The author's financial evaluation room CITIC Bank disclosed in its annual report that it has more than 88.3 million retail customers. This year, China CITIC Bank’s mobile banking expressed its determination to reform, claiming that it would create intelligent services that are “w

Author Financial Evaluation Room

China CITIC Bank disclosed in its annual report that it has more than 88.3 million retail customers and more than 36 million mobile banking customers, with an increase of more than 9 million in 2018 alone. In the year of
, CITIC Bank’s mobile banking expressed its determination to reform, claiming that it would create intelligent services that are “warm and understand you better” for customers, so that they can easily handle multiple banking services on the APP with just a few clicks. . So what is the performance of CITIC Bank’s mobile banking this year? The

financial evaluation room comprehensively scanned the China CITIC Bank Mobile Banking APP from the four major dimensions of user experience, product functionality, performance security, and innovation and development, and more than 150 subdivided indicators, and finally awarded 80.05 points to (total score of 100).

The CITIC Bank APP has relatively smooth operation, rich products, and impressive overseas finance. However, the customer service experience is unsatisfactory. Easy-to-find customer service is difficult to use, and easy-to-use customer service is difficult to find. In addition, there is still a gap between transfers and remittances compared with its peers, highlighted by the fact that it does not support transfer receipts, nor does it support more practical and fast transfer methods such as copying card numbers to activate transfers.

evaluation report

evaluation analysis

CITIC Bank APP has relatively smooth operation and rich products, and its overseas finance is remarkable. However, the customer service experience is unsatisfactory. Easy-to-find customer service is difficult to use, and easy-to-use customer service is difficult to find. In addition, there is still a gap between transfers and remittances compared with its peers, highlighted by the fact that it does not support transfer receipts, nor does it support more practical and fast transfer methods such as copying card numbers to activate transfers.

User experience (31.25 points/40 points)

Easy to find customer service but difficult to use

Easy to use customer service difficult to find

CITIC Bank APP registration and activation methods are rich. Users can self-register in the APP, or activate through counters, online banking, etc. ;Supports user registration from other banks, and you can register using your mobile phone number. Among them, the APP self-service registration process is clear, first register with a mobile phone number and then perform real-name authentication.

However, bugs in the first login and real-name authentication process still exist this year. Looking at the comments in the app store, some users also reported that they encountered "ghosts hitting the wall" when logging in for the first time: login with mobile phone number → it will show that you have registered → if you are not in Set the login password at the counter and select the password to retrieve it online → Log in with the mobile phone again → Real-name authentication is required → Enter the ID number but it shows that the real-name authentication has been completed, no need to repeat the operation → Try to log in with the ID number → The new password you just set shows that the password is wrong → Change the login password online again→Logging in again still fails. The reviewer

discovered after many attempts that if a user encounters such a "ghost wall" when logging into the CITIC Bank APP for the first time, they need to choose to forget their password, and in the process they must retrieve it through their ID number, and then use their ID number to log in. To succeed. (This problem only occurs in this step. If the password is retrieved after successful login, it can be synchronized to other login methods)

CITIC Bank supports login with mobile phone number, ID number, bank card number and email. It is recommended that the prompt text change the mobile phone number Put it first. The APP supports static passwords, fingerprint/gesture passwords, and ios Face ID login, and switching is more convenient. If the user forgets their password, they can retrieve their login password online; if the user changes their mobile phone to log in, a verification code verification step will be added.

CITIC Bank’s slogan is to make a “warm” APP, so the interface color is red. The bottom sidebar retains last year's "Home, Wealth, Life, My" functional sections, and adds a smart voice assistant. However, the promotional image on the "Home Page, Wealth" page is too large and colorful, which reduces the interface experience.

It is worth noting that the four function keys at the top of the APP homepage are the four main functions of "structured deposits, salary pot (monetary financial management and monetary funds), Xinzhi Investment (robot advisory), and credit card application", while the other APPs generally put two commonly used functions, “account and transfer”, at the top.

Compared with last year, the shortcut functional area on the APP homepage this year adopts the "7+1" mode. By clicking the "All" button, users can browse and search all applications, or re-customize "My Services".Among them, the "All" page has clear classification logic and a search entrance; users can customize 7 shortcut function keys, adjust the order, and restore the default with one click, but 7 shortcut function keys must be set.

CITIC Bank APP is commonly used for convenient operations, and many functions such as account enquiries, transfers and remittances, and living expenses can be completed in one step. Commonly used functions of the APP are also related, such as querying account-related transaction details, transferring remittances, purchasing financial management and other functions; after the transfer is completed, they are related to continue transfers, transaction details, and balance inquiries.

In terms of search interaction, CITIC Bank's search function can search for functions, payees, financial management, and funds, but the search function key is only displayed at the top of the homepage, and other important pages such as bank financial management, funds, etc. are not set. In addition, the fuzzy search has a high matching degree, but there is still no linkage to online customer service.

The customer service experience of CITIC Bank APP is unsatisfactory. There are two ways to activate customer service in the APP. Users can click on the "e" sign at the bottom of the page to ask the intelligent customer service "Axin". The page has a list of frequently asked questions and supports voice input. However, during the evaluation, the Sina financial evaluation room found that "Axin" often answered questions incorrectly, and could not jump out of the manual customer service service after replying to messages such as "manual" or "switch to manual". In addition, the prerequisite for voice transfer to "transfer XXXX yuan to XX" is to add the payee as a "trusted payee", and to add a "trusted payee" you must "log in to online banking and use Ukey".

In addition to voice services, CITIC Bank provides "My Customer Service" in the "Message" in the upper right corner of the "Home Page, My" page, but this service has at least the following problems: First, you must search/select an item in the list of frequently asked questions problem, but there is no further prompt when the query has no results; secondly, if the user wants to consult intelligent customer service, he must select "Unresolved" to enter, and the practice of peers is basically to allow users to choose one of the two in the question list/consult customer service; Third, it has not reached the level of advanced peers. When users encounter obstacles, they directly enter customer service. However, there are two things that are good. One is that it can be transferred directly to telephone customer service, and the other is that it supports intelligent transfer to manual service.

In terms of other experiences, the CITIC Bank APP "Message Center" can view bank announcements, user information, marketing activities, and my orders. It supports one-click read all, but there are no moving account messages yet (this function has been added in version 5.3.2) . The "My" page of the APP provides smart billing and smart reminder services, as well as personal information modification and feedback channels. Among them, smart bills are both functional and interesting, while smart reminders have too many popular promotions on the first screen, but the "Financial Calendar" on the lower pages is more intuitive.

It is worth noting that part of the interaction mode of the loan section of the CITIC Bank APP still continues the route of last year. It is not like a column section of the APP, but more like putting WAP on mobile banking. For example, some interactions are directly returned to the CITIC Bank WAP terminal.

Generally speaking, the operation of CITIC Bank APP is relatively smooth, and some aspects of the experience have been improved. However, the customer service experience is not satisfactory. It is difficult to find easy-to-find customer service and difficult to find easy-to-use customers. In addition, the real-name authentication bug during the registration process still exists, and some interaction issues in the loan section are still problematic.

product functions (29.35 points/35 points)

There is still a gap in transfers and remittances

CITIC Bank APP account management function is perfect. Users can click "Account" to see the bank cards and credit cards attached, and can add our bank account (it prompts that there is already an account) ), you can also open an electronic account, and you can also click "My Assets" to view your assets/liabilities. Among them, you can see the basic information of each account (card number, balance, etc.), and you can also set up bank cards and credit cards.

In addition, by clicking on each card on the CITIC Bank APP, you can enter the "Account Inquiry" details page, which displays the available amount of this bank card and the account opening outlet. Click on the card number to directly copy the card number. Click "Settings" to perform a series of operations such as reporting loss, downgrading, setting aliases, modifying small password-free limits, and setting smart security locks.

In terms of transfers, the CITIC Bank APP supports bank card transfers, mobile phone number transfers and cross-border remittances; it supports payee management, inquiry of transaction details and other operations. Among them, bank card transfers can intelligently read the bank, switch the transfer account, and display the available balance.

However, there are still several things that are not done well in transfers and remittances and lag behind peers: first, it supports inquiry of transaction details, but does not support inquiry of transfer details; second, the transfer receipt function has not yet been launched; third, reservations have not yet been launched online. Transfer; Fifth, more practical and quick transfer methods such as copying the card number to activate transfer are still not supported.

In terms of investment and financial management, the CITIC Bank APP has a special "Wealth" section, covering smart deposits, bank financial management, funds, insurance, precious metals, etc. It also provides balance financial management "Xinjinbao", intelligent investment advisory "Xinzhi Investment", and a transfer area. , bank-securities transfers, foreign exchange transactions, etc. still need to download the "Xinhui Investment" APP. For high-net-worth customers, CITIC Bank has also launched private banking agency products, including trust and asset management.

It is worth noting that bank financial management, funds, insurance and other product lines have all carried out certain systematic function construction on the basis of product supermarkets. It is worth mentioning that the description and purchase functions of individual products are relatively complete, and some products support historical net worth inquiries.

In terms of deposits, the "Smart Deposits" section of the CITIC Bank APP is relatively complete, providing special deposits such as time deposits, structured deposits, large-denomination certificates of deposit, demand deposits, and profit-increasing deposits. In addition, the APP has launched special combination deposits, including RMB time deposit products + US dollar time deposit products, cyclical financial management + RMB structured deposit products, and also supports customized small deposit goals, which is highly interactive.

In terms of loans, CITIC Bank APP’s loan product categories include real estate mortgages, credit loans, car loans, and financial asset pledges; the loan product introduction is relatively detailed. However, there are fewer types of loans that support online application through mobile banking.

In the credit card section, the CITIC Bank APP has a "Credit Card" section, which supports online credit card application, checking the card application progress, online card opening, bill inquiry, online repayment, etc. However, it does not support loss reporting for the time being. In addition, it also supports applying for high-value installments, credit card loans, and points mall (still needs to jump).

In terms of daily life services, CITIC Bank APP supports daily payment, phone recharge, business travel reservations, CITIC Mall and other services. It is worth mentioning that CITIC Bank's overseas finance is relatively complete and distinctive, ranging from foreign exchange settlement and sales, cross-border remittances, banknote transfers, to global visas, deposit certificates and other one-stop services.

Generally speaking, CITIC Bank APP has rich products and remarkable overseas finance. However, transfer and remittance still lags behind its peers. The most prominent feature is that it does not support transfer receipts or copy card numbers to activate transfers. In addition, there are fewer types of loans that support online application through mobile banking.

performance security (13.05 points/15 points)

performance security test includes three major sections: basic security measure settings, APP manual penetration analysis and performance testing.

In terms of security settings, the basic measures adopted by the CITIC Bank APP are relatively comprehensive. There are security prompts for logging in, automatic logout after timeout, safe keyboard enabled in a timely manner, anti-screenshot prompts for key transaction pages, etc. In terms of

security testing, the manual penetration report provided by " love encryption ", a technical support company of Sina Financial Evaluation Room, shows that there are 5 risk points of varying degrees among the 12 vulnerability points of 7 major categories of vulnerabilities in the CITIC Bank APP. In terms of

performance testing, data provided by Sina Financial Evaluation Room's technical support CFCA shows that the average memory usage and average traffic consumption of the CITIC Bank APP are better than the industry average, while the average startup time, average CPU usage, and average power consumption are slightly worse than the industry average. Average.

Development and Innovation (6.4 points/10 points)

In recent years, major banks have increased their efforts in APP construction. This year, the CITIC Bank APP has made some new explorations, launched intelligent voice services, tried more convenient ways of interaction (although there is still a lot of room for improvement), and launched a private banking exclusive version. In addition, the "Going Abroad Finance" special service has been improved, providing "branch area" services, and also supports interesting gold red envelopes and customized deposit plans.

In terms of WeChat banking construction, CITIC Bank's WeChat account is divided into three sections: "My Wallet", "Enjoy Life" and "Special Services", which supports debit card and credit card inquiries, transaction reminders, and the purchase of some products. In addition, the "CITIC Global Signature" special business applet is provided, but the offline linkage development is average.

(the test version is 5.3.1, the performance test data is provided by CFCA, the security test data is provided by Ai Encryption, the evaluation deadline is July 3, 2019)