When it comes to the name Lou Nanguang, many people may not be too familiar with it, but when it comes to the character of "Security Captain Awei", everyone must still remember him: fat body, sloppy uniform, single eyelid wearing glasses, lustful and mischievous, always He likes

When it comes to the name Lou Nanguang, many people may not be familiar with it, but when it comes to the role of "Security Captain Ah Wei", everyone must still remember him: fat body, sloppy uniform, single eyelid wearing glasses, lustful and mischievous, He always likes to do things that shoot himself in the foot and make the audience laugh. In the movie " Mr. Zombie ", the role of "Ah Wei" played by Lou Nanguang earned him a nomination for Best Supporting Actor at the 5th Hong Kong Film Awards. "Ah Wei" has also become one of the classic characters created by Lou Nanguang.

In my memory, it seems that every one of Lin Zhengying's zombie movies has Lou Nanguang. Although he is only a supporting role, he is still outstanding because he is the comic actor in the movie. Every time he appears, the audience's nervousness will relax. After all, the clips he appears in are usually not very scary. Even if there is a scary scene, it will only be a laugh-out-loud oolong scene. It can be said that without Lou Nanguang's foil, zombie movies will no longer be complete.

Today we will take stock of the zombie movies Lou Nanguang has participated in!

"Mr. Zombie" Awei

Awei is the security captain of the small town. He has always been infatuated with Tingting, the daughter of his cousin Master Ren. After Master Ren was bitten to death by a zombie, Awei wrongfully accused Uncle Nine of murdering him and sent Uncle Nine to death. He was imprisoned. That night, when he was about to torture Uncle Jiu, Mr. Ren suddenly transformed into a corpse and chased Awei and bit him. As a result, Uncle Jiu, his apprentice Qiu Sheng, Awei and Mr. Ren, three of them were dead. A chase took place in a closed prison.

" New Mr. Zombie " Dalong

Dalong is a warlord commander. He behaves strangely because he was infected with corpse poison. Dalong's sister-in-law Nianying invited Uncle Ying, master and apprentice, to treat the commander. Unexpectedly, Uncle Ying and Dalong were love rivals in the past, so Dalong often ridiculed Uncle Ying. Dalong led Uncle Ying's masters and apprentices to Dalong's family ancestral hall, and found that his father had turned into a zombie. In order to obtain zombie teeth, Dalong Dalong treats the disease, and the four of them start a fierce battle with a zombie.

" The Taoist with One Eyebrow " The security captain

In the movie "The Taoist with One Eyebrow", the security captain played by Lou Nanguang has a soft spot for the cousin played by Sandra Ng . On this day, a foreign mummy was dug out. Taoist Yimei thought it was inappropriate and hoped to burn the mummy as soon as possible. However, his cousin wanted to get the ruby ​​​​on the mummy. In order to please his cousin, the captain actually exchanged the mummy with a statue. After a lot of trouble, the cousin finally got the gem, but was transformed by the blood of the awakened mummy. It turned out that the mummy was an evil vampire. After my cousin turned into a vampire, she immediately targeted the captain. . .

" Mr. Fantasy " Aqiang

Aqiang is Uncle Jiu's apprentice and the security captain of the town. He is not very capable but somewhat clever and likes to play pranks. The Taoist priest Mao Shanming raised two ghosts, one large and one small, who often conspired to cheat people out of food and drink. Aqiang and Mao Shanming became enemies by accident, and began to play tricks on each other.

"Mr. Phantom" is not actually a zombie movie in the true sense. Only the shapes of the two ghosts, Dabao and Xiaobao, follow the zombie template of the Qing Dynasty. The plot shows more about Maoshan witchcraft, Nanyang magic and other ghosts. technique. Despite many elements, Lou Nanguang's performance is still outstanding, and he vividly interprets a security captain who flaunts his power, loves great achievements, is cunning and timid at the same time. Especially the scene where he painted his whole body black to catch ghosts, but his body odor exposed him was so funny.

" Zombie Family " The black market antique dealer played by the antique dealer's apprentice "Mosquito Gut"

Zhong Fa took the apprentices played by Liu Qiusheng and Lou Nanguang from an ancient cave to discover a family of three zombies, the antique dealer and his great apprentice. He took the little zombies as samples to find buyers, leaving "Mosquito gall" to look after two zombies, a man and a woman. "Mosquito gall" accidentally took off the charm on the zombie's forehead and was bitten by the zombie. Due to the serious ulceration of the wound, he So he went to Lin Zhengying for medical treatment. Lin Zhengying felt that the wounds of "Mosquito Gallbladder" were abnormal, so he followed him all the way and discovered zombies. Lin Zhengying advocated destroying zombies, but was opposed by the three masters and apprentices. In the end, all the people came together to eliminate the zombies completely, but the antique dealer and his two apprentices were bitten by the zombies and turned into zombies.

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