Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, revealed that he had a brain tumor in February this year and said that he had "three years left to live." Agent Zheng Naijia explained that the tumor was a benign tumor and also said that Li Ao had begun

Taiwan Well-known writer Li Ao revealed that he had a brain tumor in February this year and said that he had "three years left to live." His agent Zheng Naijia explained that the tumor was a benign tumor and said that Li Ao had started target and radiotherapy and did not need to be hospitalized. Let the outside world breathe a sigh of relief. However, it has recently been reported that Li Ao's son Li Kan wrote an article "Li Ao walked through the gate of hell". The content mentioned that Li Ao's pneumonia worsened due to weakened immunity. When Li Kan rushed to the hospital, Li Ao was even intubated, and the doctor even Saying that he "may not be able to survive", Li Ao's agent confirmed that he was indeed hospitalized due to pneumonia and is still recuperating.

▲Li Ao was reportedly hospitalized due to pneumonia. (Picture/reproduced from Li Ao’s Facebook)

According to Taiwanese media reports, an article "Li Ao once walked through the gate of hell" written by Li Kan was circulated on the Internet, pointing out that 82-year-old Li Ao received radiation therapy to treat a brain tumor and therefore suffered from insomnia. A small amount of steroid drugs helped reduce swelling, which led to Li Ao's weakened immunity and pneumonia. Zheng Naijia also confirmed that Li Ao was admitted to the intensive care unit due to infection of acute pneumonia . In the article, Li Kan thanked Chen Wenqian for going to visit his father. Originally, Li Ao did not want his family to inform his son. Fortunately, Chen Wenqian realized that something was wrong and informed the person that Li Kan, who was studying in the UK, quickly returned to Taiwan. Chen Wenqian also confirmed in a low-key manner that Li Ao was hospitalized, but The details are still left to the family to respond to.

▲Li Ao was in critical condition for a time. (Picture/reproduced from Li Ao's Facebook)

Li Kan revealed in the article that Li Ao's condition was quite critical at one time, and he even received a "critical illness notice", but he firmly held his father's hand and asked him to "get through it." Li Ao Sure enough, after surviving this dangerous period, his health gradually improved. Li Kan also said that even when his father was ill, he still had a very humorous personality. For example, he once said in Li Ao's ear: "Dad, I love you very much, you know, right?" Unexpectedly, Li Ao's eyes immediately widened, and he laughed and said, "Dad, I love you very much." He must have been thinking, "How could my son say such disgusting words?" After the breathing tube was removed, the nurse asked Li Ao to tell him his name. Li Ao actually replied, "My name is bastard," which made everyone present laugh.

▲Li Ao and his son Li Kan. (Picture/reproduced from Li Ao’s Facebook)

Zheng Naijia revealed that Li Ao still hoped to continue writing books during his illness, but the doctor advised him not to rush. Zheng Naijia also said that during Li Ao’s hospitalization, his wife and children would come to stay with him, and his condition had gradually improved. He is getting better and is currently admitted to the general ward. Apart from his relatively weak physical strength, he is otherwise fine. He should be able to go home to recuperate when his physical strength is better.