There are many actors who have played the role of Linghu Chong, such as Chow Yun-fat, Ren Xianqi, Huo Jianhua and Li Yapeng. All of these people are famous and have good acting skills. However, if we say that the one who is recognized by the most people and is closest to the orig

There are many actors who have played the role of Linghu Chong, such as Chow Yun-fat, Ren Xianqi, Huo Jianhua and Li Yapeng. All of these people are famous and have good acting skills. However, if we say that the one who is recognized by the most people and is closest to the original work, it is Lu Songxian's version.

Linghu Chong is a complex character. He must have the debauchery of his youth, the sadness and loneliness of discovering that the person he loves does not love him, and the despair of knowing that the person he respects the most is a shameless villain. and entanglement.

From a carefree and bohemian boy to a hero who has experienced various setbacks and resentments, and can travel the world with his beloved, the appearance does not change much, and it all depends on his acting skills. In fact, it is not not easy. Lu Songxian's version can stand out among many versions and become the classic version of "The Swordsman", which shows his great acting skills.

In terms of appearance, Lu Songxian is not a handsome guy, but after watching the movie, the audience will feel that he is the Linghu Chong in their minds, and no one can replace him. The optimism he shows can dispel the haze in many people's hearts and is the best "medicine" to heal people's hearts!

The extremely unlucky Linghu Chong

Linghu Chong was a very special person, extremely unlucky.

He was originally a disciple of the Huashan Sect. Although his martial arts was not very good, he was respected and loved by his junior brothers and sisters because of his good character and loyalty.

However, the peaceful days were completely destroyed after meeting Yilin, Tian Boguang and others. He originally drew his sword to help when there was an injustice, but ended up getting himself covered in bruises, and he has been living with injuries ever since.

Because of the incident between Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang, Yue Buqun punished him to spend a year in Siguo Cliff. He accidentally met his senior Feng Qingyang and received his guidance, and learned the peerless swordsmanship Dugu Nine Swords. But before he could win, he was seriously injured.

met the crazy Four Immortals of Peach Valley and the Bujie Monk. They wanted to kill him at one moment and save him at the next. Not only did they not alleviate his injuries, but they made them more and more serious. I don’t know when I will die. Will die.

and other internal injuries were cured, but he was drawn into the struggle of various sects again. During the sword duel with his junior sister, he was stabbed again because of old feelings.

Anyway, in the entire drama, there are only a few episodes where Linghu Chong is not hurt. He is broken in love, injured, misunderstood, and really all kinds of bad luck happen to him.

No one can make him despair

However, even though his experience was really terrible, Linghu Chong never seemed to be depressed or pessimistic because of his tragic experiences. He lived an open-minded and magnanimous life from beginning to end. .

When he was seriously injured, he did not forget to drink, have fun and help others; when he was heartbroken, he did not fight for life or resent anyone; when he was misunderstood, he did not give too many unnecessary explanations, but continued to use his own comfort. way of life.

When life goes well, he is optimistic and free; when life goes wrong, he is bold and unruly. He likes to drink, like beautiful women, and like to draw a knife to help when there is an injustice. Even though he knows that doing these things may kill him at any time when he is injured, he bluntly said that if he wants to trade what he loves for a few years life, it would be better not to change it.

Linghu Chong is an advocate of instant gratification. He cares more about the quality of life than the length of life, so no matter how unlucky he encounters, he can always face it optimistically. Many things that are big in the eyes of others are not worth mentioning in his eyes:

I have chest pain, cover it, and when the pain passes, I can eat and drink again, as if nothing happened.

personally feels that if other people encountered the same thing as him, they would probably be depressed and ill. The reason why he became a great hero later was really due to his optimistic and open-minded character.

Optimism can overcome most difficulties in life

I have always agreed with the saying that "character determines destiny". Whether a person lives happily or not, how well he lives, and even what height he can reach, apart from his starting point It has something to do with the effort, and more to do with his character.

A person who is optimistic, cheerful, and can actively deal with difficulties. No matter how many hardships life throws at him, he can still face them with an optimistic attitude and solve one problem after another that may not be solved at all in the eyes of others.

As for a pessimistic, negative person who always likes to view everything he encounters negatively, even if life sends him flowers, he will still find many faults in the beautiful flowers, and then continue to complain about life. It’s not easy, the world is miserable.

Linghu Chong and Lin Pingzhi were both unfortunate people. Although Lin Pingzhi's experience was really miserable, Linghu Chong was not much better than him.

Linghu Chong was an orphan since he was a child. He regarded Yue Buqun as his biological father, so when he learned that his most respected master turned out to be a hypocrite, the pain was as severe as Lin Pingzhi's experience of losing his parents.

When Lin Pingzhi first arrived in Huashan, he was ostracized by his senior brothers, but he won Yue Lingshan's heart. Linghu Chong acted chivalrously but was punished, while Yue Lingshan fell in love with someone else at this time. She was seriously injured later and could die at any time. In this comparison, Lin Pingzhi's experience was really not that much worse than Linghu Chong's.

However, the endings of the two were completely different. Lin Pingzhi was dazzled by hatred, completely demonized himself, and finally ended up tragically. But Linghu Chong was able to let go of his resentment and wander around the world with his beloved.

The different personalities of the two people created their different endings. Lin Pingzhi's pessimism and resentment frightened people, but Linghu Chong's optimism became a healing medicine, allowing everyone to face difficulties like him with optimism.


Author: Yong-Sunshine, using simple words to explain the truth of emotion. I would like to use words to accompany you to understand all kinds of emotions in the world.