellow paper, red pen, black ink, real sword, wooden sword), and on the other side is a household remedy to ward off evil spirits such as glutinous rice. As well as the method of holding your breath when encountering zombies that still appears in zombie movie scenes today. These are the textbooks of zombie movies.

The zombies in "Mr. Zombie" explain to people several different types of zombies, including zombies that are walking dead, and zombies that can follow their blood relatives to find targets for attack. Recuperate by yourself and make a comeback. Although there are many funny elements in it, it still makes people feel frightened!

1. " Uncle Zombie "

"Uncle Zombie" embodies localized folklore legends. In the past, "Baohe" zombie movies often featured ringing bells to drive away corpses, master-disciple fights, pranks by different sects, and tricks. Scenes such as Maoshan's magic battle against Qing Dynasty zombies were all included in "Uncle Zombie" and were shot in a fun and entertaining way.

The zombie inside was placed in a golden coffin, which made it invulnerable. In the end, it evolved into a spirit. It can not only see but also use its brain. This zombie can be said to be the originator of zombies. Everything should be controlled by one thing. This indestructible setting makes the audience feel an unprecedented sense of fear. In addition, being bitten by a zombie and turning into a half-human and half-corpse is also creepy and gives chills to the spine... Although in the end, five people were killed. Poison is eliminated, but Uncle Zombie can be said to be the nightmare in many people's minds when they were children, and it deserves to be ranked first in horror.